Seeing Su Can again, Yang Yan was shocked and surprised. because!

This face has always appeared in her dreams during this period of time. It can be said that she is haunted by it and cannot forget it...........

She thought about this person day and night. even!

She felt that she would never have a chance to see this person again. result!

Who would have thought that she would actually see this person again in the company where she was interning.

Yang Yan was immediately filled with joy

"Yang Yan!"

Su Can spoke, not pretending not to recognize Yang Yan.

"Su, Mr. Su!"

Seeing Su Can take the initiative to say hello, Yang Yan was a little surprised, stood up, and said with a slight stutter.

"Why are you here?"

Su Can asked

"I! I! Yang Yan looked at Su Can nervously, bit her tongue and said,"I'm here for an internship."" practice........

Su Can looked at Zhang Yiming next to him

"Mr. Su!"

Zhang Yiming explained:"In our company, some students who are still in college come to do internships. These are students studying finance."

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Su actually knows her!"

Zhang Yiming felt incredible.

After all!

She could see that the relationship between the intern in front of her and Mr. Su seemed a bit unusual. It was definitely not just a simple acquaintance.

You know.........

Mr. Su's status is so high that Zhang Yiming can hardly imagine it.

Even his former boss, Murray, who manages a giant Internet company worth tens of billions of dollars, is his subordinate.


Mr. Su, how terrifying is this?

Not to mention.

After Mr. Su took a fancy to him, even the richest man in the country showed kindness to his family. You must know that this man is the richest man in the country!

Such a status.

It is definitely not something that ordinary people can compare to.

It can be said that in the domestic business circle, the richest man in the country is at the forefront. Such a person also extended an olive branch to the Zhang family because of Mr. Su. this.........

This shows that the richest man also needs to please Mr. Su when facing him. Otherwise, why would he care about him?

Even if the richest man is at the same level as Mr. Su, there is no need to do this to someone Mr. Su likes.

That kind of people!

He has long been aloof and does not need to please the people below him. He will only do this when facing people who are stronger than himself.


Mr. Su's status can be imagined.

Zhang Yiming is not a fool, he is very smart and has a lot of knowledge, even though his family is not the kind with a net worth of billions or tens of billions.

However, his father's assets had already exceeded 100 million before he met Mr. Su.

In 2009.

With assets of over 100 million, one would be considered to belong to the upper class anywhere in the country, let alone others.

He doesn't know where.........

What's going on!

And now!

Zhang Yiming's heart was full of curiosity.

This intern actually has an unusual relationship with Mr. Su. With such a close relationship, why did he come to be an intern with him? this?

I can’t figure it out! because!

According to this relationship, even if this girl is just a college student, it is okay even if she goes to an Internet giant like Weibo that is about to go public!

Not going now?

Came to him?

Was this sent by Mr. Su to supervise him?

In Zhang Yiming's heart, countless thoughts popped up in an instant. These thoughts gathered together, and then he denied them one by one..........

These seem impossible.

If Mr. Su doesn't trust him and wants someone to supervise him, he needs to send someone over. At least he should have someone who is a middle-level and senior-level person in Tiaodong Company!

How could you choose such a girl?

Just an intern.

Even some of the company's secrets or some ordinary things cannot be accessed. What if such a person comes to work as an undercover agent?

That's something even ordinary people wouldn't do.

What's more, Mr. Su!

With Mr. Su's status, his means must be high and he would never do this.


Zhang Yiming thought that when he saw Su Can for the first time, he saw Su Can's powerful courage. With such powerful courage.

He certainly wouldn't do that.


The major shareholders of this company have their shares listed on the Weibo accounts of Mr. Su and Mr. Mu.

Zhang Yiming was puzzled in his heart.

After Su Can heard Zhang Yiming's words, he thought for a moment, looked at Yang Yan, and asked:"Is it Qingqing who arranged for you to come here to work?"


Yang Yan nodded obediently.

Zhao Qingqing!

Su Can completely understood.

These were all arranged by Zhao Qingqing.


This must be a coincidence!

Because, Zhao Qingqing took over Yang Yan's affairs, and she was responsible for helping Yang Yan, and she also knew about the bet between Yang Yan and Su Can.........

Zhao Qingqing also hopes to help with this. She has donated money to children going to school since she was a child.

This kid is so sensible. so!

Zhao Qingqing wanted to give Yang Yan a chance, and it was the kind of opportunity that might change her destiny.


Choosing this beating company is a matter of course.

Even Zhao Qingqing didn't know that this company was invested by Su Can, but it didn't stop Zhao Qingqing from knowing the potential of this company.

Just a few months after its establishment, it has become an Internet company with 20 million users. It is obvious that in the next few months, it will reach an Internet company with hundreds of millions of users!

Such a potential stock!


Weibo also has investments in this company. It is a bit difficult for Zhao Qingqing to arrange for someone to come here and hold an important position.


If you arrange for someone to come here for an internship, it really shouldn't be too difficult.

To know!

After Murray graduated with his Ph.D. from Tsinghua University, it was Zhao Qingqing who recommended him to work as secretary next to Su Can!

And Zhao Qingqing!

He was Murray’s tutor during his master’s and doctoral studies. then!

She is also the vice president of Tsinghua University!

Under such a relationship, as long as Zhao Qingqing mentioned it to Murray, it would be a matter of minutes, and he didn't even need to mention it to Murray.

Just in the beating company, some people know Zhao Qingqing.

If she speaks.

Many people would be willing to help her.

Because although Zhao Qingqing has resigned from the position of vice president of Tsinghua University, some of the students she has taught over the years have reached a higher position than she stands.

It can be said.........

The world is full of peaches and plums.

In addition, Zhao Qingqing has been helping some of her poor students over the years. After those people have reached a higher status, can they not repay the favor? ps please subscribe please subscribe

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