If Zhao Qingqing had not resigned but continued to work, with her powerful resources, she would have started to support her students in various ways in the 1980s.

Her network resources and the power she can mobilize.

Definitely not inferior to the second-rate families in Yanjing City. if........

She was able to become the president of Tsingta University.

I am afraid that even the first-class big families in Yanjing City would not dare to be enemies with them. Such a strength is really too terrifying. then!

After Zhao Qingqing met Su Can, with Su Can's help.

In just a few years, she became a wealthy woman.

And where is Zhao Qingqing!

She is kind-hearted and not too ambitious. In addition to buying a better courtyard house with the money she received, she also helped many students.

All the students she takes care of. almost!

She has generously donated money and helped many people who have come out of poverty or encountered real emergencies. Among these people. no lack.........

He has reached the same level as her, or is higher than her.

These people were naturally grateful to her.

Whether it was because of Zhao Qingqing's help back then or because of Zhao Qingqing's huge network resources, they all surrounded their mentor.

A lot of people gathered.

It is this kind of interest relationship, coupled with kindness, that firmly locks people together.


Everyone gathered around Zhao Qingqing.

Even though Zhao Qingqing has resigned from such a position and is no longer at Tsinghua University, Zhao Qingqing's influence has not declined much.

Not Su Can!

Just the power and human resources that she can mobilize now are no less than any quasi-second-rate big family in Yanjing City, and they are even among the second-rate big families.

Such huge power.

Arranging for Yang Yan to join this jumping company is not an easy task.

"Do it well........."

Su Can looked at Yang Yan, smiled slightly, and said,"I'm off work at noon, I'll treat you to dinner!"

"Thank you Mr. Su!"

When Yang Yan heard this, she was suddenly overjoyed, and a bright smile appeared on her face.


This youthful and pretty face, this smile, when Su Can saw it, he was a little startled, but Su Can was still very happy. He quickly regained his composure.

When Yang Yan saw it, she suddenly felt even more happy.


Yang Yan was so excited that her heart beat faster.

"Just now! She thought to herself:"I seemed to have seen it just now. When Mr. Su was looking at me, he was a little lost in thought. Do I really have a little bit of charm that can make Mr. Su like this?""

Thinking of this!

Yang Yan felt hot in her heart.

She just felt.........

This feeling was so wonderful that not only did her heart beat faster, but she also felt a heat rising on her face, which made her feel extremely excited.

She found out!

I don’t seem to be unattractive! have lunch!

Lunch with Mr. Su. this?

When she thought of this, a strong sense of expectation suddenly arose in her heart.

"Good job!"

Su Can nodded to Yang Yan, and then walked forward.

Zhong Mingqiang and Zhang Yiming saw it and immediately followed behind. Especially Zhong Mingqiang, he quickly came to Su Can's side and whispered in Su Can's ear. Said:"Third brother, I'm sorry!"

"Ever since Principal Zhao took over Yang Yan's affairs and her affairs were completely resolved, I stopped paying attention to her."

"So, I didn’t know Yang Yan was here."

If he knew, he would definitely tell Su Can in advance.


Now this matter has been handed over to Zhao Qingqing. Who is Zhao Qingqing?

That is the third brother's woman.

Even if there is no clear matchmaker to marry him, for him, even if the other party accepts it, he can't let others follow him all the time. That is too inappropriate.

This is equivalent to even Zhao Qingqing being monitored.

Such a thing!

Can he do this?

If you do this, it will definitely be a taboo for the third brother. Give him ten times the courage of Zhong Mingqiang, and he would not dare to do this.

"It's okay, just a small accident!"

Su Can shook his head, not blaming Zhong Mingqiang, and said:"Qingqing seems to have taken it seriously, and the arrangement is quite good."

As for Zhao Qingqing's arrangements,.........

Su Can can also guess a few points. and!

It can be seen that Zhao Qingqing is very attentive. If he was very casual, he would not have arranged for such a company with unlimited potential.

Not as good as that!

Throw it directly to a Fortune 500 company.

Don't say it!

Zhao Qingqing can arrange this kind of internship unit, let alone the top 500 companies in the world, even the top ones in Yanjing City.

This is just an internship opportunity.

It's not really a job.

If it were real, it wouldn't be difficult.

With Zhao Qingqing's current huge strength, it is really simple to achieve this step.

And she arranged for Yang Yan to come here because she really thought about Yang Yan. After all, working in a Fortune 500 company is not necessarily better than working in a Fortune 500 company. Gradually growing up and becoming a new Internet giant or a listed company, the benefits brought by That resume is even more eye-catching........

Especially the Internet industry.

This kind of thing!

As long as you work in a few big factories or unicorn companies and change jobs once a year, your salary will skyrocket!

Not to mention others.

This company!

For Yang Yan, that was really a very important opportunity. but!

Su Can felt that Zhao Qingqing might not be willing to let Yang Yan do anything else. Maybe after graduation, Zhao Qingqing would directly sign Yang Yan. or!

Let her go to graduate school and get a Ph.D. then!

He was directly assigned to teach in the school she founded. In a few years, he would be promoted to associate professor, and in a few years, he would be taught directly.

To know.........

Other schools may need to pay attention to qualifications, but it doesn't matter much like Yang Yan's, unless they have achieved extraordinary abilities. otherwise!

It's hard to reach a senior level so quickly in your thirties.

And if it were here with Zhao Qingqing.

Based on Zhao Qingqing's love for Yang Yan, it is not difficult for Zhao Qingqing for Yang Yan to move up so smoothly.

Yang Yan now!

Just like Zhao Qingqing took it out and practiced it. after all!

A girl remembered by Su Can was a child whom Zhao Qingqing had sponsored to go to school since she was a child. Such a person had long been on the list of Su Can and Zhao Qingqing. unless!

Yang Yan abused herself and destroyed herself.

Otherwise, if this continues, this girl will have a bright future!

Not to mention the billions or tens of billions of net worth. but.........

Having a net worth of several hundred million is still a very simple matter. Such difficulty is really not that difficult!

"Yang Yan? Who is that?"

Yang Yan returned to work, and the people next to her asked curiously. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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