Su Can and his group headed inside the building.

Although Tiaodong Company works there, it only rents about one floor and does not have a building of its own.

"Do you need any help in this building?"

Su Can said looking at Zhang Yiming who was waiting for the elevator with him.

"Mr. Su........"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yiming said:"Mr. Zhong has helped solve these problems. The building management is very good to us and there are no problems."

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang, and Zhong Mingqiang nodded slightly.

Su Can smiled slightly.

Ming Qiang seems to have done everything well. but!

This is also normal. after all!

This building is also a property owned by Su Can. All he needs to do is say hello. This is a very simple matter.

Except for this building.

Su Can's properties include dozens of major buildings in Yanjing City. these buildings.........

Either it's held by a company under Su Can's name, or it's held by some of Su Can's industries, such as Sino-Ocean Real Estate!

Guoqiang Electronics Factory, run by Lu Guoqiang.

Dongfeng Logistics, KFC and Su Can's supermarket industry. these companies.

Anyone with strong strength, even if their headquarters is not in Yanjing City, will still buy or build a building here in Yanjing City.

It can be said!

Therefore, there are only dozens of buildings controlled by Su Can. For Su Can, that is really a bit too small.

Soon, I got on the elevator.

The elevator stopped at the seventeenth floor.

At the beginning!

Tiaodong Company only rented an office area of ​​about 100 square meters. As it grew bigger and bigger, in just a few months, it had rented the entire east floor.


The elevator door opens.

They entered the company, and the door was filled with the company's log. For an Internet company, their log is very important. then!

Look inside again.

This is a very simple office area. Many people are busy working hard. They came in facing Zhang Yiming, but not many people responded.

And continue to work on the computer.

Su Can looked at it, not surprised.

Count it up!

In terms of dealing with people, these technical apes are the ones who have the least dealings with people. They are immersed in their own code world.

"Sorry Mr. Su, these people? them!"

Zhang Yiming looked at Su Can awkwardly and said embarrassedly.

There are some words.........

He stammered and didn't dare to say it.

"I understand! Su

Can smiled slightly and said:"This is the way to do things. If someone comes at any time, the whole company will stop working to welcome him.""

"Then this company is not far from bankruptcy!"

Su Can said with a smile.

"Thank you Mr. Su for your understanding!"

After hearing Su Can's words, Zhang Yiming felt relieved.

Others didn't know Su Can's terror.

But he knew it very well.

Even that!

He only felt that what he knew was just the tip of the iceberg, but these things were shocking enough. Zhang Yiming's three views of the world collapsed........

He never knew that such a terrifying person existed. because!

Ever since he met and had a meal with Mr. Su, his father's property in Guancheng has skyrocketed like a rocket. many!

To them, it was a top-notch person who invited his father to dinner.

And there are some companies.

Some of them have been placing orders for their factories one after another, and there are even orders for Xiaomi mobile phones, which has put their orders out of the queue for several years.

Their family's property has more than doubled in just a few months.

His father even predicted.

If this continues, in another two years, their family's business will be slightly packaged and successfully listed on the market.

By the time.........

It is not a problem if the market value reaches tens of billions of RMB.

And all this!

Others don't know what's going on, but for Zhang Yiming, they know everything. They don't know where all this is for!

It’s all because of Mr. Su in front of me! because!

These changes all happened after having dinner with Mr. Su.

And behind!

His former boss, Murray, the person in charge of Weibo, also secretly revealed some information to him, saying that Mr. Su is the person at the top of the business circle in the world.

If he can seize the opportunity. future!

Becoming one of the top richest people in the country is not without opportunities.

Through these words, he realized that Mr. Su, who had a meal with him, seemed so approachable, but was actually such a terrifying existence..........

It's so scary. fine!

These days, the performance of Duanzi has been good. Otherwise, Zhang Yiming would feel a little uneasy when he saw Mr. Su again.

Although this attention has brought huge opportunities to him and the Zhang family.


For Zhang Yiming, this was a huge pressure, like a big stone, pressing hard on him. if!

He doesn't achieve anything.

That's for him!

He cannot bear these honorary opportunities. people.........

It is because you are useful that you will be favored by others, choose you, and help you. In this world, except for the country, few people are willing to help a useless person.

"Walk! Conference room, let’s hear some of your views on the company!"

Su Can didn't care about the reactions of other people in the company. After all, even when he went to any company under his banner, he concealed his identity and was not exposed.

He was the boss behind these companies.

Even now.

Among the troika owned by Su Can, including the most powerful Vientiane Group, Yong'an Bank and Qianfen Investment Company, few people know about this matter.

What's more!

Nowadays, even the seedlings are not considered a beating company!


Zhang Yiming said respectfully.

Several people headed towards the conference room. Just as they reached the middle, Su Can glanced out of the corner of his eye and was slightly surprised. He actually saw an acquaintance here.

This surprised Su Can

"Yang Yan!"

Su Can looked over.

As if she felt the eyes of others, Yang Yan was working hard, but she felt a gaze. She looked over subconsciously.

When she saw that face.

Yang Yan The little mouth opened slightly, and he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear in surprise.

"Mr. Su?" she whispered.

She was dumbfounded.........

She never expected that during this period of time, that man would appear in her dreams countless times, and even in some indescribable dreams.

Actually! it's here!

She froze. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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