Su Zeming was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to speak.

Is the father matching?


For the dead Pang Bin, maybe this was a big fish accidentally caught in the trap, and they thought they had made a lot of money this time!

"Mingqiang! Su

Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang and said,"I'll leave the next thing to you. Go find out where Pang Bin and the others came from.""

"Have you been keeping tabs on them in Chengdu, or have you bribed someone to be watched? If someone is bribed by them, they will be dealt with strictly.........."

"If someone is harboring them, then!"

Su Can's eyes showed a hint of coldness.

Regardless of whether those who harbored Pang Bin and others were simply supported by Pang Bin and others, they might as well repay the favor now. They might as well accept the money and do things..After all!

Pang Bin has been wanted nationwide, and there is news all over the country. How could the other party not know it, and if he still does this after knowing it, then he is an enemy.


There are no innocent people.

Because of this kind of war, between life and death, Even if there is no right or wrong, but you have a position and you stand on that side, you are an enemy.

Not because you seem to have done nothing.

You know.........

With Su Can's current status, there are countless people in those huge industries working under Su Can's industry banner.

Such a huge industry.

It has more than one million employees around the world!

He directly controls, or indirectly controls, or is a subsidiary controlled by a subsidiary. When combined, it is normal for the number of employees to exceed millions of people around the world.

Millions of employees!

But millions of families!

Millions of families have been affected by Su Can's huge influence. Once Su Can suffers an accident, his properties will not be fully accounted for.

A turmoil can happen in an instant.

Millions of employees will be affected, and the impact is huge.

Is he innocent?

How can people who have affected millions of families be innocent! Even though he did nothing and did good deeds all his life, he still harbored Pang Bin and others.

That is a heinous crime.

Su Can is not an indecisive person, otherwise, his property would not be so huge..........

"It's the third brother. We have locked the car they drove and passed the surveillance at major intersections. We will definitely be able to follow the clues and find out all the truth."

Zhong Mingqiang said solemnly:"This time, as long as everyone involved, absolutely no one can escape, and they will all be severely punished."

"If I had known earlier, I would have survived."

Su Zeming sighed.

Su Can shook his head and said:"At this critical moment, even if the lion is fighting the rabbit, you have to go all out. You have done a good job and you don't need to survive."

A survivor? Do you need a survivor at this time? No. Su Zeming paused. In fact, if he went all out, it would still be possible to keep him alive, but with this strength, there is no need to expose it. Zhong Mingqiang also said:"Then Ming, the third brother is right, you can't be careless. At this time, if you are not careful, you will be doomed.



He paused and said,"Those people Pang Bin brought are all former dead men of the Bai family. Their identities are extremely secretive and they are all extremely ruthless.""

"There are many lives on their hands. Even if such a person is captured alive, he will not reveal any secrets. This is an absolute death warrior."

"Moreover, maybe they had hidden some poison before they came. If they found something wrong, they might not be caught, and they would swallow the poison and die."

"Or commit suicide with a gun."

The dead warriors trained by such big families are simple.

Even in this era.

Among the big families, that family has not trained many such people. Just look at whether there are such big families. That's just the ability.........

Such a thing!

It's actually not difficult.

Zhong Mingqiang also trained some dead soldiers for the Su family, but most of the identities of these dead soldiers were not activated and were only placed around Su Zeming and the others. if!

If something really dangerous happened, they would do anything for Su Zeming and the others, including taking bullets for them.

And for these dead soldiers.

Su Can also asked Zhong Mingqiang to give enough so that their families would have no financial burden.

These all cost money.


Just by saying a few words, interests can make a person give up. Otherwise, who would hang out with you! like many bosses.........

When it comes to employees, you always have a big pie. Many employees believe you and keep doing it, but when it comes time to divide the pie, they kick them out.

Or turn your back and deny it.

In this way, who else can follow you.

No one's.

And what about Su Can!

With so many people following Su Can, the first thing Su Can did was to give him a lot of money. The people under him helped him manage so many properties. inside these people.

That person is not worth several billions, but tens of billions, two to three billions, or even tens of billions! these people!

Su Can has never treated him badly. They are naturally grateful to Su Can. Except for Tiger's betrayal, everyone under Su Can is loyal.

Even if I have some small thoughts in my heart, I don’t dare to do it. this is called........

With a big stick in one hand and sweet dates in the other, Su Can has the skills to control him.


At this moment, the light at the door of the delivery room suddenly turned on.

"The doctor is coming out!"

Zhong Mingqiang took a look and said quickly.

Su Zeming and Su Can both had excited looks on their faces, because the doctor came out, which meant that Tang Xuan had given birth to the baby.

And they were there When they were inside, they had no idea what was happening outside.

Even though there were constant gunshots here.


Inside, there were two layers of doors, and they were extremely thick and soundproof. Even though the gunshots outside were loud, they could not be heard. Inside, the sound was very small.


When giving birth, Tang Xuan's voice was not quiet!

All suppressed.

There is no knowledge at all here.

Su Can and Zhong Mingqiang immediately walked up, and the security guards at the stairs were already cleaning the scene and formed a human wall to block them.


At this time, the door opened and a doctor wearing surgical clothes came out.

"Family members!" cried the doctor

"Doctor, how's it going?"

Su Zeming asked excitedly

"Mother and child are safe!"The doctor looked at Su Zeming and said lightly.

Mother and child are safe!

"I have a son........."

Su Zeming suddenly became excited and his eyes brightened.

"I have a grandson!"

Su Can was also a little excited. ps. Please subscribe.

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