Su Zeming immediately followed the doctor in to see Tang Xuan and the child.

Naturally, it was inconvenient for Su Can to go in. but!

Su Can also breathed a sigh of relief

"Congratulations to third brother........."

Zhong Mingqiang came over and congratulated Su Can

"Ha ha!"

Su Can laughed.

Zhong Mingqiang continued:"Third brother, Huang Hanjiang is here. Do you want to meet him?"

"Let’s meet!

Su Can nodded slightly and said,"Let him come up here.""

For Su Can.

He has already stood at the pinnacle of the world. Huang Hanjiang's current status is the same as before when Li Changqing was not married to the Su family.

Compared with Su Can's status, it is far behind.


Su Can didn't care so much. He was an easy-going person, and he would not look down on others because of their low status.

After a while,

Zhong Mingqiang led a burly man with a strong aura. Arrived next to Su Can.

Next to Su Can........

His powerful aura was as if he had encountered a powerful aura that was thousands of times greater than his own. His aura instantly became invisible.

"Mr. Su!"

Seeing Su Can, Huang Hanjiang said with slight respect.

After all, he can be considered a member of the Su family.


Back then, he was favored by Su Wen because of his ability in doing things, so he was born as an ordinary person, and now he is Such a position.

You know!

If it weren't for Su Wen, it would be unbelievable for a man of ordinary background to reach this position in his fifties now. Moreover, just because Su Wen was Wen, so he still has a chance to go further.

He is from Su Wen's lineage.........

However, despite this, he knew that the person in front of him was the cousin of his former boss, a terrifying existence even more powerful than Su Wen.

That year, Su Wen came to Sichuan and attracted countless companies to invest.

In the eyes of ordinary people.

This is Su Wen’s great energy.

However, as one of Su Wen's confidants, Huang Hanjiang knew more than ordinary people. All these resources were brought by this person.

And this one.

Legend has it that the Vientiane Group, the largest financial investment company in Hong Kong, is owned by this person, and he is the largest shareholder of this company.

Many of the country's top wealthy people are his disciples.

He had seen it before.

Lu Guoqiang, the richest man in the country, according to common sense, Lu Guoqiang has reached the top of his career in the country, and his status is not low.........

Even if he is in a high position.

But even if you can compare with Lu Guoqiang here in Sichuan, if you are in the country, you can't compare with a rich man with Lu Guoqiang's resources and astonishing wealth.

Lu Guoqiang came to Sichuan to invest, and this man also came at that time.

It's just too low-key.

He did not attend the dinner, but only attended Su Wen's private banquet, and as Su Wen's confidant, he was naturally brought along.

He saw the richest man in the country, Lu Guoqiang, groveling in front of him, acting like a subordinate, but he was not shocked at that time.

He was shocked.

He found out later.

Lu Guoqiang is just a disciple of this one.

He is known as the top godfather in the domestic business circle. Many people are responsible for the industries under his command. This man is really a man with great eyes and hands.

Don't say it's this one.

Even his chief steward Zhong Mingqiang, Huang Hanjiang did not dare to show off in front of him, but treated him as an equal. he knows........

As that person's big housekeeper, even if Zhong Mingqiang's identity is just a big housekeeper, the resources Zhong Mingqiang mobilizes are definitely more than his.

He is simply not as good as the resources that Zhong Mingqiang can mobilize.

"The Han River is coming!"

Su Can looked at Huang Hanjiang and nodded slightly.

"Mr. Su, I'm late. Such a thing happened in Sichuan. Please forgive me for my negligence, Mr. Su."

Huang Hanjiang saw Su Can's calm expression. He did not feel happy, but apologized quickly.


He was in Sichuan, and these were originally within his duties, and this kind of thing happened to him. That's definitely a big oversight.

Not to mention........

This Pang Bin is no ordinary person!

That's a wanted criminal.

This is more serious. fortunately!

Just enemy casualties.

If there were ordinary casualties, then his position would be over. Su Can could indirectly save him once.

In his heart, he was a little grateful

"Now is not the time to talk about this!"

Su Can shook his head and said:"The other party was originally my enemy, but I didn't expect that they actually fled here."

"I'll leave the next thing to you. Don't let ordinary people know about this matter, and dissipate it into the invisible."

"In addition, the cameras in this hospital must have been completely destroyed after they were obtained! Some things are not suitable to be exposed........."

Su Can said one by one.

If Huang Hanjiang did not come.

Su Can asked Zhong Mingqiang to call the capital force behind the hospital.

For this kind of private hospital.

To be able to achieve such a big scale, the capital behind it is definitely not simple.


No matter how simple capital power is, it really doesn't matter to Su Can, because almost all of the top capital power in the country are related to Su Can's industries.

There is no doubt about it.

Like Sichuan.

The most powerful capital force here today is naturally the Liu family of Sichuan. Ordinary people only know that the Liu family is actually a pig farmer.


What I don’t know is that the Liu brothers are very influential and powerful in the larger domestic industry........

Their capital is found in many places in Sichuan.

If Su Wen hadn’t come here.

Su Can came here with a lot of companies. Maybe the capital power of the Liu family is everywhere here now, but for the Liu family.

Su Can didn't have any bad impression.

The Liu family is not the kind of people who are unkind because of their wealth. On the contrary, the Liu family has invested a lot in charity over the years.

The Liu family is also very low-key.

It is rare to see some scandals about the Liu family. The fact that this hospital has become so big must have some capital from the Liu family behind it.

If Su Can wanted the information on the surveillance cameras, he asked Zhong Mingqiang to call the wealthy man of the Liu family who was known to many people. basically........

It's just a phone call.


Now that Huang Hanjiang was here, Su Can didn't let Zhong Mingqiang do this. He asked Huang Hanjiang to do it, so as not to expose the news that he was here. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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