Su Can nodded with satisfaction and said,"You can handle this matter.""

"It's the third brother! Zhong

Mingqiang said respectfully:"I have already called Huang Hanjiang. He arranged for the nearest person to come over and clear the area.""

"By then, if this matter is suppressed, it will not cause panic among the public."

"Another third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang said in a deep voice:"We all need to get the surveillance video here to prevent something from being copied and spread out by people here."


There are no surveillance cameras around here.

After all!

These days, although there are surveillance cameras in many places, there are not as many as ten years ago. If there are surveillance cameras now, most of them are at the gate..........

After hearing what Zhong Mingqiang said, Su Can nodded in agreement.

If in a few years.

In this kind of situation, a person can just hold a mobile phone and upload it to various short videos on the Internet, which will completely explode in an instant.

It's hard to suppress

"Third brother, now there is only one last question left."Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Can, looked around with his peripheral vision, and said slowly

"Do you feel betrayed?"

Su Can asked with a smile.

Of course he knew what Zhong Mingqiang meant.

Someone might have betrayed him.

"Zeming, what do you think?"Su Can did not wait for Zhong Mingqiang to speak, but looked at his son Su Zeming next to him, and asked his son's opinion with a smile.

When Su Zeming heard this, he paused slightly.

He thought for a moment


Su Zeming took a deep breath and said,"I think the undercover thing may not exist."

"Tell me what you think?"

Su Can said with a smile.

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he stood aside wisely and did not speak out the uncertain thoughts in his heart. Instead, he just looked at Su Can and Su Zeming's father and son quietly.

He could not see anything.

The third brother wants to take the test to find out.

Nothing else.

This is quite normal.

If you want to inherit an industry as big as the third brother, whether it is business means, personal means, or some reaction.

It is definitely not enough to pass the test.

Ze Ming has a lot to do.

This is what the future heirs of so many properties must do. With so many properties of the third brother, even if he follows the third brother so many years.........

It can be said!

He is the person that Third Brother trusts the most, and he has seen much more than Lu Qianshan, Li Xueer and Xu Yan, the three most powerful princes under Third Brother.

Of course he knew the horror of the third brother.

The third brother casually exposed some of it from the gap between his fingers. This can create a domestic Fortune 500 company. If it is opened bigger.

That can be turned into a Fortune 500 company.

It is obvious that it is particularly successful now.


That's just compared to some young people at home and abroad today, although it is much more powerful than many big shots when they were young.


Compared with the third brother.

It's really not even close.

He still needs to work harder.........

Su Zeming also saw his father Su Can's intention and replied in a deep voice:"Dad! Even I know you came here when you came to Chengdu.""

"It's impossible for your security to know something that even I don't know about, and Uncle Zhong, who has been with you for so many years, is even more unsuspected."


Zhong Mingqiang serves as Su Can's security and is deeply trusted by Su Can.

If he is an undercover!

How can this be fun?

Su Can has been poisoned by Zhong Mingqiang long ago, why wait until now, so this is impossible at all. Zhong Mingqiang, he won't be an undercover agent.

Su Can nodded with satisfaction.

His son was right.

Zhong Mingqiang's expression paused, and he couldn't laugh or cry. Did this sentence praise himself or hurt himself?

This........ but!

Ze Ming is right in saying something, that is, no matter how good Zhong Mingqiang is, he will never betray his third brother. This is something that is impossible in his life.

"Everyone doesn’t know how someone could come here on the back foot before you."Su Zeming said in a deep voice


He paused and then said:"I suspect that Pang Bin and others are not targeting you or me, but Tang Xuan.""

"He must have gotten the news from somewhere. He knew that Tang Xuan was in Chengdu, and he knew that Tang Xuan was my woman, so he was waiting for the opportunity."

"He might be waiting for me, and you, just because of an accident."

Su Zeming's guess is close to the truth.

He knows.

Things like Tang Xuan's are just hidden from ordinary people. If those from the top families really want to investigate!

It's definitely not difficult.

What's more ,..........

Tang Xuan was pregnant. When he brought Tang Xuan here, the Bai family had not yet declined. In Yanjing City, the Bai family was still at its peak.

Under the current situation.

If these resources of the Bai family are found, they will definitely be easily found.


Over the years, although Su Zeming did not do anything to Tang Xuan, some resources were still invested in Tang Xuan, and many people targeted the nouveau riche that Tang Xuan paid attention to.

Or a young man with some identity.

All of them were blocked by Wang Zuo, Li Ming, Zhang Suo, Lu Mingyuan and others.

Who are these people?

They were all Su Zeming's friends. They grew up together and played with each other until they grew up. And they were all vassal families of the Su family. To be precise, they were all Su Zeming's friends.........

It's from Su Can's lineage.

Because their fathers were all under Su Can's command.

They stand up.

That represents Su Zeming's willpower. Even if Su Zeming didn't say it, how could others not feel it?

This obviously means that Tang Xuan is Su Zeming's woman. otherwise!

What did they stand up for!

If these people unite, even some of the top families in Yanjing City will not dare to take action against them.

They can even crush a super big family.

Who dares to provoke?.........

In addition, their family has taken a different path, which has led them to the top position in the country, although this path is not a high status. otherwise!

Their status is not weaker than that of the first-class big families in Yanjing City, but because of this road, they are now only the first-class big families in Yanjing City.

"I am a disaster! When Su

Can heard this, he said with a faint smile on his face.


Although this sentence is a bit heartbreaking, Su Can has actually been reduced to a supporting role. This is indeed a thing, which makes people feel extremely depressed. thing.


Su Can didn’t feel that his son’s judgment was wrong.

On the contrary!

He was right. What his son Su Zeming guessed was almost the same as what Su Can thought in his heart. There was no difference at all. big difference.........

There were no undercover agents and no betrayal. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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