On the plane, except Su Can, everyone else did not have a good rest.

We had flown all the way here, and it was still broad daylight, even though the lights in the cabin were dimmed and the sun visors were pulled down.

However, the security guards didn’t have a good rest..........

Besides, it's noon in the United States, but in China, it's twelve o'clock in the morning.

At this point, everyone is basically asleep.

After Su Can finished speaking, he went upstairs to sleep.

When he landed on the plane, he ate some food, including king crab and lobster. Although it was noon, he was not hungry.

As for whether anyone in the security team is hungry.

They just need to tell the servant and the servant will do it.

Anyway, in the past ten years, although some of those security guards have retired, there are still some who remain here with Su Can.

New here, have been doing this for a few years.

Su Can went upstairs and looked at the room.

This room is very clean and spotless, and the air is very good, even though I haven't stayed in it for a long time, or even only for a few nights throughout the year.

But the maid was still very attentive and tidied Su Can's room very well.

Almost the same, the windows are opened every day for ventilation, so there is no smell here.

Moreover, the bed and quilt were remade by the servants when they knew that Su Can and the others were coming. They were all made very well.

Su Can just lay down and fell asleep.........

After this sleep, I didn't get up until four o'clock in the evening. After sleeping for almost three hours, I felt refreshed and full of energy.

He went to the window and opened the curtains.

It was almost evening now, and the sun was still bright, shining in the yard. The shadows of several trees in the yard fell in front of the window, and Su Can walked to the balcony.

A gust of cool wind swept over and hit his face.

Su Can felt sober in an instant.

He stood on the balcony, leaning on the balcony railing, looking into the distance. This moment only seemed extremely peaceful, which made people feel relaxed and happy, and their hearts sank.


After a while, Su Can slowly retracted his gaze.

Although it is good here, the air is definitely not as good as the air in Qiong Province. As for the air after getting off the plane, the air you smell is the residue of heavy industry.

There is no sweet smell. , if you can smell this kind of smell, then this person's head is definitely full of shit.

Su Can glanced at the setting sun in the distance, which had begun to set.

The heat of the sun was no longer that intense. It was very high, and the color of the sun gradually became redder.

The sun was about to set.

Su Can looked at it, turned around, and walked towards the bathroom, where there were clean towels and bath towels. , and the toiletries are all new........

Su Can simply took a bath.

According to domestic time, he took a shower an hour ago at the slowest time, but when he came to the United States, there was a serious jet lag.

About twenty minutes later, Su Can washed up and walked out.

Su Can changed into clean clothes and headed downstairs.

When they arrived at the hall, Su Can saw the door of the hall. Zhong Mingqiang had been standing there for a long time. It seemed that he had been there for a long time.

"Mingqiang, no rest?"

Su Can took a few steps forward and said in a deep voice.

Zhong Mingqiang was very moved when he heard Su Can's caring words and said,"Third brother, I have been sleeping for two hours, and I just woke up not long ago."

Su Can took a look and found that Zhong Mingqiang had indeed changed his clothes.

"OK! You are not young, so don’t insist on it. There are some things that you can just tell the younger ones to do. You don’t have to do it yourself. If you take good care of your body, you can still do it by my side for decades in the future!"Su Can walked to Zhong Mingqiang and reached out to gently pat Zhong Ming's shoulder.

"Thank you, third brother, thank you, third brother, I will definitely have some health problems otherwise. Zhong

Mingqiang said gratefully.

He is not short of money now, and his net worth is more than one billion. In this era, he would be a rich man.

Moreover, his family owns several courtyard houses in Yanjing City that have not been demolished..

In addition, there are twenty or thirty houses all over the country. What a magic city! What a xiamen! What a Peng city?........

What Tianjing Yazhou!

Anyway, there are a lot of houses. If all these properties are put aside for more than ten years, it will be worth more than hundreds of millions.

Anyway, there is no shortage of money.

Now Zhong Mingqiang's biggest dream is to be able to stay by Su Can's side until he is sixty years old and repay Su Can for his kindness.

What if there was no Su Can?

How could he, who has lost two fingers, live like this?

I don’t even dare to think about it.

Many of his old brothers now have net worths of hundreds of millions or even billions or billions.

Those people are all because he followed his third brother!

It can be said that Third Brother is the belief of their group of people

"Third brother, Mr. Li has sent several cars. They are all good cars, and they are bulletproof. They are very good."Zhong Mingqiang continued.

Su Can nodded slightly. He was already at the entrance of the hall and saw the row of cars parked in the yard.

These cars are all good.

"By the way, let the servants make dinner quickly, and then we can go do some work."Su Can smiled, patted Zhong Mingqiang on the shoulder and said


Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

Su Can watched Zhong Mingqiang leave, and he turned around and returned to the sofa.

At this point, he was really hungry.........

About forty minutes later, the servant slowly brought the prepared dinner to Su Can's dining table under the afterglow of the setting sun.

The dinner was very simple, starting with an appetizer and a soup, followed by a top-quality foie gras, then cheese-baked lobster, and then a top-quality steak.

Finally, there is a fruit snack for sweetness.

Each portion was not big, but after eating it, Su Can was full. Among them, the steak was Su Can's favorite.

Very delicious

"It tastes pretty good!"

Su Can nodded slightly, but it is too troublesome to eat. It seems that we need to find a few chefs to cook traditional Chinese food here! A man with such a rich family is really frugal.

It can be said that he is the most frugal person in the world. The frugal rich man is the richest man in the world.

Like other rich men, they have thousands of square meters of private space in their offices, including gyms, kitchens, cloakrooms, etc.

There are even a dozen chefs. Producing various delicacies from all over the world is more luxurious than a five-star chef team.

What about Su Can?........

Too frugal

"Wouldn’t it be too wasteful?"Su Can thought for a moment and whispered. ps. Please subscribe.

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