"Um! Thirty percent of the angel round is good. Later, in face financing, invest some and occupy the shares........"

"In short, before going public, Face shares should be controlled at about 15 to 20%."

Su Can said in a deep voice.

This is a very large shareholding ratio. If a company is listed for a few years, the major shareholder may not have 10% of the shares.

Like later generations, Bill's shares in Microsoft, It has not reached 10%. The same is true for Boss Ma at Alibaba.

They have all reduced their holdings or continued to dilute their shares through financing, and there is not that much left.

The rest, It’s just the shareholding ratio of the entire team.

Su Can tried his best to let Qianfen Investment Company have 15 to 20% of the shares before Facebook went public, and then slowly reduced its holdings after it went public.........

Of course, it is also possible not to reduce holdings.

Just like SoftBank in its previous life, it held more than 30% of Alibaba's shares. Even after it was listed, Alibaba's market value reached hundreds of billions without reducing its holdings.

Later, SoftBank continued to lose money and began to reduce its holdings.

It depends on the parent company.

If the company's profits are always good, few people will reduce their holdings in Internet companies with such potential stocks.

You might even invest in it.

These are all high-quality assets

"Got it boss."

Li Xueer's eyes suddenly lit up.

She looked at Su Can, and her heart moved because the boss asked her to operate the Face mode, just like Microsoft and Apple did in the past.

Could this be the same level?

Qianfen Investment Company came to mind. With the huge profits earned from Microsoft and Apple, Li Xueer's heart was filled with excitement.........

"Boss, do you want to go and visit the company? Li

Xueer then suggested.

It has been almost twenty years since the establishment of Qianfen Investment Company, but the boss Su Can has never been to Qianfen Investment Company.

This makes Li Xueer very helpless.

After encountering such a big boss who throws away his hands, in the end, Is it better to be happy?

Or is it better to be unhappy? What makes you happy is that the big boss trusts you so much, delegates power to yourself, and allows you to operate with all your strength without any constraints. What makes you unhappy is that your boss doesn’t seem to care about this company at all. Doesn’t it? Is it because I am not doing well enough?

Oh my god?

I am in charge of a company worth nearly 100 billion US dollars, and I still have the stocks of countless companies. A company with thousands of people is not good enough?

Li Xueer has some expectations and worries in her heart, hoping Da Lao Company inspected it.

Su Can shook his head and said,"I have something to do in America. I won't go to the headquarters of Qianfen Investment Company.""

"You asked someone to take us to UN's residence. Let me take a rest. I have something to deal with in the evening."

Su Can said in a deep voice.

"It's the boss!"

After hearing Su Can's words, Li Xueer nodded respectfully, but there was a faint sense of loss in her heart. After all, the boss still refused to go!

Does this company have to be number one in the world before the boss is willing to go?

What if ? When Lu Qianshan found out about this idea, he probably made Li Xueer spit in her mouth.

The big boss went to Meilijia to pick her up. She was in Xiangjiang and had almost no chance to pick up the big boss.

It was the big boss who came. Yes, the driver will pick him up by himself. There is no need to do it himself.........

Lu Qianshan didn't know how much he hoped for Li Xueer's kind of treatment! But she had no chance at all.

Is she still dissatisfied?

The car went very fast, heading towards Manhattan.

The place with the highest housing prices in the United States is also the economic center of the world, and Wall Street is right there.

Qianfen Investment Company, run by Li Xueer, is also there.

Su Can also bought real estate there. There were about several luxury houses, each with an area of ​​more than 300 square meters.

Just one of them costs millions of dollars.

If it were to be left in future generations and its value doubled, there would be absolutely no problem.

In addition to those high-end residences, there are also several villas with large areas and extremely expensive prices.

And here is one of the safest places in the United States. It is a paradise for the rich, with the densest concentration of rich people gathered here.

Most of the world's top 500 companies are here.

Anyone who walks out is an elite person with an annual income of more than one million US dollars. The absolute rich here are definitely not the kind of poor people who live in marginal areas, with dilapidated wooden houses and small gardens.

Those houses made of broken wood in the suburbs may cost only hundreds of thousands of dollars or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If you go into bankruptcy because you can't pay the annual property taxes on your house, cheaper, older houses can sell for a dollar each.

However, the annual property tax paid is not based on the transaction price, but on the valuation given by the local real estate bureau.

About half an hour later, the car stopped at the villa area of ​​Manha Dun........

Soon, we entered the community.

We stopped in front of a villa. This was a villa of about 400 square meters, with seven rooms, each of which was very large.

In addition to this one, Su Can bought the villas on the left and right.

He doesn't like people living around him.

At that time, privacy is not good.

What's more, these villas can also accommodate the security guards who accompanied him to the United States, but he is not used to others living in his own house.

After Su Can and the others entered, there were already several servants in the villa.

These people are responsible for taking care of Su Can's several villas here. There are no mistakes in their work. They have been doing this for nearly ten years.


Su Can got out of the car, looked at Lu Qianshan and said,"Go back!" Ask people to prepare five cars. I will ask for them when I go to bed tonight."

"It's the boss!"

Li Xue'er said respectfully.

Seeing Li Xue'er leave, Su Can slowly walked inside. When he came to the villa, he sat in the hall.

When the servant saw it, he immediately made a cup of tea.

Su Can didn't They are used to drinking coffee. These servants have worked here for nearly ten years. Even if Su Can doesn't come and live here often, they still clearly know that this master likes to drink tea.

"Third brother.........

Watching the servants leave, Zhong Mingqiang and others checked that there were no major problems in the villa, and then said:"Zhou Tong and Lan Qing have been controlled by the Hongmen people and are now in another district of New York City. Do you need to go there?"

Su Can picked up the tea cup, blew lightly, looked slightly outside the hall, and said:"Everyone has worked hard after traveling and traveling. Except for the security guards who are on duty, everyone else should go and rest!" ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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