After resting for a while, Su Can walked out of the villa hall.

At this time, night has completely fallen, and in the courtyard of the villa, the stray street lights are emitting dim light........

There are faint moths flying around the street lamps.

Inside the courtyard, there is an aura of tranquility.

Su Can walked to the car. The team was ready. Zhong Mingqiang was in front of the car door. He saw Su Can coming and opened the car door.

"Third brother! Get in the car!"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

This is a big Hummer. The glass is bulletproof, and the body is made of rear steel plates. Unless a special gun is used, ordinary pistols cannot penetrate it. As soon as

Su Can got in the car, Zhong Mingqiang Close the door and sit on the passenger seat


The car started slowly and headed outside.

Soon, the car left Manhattan and headed towards other neighborhoods in New York City. You must know that Manhattan is the financial center of the world.

Almost, most of them All the Fortune 500 companies are here.

But it is the smallest block in New York City, and there are several blocks outside. Some blocks can be directly called slums.

Zhong Mingqiang explained:"Third brother, Zhou Tong and Lan Qing and the two were originally in Manhaun. The people from Hongmen set up a trap to lure the two out and control them........."

"Now, they are imprisoned in a suburb very close to the slums, where there are often fights with guns, and there are even large-scale conflicts between gangs fighting for territory."

"If Manhattan is a paradise on earth, it is almost a hell on earth."

Zhong Mingqiang, who has followed Su Can for more than 20 years and has been the head of a listed company for many years, is already a person of the past.

In the 1980s, I envied people who went abroad.

But now, looking at those people is like watching Stupid people are like that.

As for the public intellectuals in the country, there are still some who know nothing and can only brag about American keyboard warriors, which makes him look down upon.

Such people have never been abroad in their lives and only think that abroad is paradise.

If paradise So good, how can hell exist?

And this hell is home to most of the population of the United States.

Of course, Zhong Mingqiang admits that America is a paradise for the rich, but it is definitely not a paradise for the middle and lower class people here.

The car is about After driving for an hour, we finally arrived at that neighborhood.

"Bang bang bang!"

Not long after the car entered, loud gunshots were heard. There would be conflicts here almost every night.

Su Can and the others did not pay attention, but drove to the outskirts of a block, approaching the suburbs.

In an abandoned The warehouse stopped.

The barriers in the yard were rusty and there were big holes in some places. The yard in front of the warehouse had abandoned tires, several abandoned trucks, rusty oil drums, and some hanging on the iron warehouse. Tires.

As soon as Su Can and the others entered, they were immediately surrounded by people........

After Zhong Mingqiang got out of the car, he said something, and then when he came to the door, Zhong Mingqiang helped Su Can open the door.

"Third brother, we are here! Zhong

Mingqiang said respectfully


The car door opened and Su Can walked out of the car.

Under the dim light, he looked at the people gathered around him. Their faces were all Asian, probably Chinese.

These were all people from Hongmen.

"Third brother, let me introduce, this is Jiang Chuan, the person in charge of Hongmen’s hall in New York City."Zhong Mingqiang pointed to a middle-aged man among those people.

This man was about forty years old, about the same age as Su Can and others, but he looked much older than Su Can.

"Hello Mr. Su!"

After hearing Zhong Mingqiang's words, Jiang Chuan said excitedly.

As for Zhong Mingqiang, he has long been on the same level as their Hongmen North American counterparts. His security company has a very important position in the world.

Among them, Hongmen In the ears of disciples, he is very famous.

Now this boss Zhong said that his boss wanted to do something. How could he, a Hongmen talker in New York City, not agree?

That would be a blessing! I knew that I was lucky to be able to talk to Zhong Mingqiang, but I didn't expect that I could do something for his boss.........

For Jiang Chuan, this kind of thing is glory

"Hello, Mr. Jiang."

Su Can nodded slightly.

"Mr. Su, just call me Xiaojiang. Otherwise, if Mr. Zhong doesn’t blame me, I will be blamed by the boss when I return to the hall."

Jiang Chuan said.

Su Can nodded slightly, but you're welcome. Hongmen has always been a very patriotic organization in the past few decades.

Su Can also admires these people very much.

"Are everyone inside, Jiang Chuan?"

Su Can asked.

It's too pretentious to call him Xiao Jiang. After all, although Jiang Chuan's status is low, he is still old. Su Can can't call him Xiao Jiang.

"Yes, Mr. Su, people have been under our control for two days. There is no news outside yet, and generally no one comes here. It is very safe and no one knows. Jiang

Chuan said respectfully

"Okay, take us in and have a look!"Su Can nodded with satisfaction and said to Jiang Chuan

"Yes, Mr. Su, please come with me. The place here is not that good, so please don’t mind, Mr. Su."Jiang Chuan said with a low profile.

For him, Zhong Mingqiang is already a big boss.........

Not to mention, now there is a person who is Zhong Mingqiang’s boss. You must know that Zhong Mingqiang’s listed company has a market value of more than one billion US dollars!

His boss?

How rich is that?

Jiang Chuan walked in front, leading Su Can and the others to the warehouse. Jiang Chuan slowly opened the door of the warehouse.

Entering inside, this warehouse is abandoned. The shelves inside have long been rusted and fell down, and some of the steel bars have been broken.

It looks like those crude ore warehouses in later games.

Under the dim light, they walked for a while, then turned a corner and finally arrived at an abandoned container.

Over there, these two people are guarding

"Master Jiang."

Seeing Jiang Chuan, the two guards said respectfully.

"Um! Open it!"Bring the people out,"

Jiang Chuan looked at the two guards and nodded slightly.

After hearing Jiang Chuan's words, the two guards walked to the container, opened the container and walked inside.

Jiang Chuan looked After a pause, he turned to look at Su Can and explained:"Mr. Su, my job is to open a martial arts gym in Tangrenjie......."

Su Can nodded slightly. After hearing what the two guards said, Su Can had already expected it.

"Bang bang!"

There was a noise inside the container, and then the two guards, with two faces familiar to Su Can, slowly walked out. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect and recommend

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