The two of them ate and drank for an hour and ate most of the dishes on the plate.

In fact, most of them were eaten by Bill. Su Can didn't eat much, just a small taste. After all, it's not like he hadn't eaten all kinds of fatty delicacies before and he ate them often........

But Bill is different. This guy is now crazy about it. In foreign countries, it doesn't have such an authentic taste. This guy is now feasting on it.

Most of the food on this plate has been eaten.

"Sue, how much money is left in that fund? I plan to donate another US$10 million to this fund."Bill picked up the last piece of stir-fried sausage, put it in his mouth, and said slowly.

This stir-fried sausage was so fragrant, it was almost the first dish in this sausage feast, with only the red pepper left on it.

"Donate another 10 million US dollars, that’s fine!

Su Can smiled and said:"That foundation now has about two billion US dollars!""

The foundation he was talking about was nothing else, but the result of a bet between Su Can and Bill when they first met.

At the beginning, Su Can and Bill made a bet that within a few years, Microsoft's market value would soon exceed Hundreds of billions of dollars. If it is reached, Bill will spend one billion dollars to establish a foundation to donate to students in some poor areas of China.........

By the early nineties, Bill was losing quickly.

Because Microsoft's market value has not only reached hundreds of billions of dollars, but has also skyrocketed, reaching a huge market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Moreover, it has become the company with the highest market value in the US stock market, surpassing General Motors.

Later, the next year, Bill took out one billion US dollars, and instead of setting up his own company, he donated it to Su Can's charity fund.

Because if he sets up his own fund company with this money and donates it only to Huaxia students, it will inevitably be criticized.

But even so, Bill's donation of such a large amount of money still shocked the world in the 1990s.

A billion dollars!

This amount of money was very important in the 1990s.

Later, Steve Jobs also donated thousands of dollars to this foundation. In addition, Sun Zhengyi, shipping king Li Chaoren and others.

Many of them donated money to Su Can's charity fund.

Over the past decade or so, many people have wanted to develop this fund, but with Su Can around, those who wanted to do so have restrained themselves.

Those who are not afraid of death will basically end up miserable.

In the past ten years, this charity fund has spent more than 2 billion U.S. dollars in China, but there is still more than 2 billion U.S. dollars on the books.........

It has to be said that this is not because Su Can is greedy for this little money.

But because of Su Can's existence, the charity fund makes a lot of money every year from its investment, and the speed of spending money cannot keep up with the speed of making money.

Over the past ten years, it has accumulated and turned into more than 2 billion.

No way, the money is too great.

Of course, even if the spending speed is small, in just a dozen years, the number of Hope Primary Schools donated and built by this charitable foundation for more than ten years has reached thousands.

Some middle school libraries also have numerous libraries.

"More than two billion US dollars?"

When Bill heard this, he was completely stunned. He looked at Su Can in surprise and said,"You are so amazing. This fund spends at least 200 million US dollars every year, and you have doubled the money now."

Su Can He smiled and said,"It's nothing. The average profit in a year is only about ten or twenty percent."

In fact, he didn't make too shocking an investment.

Otherwise, he asked the person in charge of the fund to do short selling in the Hong Kong stock market after the financial crisis swept across Asia.

Maybe it won't be difficult to double it several times.

Doing so seems to be going too far.

So, over the years, Su Can only let this charity fund invest and buy some A-share stocks such as Changhong.

Every year, the income is not low..........

"Then I will donate another 10 million US dollars!"Bill said with a smile.


Su Can is not polite. He knows that this kind of donation can actually be tax deducted. For Bill, donating ten million US dollars is not difficult.

"Su, look at how much money I have donated, can you sell me a few bottles of 30-year-old Moutai?"

Bill heard Su Can agree and said with a trace of expectation on his face.

When Su Can heard this, he glared at Bill."

This guy is just waiting for this opportunity!

He donated ten million US dollars just to get thirty Moutai that is older than 20 years old, this guy’s mind is too active.

"Su, if it doesn't work out, I'll donate another 10 million US dollars."

Bill said with no confidence.

There is no way.

In this world, he can use money to hit anyone at will.

But facing the man in front of him, he would never dare to take out the money and hit this person. That is simply... He 's just humiliating himself.

Because he doesn't have as much money as this guy!

Apart from anything else, this guy's assets are definitely at his peak. When he was at his peak, Microsoft's market value was as high as more than 600 billion U.S. dollars.

His personal assets, after all, It totals more than 70 to 80 billion U.S. dollars. At that time, he was probably not as rich as the person in front of him.

Not to mention, now, Microsoft

's market value has plummeted. He doesn't have that much money anymore..........

Throw money?

How to smash it?

Su Can looked at Bill, dumbfounded. He was the richest man in the world. Why would he have to compromise so much? Can you be a little tougher?

"Fine! You don’t need to donate anymore. If you go back later, I’ll give you ten bottles of 30-year-old Moutai!"Su Can helplessly rolled his eyes and said

"Sue, thank you, thank you."

Hearing Su Can's words, Bill was so excited that he laughed like crazy.

Ten bottles of Maotai?

If he had known that a donation of 10 million US dollars could get so many bottles of Maotai, Bill felt that he would have donated at least 50 million US dollars!

So, isn't that fifty bottles?

These wines are enough for him to return to America. He has been bragging about it with Jobi, the technical geek!

Bill was so happy that he smiled like a child. That way

"You're welcome, I originally planned to give you two bottles."Su Can looked at Bill, smiled slightly, and said


When Bill heard this, his jaw dropped.

It turned out that it was originally a gift!

If I had known better, if I had donated a little later, I might have had a few more bottles! Bill felt a little unhappy in his heart.

He, That's too careless.

Su Can couldn't help laughing when he saw Bill's aggrieved look.........

Speaking of Moutai, he has quite a few in the past thirty years. You must know that when he first collected Moutai, more than twenty years have passed.

Those wines are dozens of tons in size.

Counting it in bottles, it’s about nearly 100,000 bottles a year. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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