
Bill nodded and picked up the open bottle of Maotai. Although this bottle is not 30 years old, it is almost five years old.......

The wine here at Su Can's side is basically not new wine.

Every year, he buys dozens of tons of Moutai, Wuliangye and other top domestic liquors and puts them in cellars across the country.

Only if it has been more than five years old can it be transported to him.

It can be said that in terms of the amount of wine stored, no one dares to say that Su Can ranks second in the world, let alone in China.

Whether it's white, red, ocean, or yellow, Su Can has all the good wines.

Bill poured the wine into the glass and said:"Su, I want to apologize to you. It's my fault that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those words at the Internet conference."........"


As soon as Bill finished speaking, he immediately drank the glass.

Su Can watched Bill finish the glass, and quickly poured another glass. After drinking it all, he drank the last glass of wine.

Three glasses went into his stomach. , although they are all small cups.

However, the alcohol concentration is not low, and Bill’s face turned red.


He coughed a few times.

"Let’s eat some food first!"Seeing Bill like this, Su Can shook his head helplessly, pointed to the dish in front of Bill and said.

Upon hearing this, Bill skillfully picked up the chopsticks and picked up a thick piece of braised pork sausage.

He is a good eater. As soon as I put it in, a look of intoxication appeared on my face.

"Yes, this is the taste. You can't get such a pure taste in America. In Chinese terms, it is too authentic."

Bill picked up another piece, ate it in his mouth, gave a thumbs up and said.

Su Can looked at Bill and couldn't laugh or cry.

This is the richest man in the world.

"Snapped! Snapped!"

Su Can looked at Bill a few times, then put his hands in front of him, clapped them a few times, and made a sound in the huge hall.

"Su, why don’t you eat? This sausage is so delicious, especially the dry-fried sausage. It’s perfect to go with wine........."

Bill picked up the stir-fried sausage and said as he ate it.

This dry-fried sausage is first washed, marinated, and some starch is used to absorb the moisture, and then fried in hot oil.

It turned into a caramel aroma but still had a little chewy texture. After taking it out, saute the dried chili pepper and garlic until fragrant, and then added the fried sausage.

After frying the flavor in, the fat intestine absorbs the burnt aroma of the pepper.

This taste is absolutely perfect when paired with wine.

Su Can looked at Bill who was eating with gusto and smiled slightly.


Soon, someone walked in from outside.

Bill looked at Su Can doubtfully, then moved his nose slightly, his eyes widened, and he suddenly showed an expression of great surprise.

"Wine, old wine! Oh my God! Yes, that's the taste."

Bill's eyes suddenly opened up and he said excitedly.

He closed his eyes and sniffed towards the place where the fragrance was emitted. When the fragrance got closer and closer, the footsteps became louder and louder.

Bill opened his eyes and saw Mu Lei got up with a white wine glass.

The aroma of the wine inside was coming from there.

Bill's eyes were bright and green, and he said excitedly:"Su, that's 30-year-old Maotai wine, isn't it? It's so fragrant." ah........"


Su Can said lightly.

"Oh my God! Su, you are so awesome! You are so kind and so kind to me. I didn’t expect you to let me drink this wine."

Bill was so excited that he almost cried.

He was so excited!

Su Can rolled his eyes when he saw Bill doing that.

Naturally, he and Bill were not angry. The reason why they said there was no Maotai in the 1930s was purely because He was just teasing Bill.

If he was really angry with Bill, he would have stopped treating Bill like this. He would have asked the servant to prepare large intestine sashimi long ago.

Besides, is he the kind of stingy person?

Of course not.

"Boss, this wine has been decanted, and some new wine has been put in to neutralize the taste of the old wine."

Murray said respectfully

"Okay, put it down........"

Su Can nodded slightly.

The 30-year-old Maotai liquor actually needs to be decanted like wine. After all, it has been opened for decades. After opening, the wine and air come into contact, and a wonderful chemical reaction occurs.

Then, new wine was added to make the old wine taste more mellow and delicious.

"Come, come, Sue, I'll pour you a drink."

Bill couldn't wait to pour a cup of tea for Su Can. The richest man in the world directly picked up the cup and poured wine for others.

If this had been left to them, they would have been criticized long ago. People like them, go out to eat. Whatnot, let alone drinking, even if you drink water, the waiter will basically serve it.

There is no need to do it yourself.

Now, Bill, the richest man in the world, serves Su Can like this.

As soon as he pours it for Su Can After drinking, Bill couldn't wait to pour himself a glass, and then picked up the wine glass.

"Sue, shall we meet one?"

Bill said excitedly.

Su Can smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Bill's wine glass, and then made a crisp sound.

Bill picked it up excitedly and drank it all in one gulp.


And, after drinking it, his face was filled with a happy smile, and he made a special sound of"ah" in a gorgeous style........

If I hadn’t had decades of drinking power, I really wouldn’t have been able to sigh like this.

"Su, you are the most generous person I have ever met."

Bill said to Su Can, flattering him.

As he spoke, he poured wine for Su Can. All kinds of flattering words came in an endless stream, and the strange thing was that they were in Mandarin.

Su Can didn't even know, It turns out that he is so awesome.

If Bill didn't tell him, he really wouldn't know


Su Can looked at Bill strangely and said,"Where did you learn to say these words?"

"Watch the Xiangjiang movie! Bill answered truthfully:"In order to learn Mandarin, I watched various Xiangjiang movies. I bought them from here and watched them.""


Su Can was speechless. This guy watched the Mandarin version. It's okay. It's okay.

"Not bad, not bad, watch more."Su Can was helpless in the end and could only encourage Bill to watch more.

What could he do?

He was also helpless!

After all, it felt like flattering the richest man in the world behind his back in his previous life and this life. , he is probably the only one in the world who can enjoy it.

This feeling is really unique........

Don't tell me, it's a bit high-spirited!

But there are many more addictive substances than this high-quality liquor, and it is also easy to get addicted to alcohol. If you want to quit, it will be very difficult, very difficult! ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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