After they finished talking, Su Can and Bill finished their meal soon, and then moved to the sofa, where they drank tea and chatted.

Before we knew it, we talked for another hour.

Su Can admired Bill very much.

This person does not have the perspective of a person from the future, but his personal abilities and vision are unique and he is a very powerful person.

When they talked about the Internet, their minds collided.

Bill was even more happy. Every time he talked with Su Can, he gained a lot and got some unexpected surprises. He was very happy.

These unexpected gains are like sparks.

When these sparks are ignited, a brainstorm can be formed, and then like a spark that spreads across the prairie fire, it ignites the entire mind.


"Take out the camera inside your hand"

"What are you doing? I'm a reporter. It's illegal for you to take my camera."

"Take out all the memory, don’t leave it behind"

"hurry up."

Just when Su Can and Bill were chatting happily, Su Can vaguely heard a burst of noise coming from outside.

Su Can frowned slightly, something happened outside?

"Su, something seems to have happened outside?"

Bill said doubtfully.

"Um!"Su Can nodded slightly. He did not hide it. Such a thing has never happened in the prospect villa area.


While Su Can and Bill were reacting, there was a burst of footsteps outside. It was Zhong Mingqiang who walked in from outside.

"Third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Bill, then looked at Su Can

"Say it! Bill is not an outsider, it's okay."Su Can knew Zhong Mingqiang's concerns and spoke slowly to relieve his concerns.......

Zhong Mingqiang said in a deep voice:"There was a reporter who followed Mr. Bill. After waiting outside for a few hours, he sneaked into the villa area secretly and was discovered and caught by our people."

"Did you come with me? Bill was surprised. He looked at Su Can, waved his hands and said,"Su, my security didn't notice anyone following me!" Su

Can smiled and said,"Bill, there are so many people in Yanjing City, and you are so famous. Your comings and goings will definitely be noticed by major media. Even if some people follow you, you may not be able to find out.""

Besides, this is Yanjing City, and it's not Silicon

Valley. No matter how powerful Bill's security guards are, it's hard to find someone who follows them specifically in a strange city.

And those reporters, as for the richest man in the country that Bill mentioned today, , was naturally extremely curious and wished he could get first-hand information.

When he saw Bill coming out, he thought he might be looking for the richest man.

There must have been many reporters following him.........

However, it was normal for people to be thrown away by Bill's men, and then one or two fish slipped through the net, and Su Can also felt that it was natural.

"Bill, I'm sorry, it seems I'm annoyed again."

Bill said with an apology on his face.

He had just brought one to Su Can in the morning. Now he didn't expect that he would bring another one, which made Bill feel a little guilty.

Su Can smiled and said,"It's all small things. , the reporter doesn’t know whether you are here or in that villa."

"That? Bill asked doubtfully.

Su Can said:"Let's do this!" I got here first tonight, you go back! That reporter, I will see what he took and contact you then."

"Okay, I'll go back first."

Bill nodded and said.

After such an incident, neither of them was in the mood to talk anymore. After Bill finished speaking, he stood up and walked out of the villa.

Su Can went to the yard and watched Bill's motorcade leaving the villa area. Leave through an exit.

Su Can watched the car go away and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Come on, let's go see which media company followed us here."Su Can narrowed his eyes slightly and said

"It's third brother........"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

The two of them headed forward, and after passing two villas, they arrived at the third villa where they controlled the reporter.

The dozens of villas here all belong to Su Can.

Most, today, are vacant.

Except for the maids who clean the house twice a month, there is no one around at all the rest of the time.

"Third brother, this reporter is here."

Zhong Mingqiang said in a deep voice.

Su Can nodded and walked inside.

The lights in the villa hall were very bright. There were several security guards standing inside, and a young man with a bruised nose and face was sitting on the ground, looking at several people with hatred. security

"Let me tell you, you are imprisoning yourself, and that is against the law."

"I don’t care how powerful your background is. There is nothing in Yanjing City that our boss can’t handle. If you do this, you will definitely bear the consequences."

"Do you know Mr. Wang of Sino-Ocean Real Estate, the richest man in Yanjing City? The one who has a very good relationship with our boss"

"When the time comes, if I tell our boss, you will be miserable."

"We at Fengxing Entertainment Weekly will never let it go easily."

"So, please hurry up and return my camera to me, and this matter will be over. Otherwise, this matter will never be over."

"Hurry up........"

The young man sitting on the ground kept making threats, scaring the security guards.

Even Wang Er's name was mentioned.

Their boss knows Wang Er and has a very good relationship with him!

Su Can walked in and heard what the young man said. He couldn't help but smile. He was a smart man.

"If you threaten us like this, aren't you afraid that we will kill you directly and bury your body in the yard, so that no one will find it for more than ten or twenty years?"

Su Can walked in slowly and said lightly.

"Do you dare?"

The young man said loudly, as if without fear, he turned to look at Su Can.

Su Can looked at the young man. Although he said that, his hands and feet were still trembling after hearing Su Can's words.

He He spoke tough, but in his heart he was extremely frightened.

Because he knew that what Su Can said was true. In this villa area that even he didn't know the name of, in such a dark place, someone had killed him and buried him. Who knows?

In more than ten years, it will be just a pile of bones.

He dare not not be afraid.

However, he does not dare to give in now. He is afraid that if he gives in, the other party may actually bury him alive. Get up.

So, with a fierce look and a bad temper, he pretended to be brave.........

Su Can looked at the young man and couldn't help laughing in his heart. He straightened his face and said,"In this case, let's knock him out and bury him alive!"


Zhong Mingqiang saw what Su Can meant and immediately said respectfully, then strode towards the young man slowly. ps Please subscribe

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