"Because you said something wrong today, the wine today does not have the 30-year-old Moutai, but only the ordinary Moutai. Do you like to drink it?......"

Su Can glanced at Bill and said lightly:

"ah! Bill screamed and said,"Su, you can't do this. I've come from afar. To use your Chinese language, I'm a guest from afar, so I have to treat you well." Su

Can looked at Bill, dumbfounded, and said,"You are a good student of Chinese culture. You even use idioms very skillfully.""

Bill showed a little proud look.

Su Can smiled and said:"It's useless. You have made a mistake now. You must not have done anything wrong.""

"Su, don't, don't! Su!"

When Bill heard this, he was completely anxious.

He could see that Su Can was not going to come out with new wine at all, and wanted him to drink the ordinary Maotai wine.

Today, there is no such thing. He wants to drink it. , Moutai that I have always missed.

Ever since I was taught how to drink white wine by Su, Bill realized that the taste of white wine that has been stored for more than ten years or decades is so mellow.

The taste is so beautiful........

Especially, some new wine is added, which makes the taste even more outstanding.

In the morning, after learning that Su Can had agreed to his request, Bill's wine bug had been waiting for this meal for a long time.

Now, if not, he would probably cry, make trouble, and hang himself.

Murray looked at Bill from the side and smiled. Mr. Bill is the richest man in the world and respected by dignitaries all over the world.

In front of his boss, he acts like a child.

If I hadn't seen this so much, I would probably have difficulty imagining that Bill still had such a side, and others basically didn't know about it.

It is estimated that the person ranked second on Forbes today may not be able to see such a scene!

"Su, I have already admitted my mistake, you can't punish me like this."

Bill said with a sad face.


Su Can is very determined. He wants to whet Bill's appetite in this way and make him suffer from alcoholism.

"Su! Bill was about to cry and said,"Then later, can you sell me a few bottles of old wine?""

He really regrets that he was so lax at that Internet conference and told the story that the world's richest man is not him........

Now, I regret it.

Unfortunately, does regret medicine work?

If there was, Bill would definitely spend money to buy one and eat it. This time he had tricked himself!


Su Can said resolutely again.

Bill's face suddenly showed a look of disappointment and regret. He was weak and lowered his head, feeling extremely annoyed.

"Murray, go ask the kitchen to bring out the food! Let Bill first punish himself with three cups."

Su Can looked very happy when he saw Bill like this.

"It's the boss!"

Murray said respectfully

"Come on Bill, let's come down to eat first."Su Can looked at the helpless Bill, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Bill followed Su Can, and the two of them walked to the dining table.

Not long after they sat down, the servants outside were slowly carrying plates one by one. walked in from outside.

After a while, seven or eight exquisite plates were placed on the table........

One of them was a small iron pot, with a small alcohol stove underneath, and the small iron pot was lit and placed on top.

This is stir-fried pork sausage.

When Bill saw the dish, his eyes suddenly lit up, like a hungry wolf's eyes glowing green, so excited.

"It's fat intestines, dry pot fat intestines!"

Bill looked at it and swallowed greedily.

This dish is his favorite!

Ever since Su led him to eat fat sausage, Bill especially likes to eat fat sausage, but his wife and children at home don't like to eat it.

Bill is at home He ate very little, unless he was at work, and he would ask his private Chinese chef to make sausages for him more than three times a week.

However, after eating, Bill still felt that it would be better to eat authentic food at Su Can's place.

"That’s right, it’s dry pot sausage."

Su Can smiled and said.

It's not just dry-pot sausages!

Today's dinner was almost prepared for Bill. Every dish on the table was made of sausages.

"Bill, look at the other dishes......."

Su Can smiled and motioned to the servant to open the lid on the plate.

The servant stepped forward and opened the lids. Suddenly the plates on the table turned red and green, the colors were bright and very beautiful.

"Oh my God! They are all fat intestines. Is today a fat intestine feast? Sue, thank you so much."

Bill was so moved that he almost cried.

He saw all kinds of sausages on the table, including braised sausages, stir-fried sausages, brine sausages, sauerkraut sausages and other kinds of sausage dishes.

Bill felt that tonight was just thirty years away. Maotai, otherwise it would be so perfect.

Looking at Bill's drool, Su Can smiled and said,"You will punish yourself with three cups first, otherwise you will not be allowed to taste these delicacies.""

"OK, OK!"

Bill can't wait to taste these delicious sausages."

"However, please wait for me. I want to take pictures of all these delicacies and send them to Steve Jobs when I get back."

Bill had a bad smile on his face. He was planning to show off to Job!

Look, Job?

This is the sausage feast I had at Su's place. You can't eat it in America. I I can't describe how delicious it is, but if you've eaten it, you know.......

It's so delicious.

Su Can didn't need to think about it, he already knew what Bill would do.

Because besides him, Qiao Busi was also led by him to like the unique taste of fat intestines, especially with wine.

At this point, Su Can has some bad taste in his heart!

Of course, this can be regarded as an outstanding contribution to Huaxia cuisine.

It's a pity that this contribution cannot be spoken out, otherwise, it would easily cause countless people to be surprised and dumbfounded.

This is a bit surprising

"Shoot it! Shoot it!"

Su Can said helplessly.

Bill picked up the mobile phone. This mobile phone was developed by Microsoft themselves. Although it is not as good as Xiaomi mobile phone, its functions are pretty good.

However, whether in the previous life or this life, the mobile phone industry is actually not Microsoft's strength. , they are more on the operating system

"Click! Click!"

After Bill took a few photos from various angles, he felt extremely satisfied, and then slowly sat down.

"Very good!"

Bill smiled and said

"bring it on! First punish yourself with three cups......."

Su Can did not forget the mistake Bill made today, so he asked Bill to punish himself three times by himself first.

It is estimated that he is the only one in the whole world who dares to do this.

Others don't have the guts. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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