At this time, not only the Li family, but also some big families in Xiangjiang and even some big Chinese families in Southeast Asia saw the news.

Basically, it's almost like who that person is.

Only the mysterious boss can be the richest man in the world.

They were both surprised and expected.

Time flies, the day passes quickly, night begins to fall, and it is just dawn in the distant United States.......

Over there, in the dark night of Yanjing City, huge waves are destined to rise.

At this time, the prospect villa area


Two luxury cars slowly drove in from the gate, and then stopped at Su Can's villa. Bill got out of the car.

This time Bill came, not with his secretary, nor anyone else, but himself. and security, very secretive.

Even the media doesn’t know about it.

If they knew, it would definitely be very lively.

"Mr. Bill, welcome."

As soon as Bill got out of the car, Murray walked up and greeted Bill.

Su Can, however, did not come out, but sat in the hall. Among the people who could let him go out to greet him, Bill was obviously not in this group.

He didn't look When he arrived at Su Can, Bill was not dissatisfied, and he was very polite to Murray.

If this were seen, countless people would be shocked and stunned. No matter where Bill goes, the main person in charge of the local area, No matter whether it's an official or a company, who wouldn't personally come to receive Bill?

How could anyone send a secretary like this one!

"Mu, thank you for welcoming me. Is Su inside?........"

Bill smiled heartily.

"Yes Mr. Bill, our boss has been waiting for you inside for a long time. Please come with me."Murray said in Chinese.

When he first knew that Bill could speak fluent Chinese, Murray was shocked, no less shocked than those today who knew that Bill could speak Chinese.

Later, when he knew He was even more shocked when he learned that Bill learned Chinese just to facilitate communication with his boss.

This made him unbelievable.

Later, after following Su Can for many years, he slowly adapted.

Murray concluded In other words, in front of his boss, he shouldn’t be too surprised even if he can fly in space one day on a spaceship.

Anyway, this kind of thing is not very novel to his boss.

Murray led Following Bill, he walked into the villa.

Su Can sat on the sofa, heard the movement outside the door, and slowly put down the Yanjing City Evening Newspaper in his hand.

In this newspaper, the most eye-catching headline is Bill's speech on the Internet forum today.

Bill, the former world's richest man: Bill, the world's richest man, is not the richest man, the world's richest man is a Chinese.

It has not been confirmed yet, but Bill has been called the former world's richest man. Su Can estimates that the world's richest man today Evening reports are like this........

Now, the whole country is reporting this news tonight!

Perhaps, not only in China, but also in Europe in the morning, there had been an uproar there.

As for Asia, it also shocked the world between morning and evening.

Anyway, the news spread explosively.

Su Can smiled helplessly


Bill saw Su Can from a distance, and immediately walked over quickly, seeing an excited look on Su Can's face.

"Bill, you've done me a disservice."

Su Can looked at Bill, pretending to be angry.

When Bill heard Su Can's words, his face was slightly startled, showing a trace of embarrassment, and he was slightly embarrassed.

"Su, I'm sorry, I was too selfless for a moment."

Bill looked at Su Can, bowed ninety degrees to him and apologized.

Su Can looked at Bill helplessly. He naturally knew that Bill had done it unintentionally. If he had wanted to reveal it earlier, he would have revealed it long ago..........

Anyway, it has not been a year or two since he became the richest man in the world by personal assets.

After shorting the island nation's sub-Plaza Accord crisis, his personal net worth has long reached a terrifying figure.

In addition, it holds shares in Apple and Microsoft, even if Bill only knows the tip of the iceberg of Su Can.

However, I also know that I am not as good as him.

Therefore, many years ago, when Bill lost to Su Can in a bet and donated one billion US dollars to charity in China, he had already persuaded Su Can to come to the front.

If Su Can stepped onto the stage with his identity and wanted to do charity, he would definitely have raised tens of billions of dollars in charity funds in just a few years.

However, Su Can was unwilling

"sue i.......

Bill saw Su Can's serious expression and felt that Su Can was angry, and Bill began to feel a little uneasy.

He didn't expect that there would be such big consequences!

Now Bill is like a primary school student who has done something wrong, waiting to be scolded by Su Can in front of Su Can!

Murray, who came in with Bill, looked on, dumbfounded. He really knew his boss and was not too angry.

Instead, he wanted to scare Bill..........

Because Bill only said that the world's richest man was in the country and did not reveal the identity of the boss. According to the huge country, few people could guess that the boss was the world's richest man.

He did this entirely to punish Bill.

If the reporters and media saw the world's richest man on the surface, and someone else was like this, they would probably be stunned!

Seeing Bill like this, Su Can didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Okay, in our China, there is a saying that if you admit a mistake, you will be punished with three drinks. You can drink three drinks later!"Su Can looked at Bill and said in a deep voice.

"Su, that's great. I punish myself with three cups. I like this very much. When Bill heard this, his eyes widened and he said

"What are you thinking about? Su

Can rolled his eyes, stared at Bill, and said,"Do you think it's three cups of Moutai that are over 30 years old?" What I thought was ordinary Moutai, I punished myself with three drinks first."

This guy and Qiao Busi have not only fallen in love with the taste of fat intestines since they got acquainted with me, but also their drinking has changed a lot.

Especially their liking for white wine, among which I drank three of Su Can's After drinking the 10-year-old Moutai, I was instantly intoxicated and couldn't extricate myself.

Later, he even channed Su Can and asked Su Can to sell them a few bottles of 30-year-old Moutai.

Su Can couldn't resist these two shameless guys, so he could only give it to them. Two people each received five bottles of 30-year-old Moutai.

This guy now thinks that he has punished himself with three glasses of 30-year-old Moutai!

What a beautiful thought........

"ah! Su, you have so many good wines, why don’t you bring out the 30-year-old Moutai!"

Bill said, drooling. ps Please subscribe

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