He has been in the business world for decades and has never seen anything.

Hearing what his son said, Li Chaoren was not shocked, nor appalled, nor surprised, but the figure of a person appeared in his mind.........

He is the only Chinese who can become the richest man in the world.

Su Can!

That is what they call Mr. Su, that majestic man who makes people look up to him.

"Dad, you mean Mr. Su?"

Li Zeju was shocked when he heard this.

Li Chaoren said calmly:"That's right, apart from him, not to mention the mainland, even among the Chinese in Xiangjiang or Southeast Asia, there is no one who can become the richest man in the world. How can a person possess such great strength?"

"Even I can't do it."

This is not because he is self-effacing. He really can't do it these days.

"Unexpectedly, Master Su’s strength was so terrifying."Li Zeju said in shock.

Li Chaoren looked at his son, and then looked at the large floor-to-ceiling window of the office. Even if he was sitting, he could still see the Weilia port opposite.

Cargo ships and cruise ships were parked here. It looked extremely busy.

But Li Chaoren looked through the port to the north, as if he saw the young man in Yanjing City in the distance..........

"If you look at Wanxiang Group, you will know how terrifying this person is.

Li Chaoren said in a deep voice:"Moreover, he has a deep friendship with Microsoft's Bill and Steve Jobs. I suspect that he has a large shareholding in both Apple and Microsoft, at least 3% or more.""

"Three percent."

Li Zeju was shocked and said:"If this share was worth at least 18 billion U.S. dollars a few years ago, when Microsoft was at its highest market value, Apple is not as good as Microsoft, but its value has also reached above. Tens of billions of dollars!"

"Even now, after these two companies have gone through the Internet bubble, the two shares combined now have tens of billions of dollars."

"When did he buy shares in Microsoft and Apple?"

Li Zeju was surprised.

Even for them, it was not a simple matter to buy such a large amount of shares. You must know that after holding 3% of the shares of these two companies, they will face many problems.

And he can hold it, which shows that his method is very powerful.

"well! I just found out that it didn't take long."Li Chaoren sighed. It's no wonder that his son doesn't know.

Even he just found out.


Li Zeju said doubtfully.

Li Chaoren took a deep breath and said,"The head of Qianfen Investment Company, one of the top ten investment companies in America, which is also the number one investment company in the Internet industry, the Chinese Li Xueer once worked at Wanxiang Group"

"What? Qianfen Investment Company has been the most outstanding investment company in the past twenty years, and its person in charge is known as the Magic Hand of Investment!"

Li Zeju was shocked and said:"Back then, before the Internet bubble, this person sold out all the Internet stocks of Qianfen Investment Company and made an unknown amount of tens of billions of dollars."

"At that time, the Internet was booming, and many venture capital investors were making fun of Qianfen Investment Company, especially investors in Wall Street. They laughed like crazy."

"However, it turned out that Qianfen Investment Company was right. After they sold all Internet stocks, in just a few months, the Internet boom collapsed instantly, and countless stocks plummeted overnight."

"Some even lost more than 99% of their market value, becoming the darkest moment in history."

"Qianfen Investment Company also became the world's top Internet investment company during that crisis."

Li Zeju thought of Li Xue'er from Qianfen Investment Company, and felt a little excited. Although that person was a woman, she was very powerful.

Even she was definitely not as good as her.

This person was definitely a big shot on the same level as her father.

"This is the great thing about Mr. Su........"

Li Chaoren said in a deep voice

"Dad, are you saying that the powerful Li Xueer was actually trained by Mr. Su?"Li Zeju was extremely shocked.

If Mr. Su had trained such a powerful person, why didn't Li Xueer choose to leave Qianfen Investment Company?

She founded an investment company by herself. It is estimated that with her current reputation, several Within a month, you can get tens of billions of dollars in assets under management.

Wouldn’t it be great to be your own big boss?

"To be precise, it may be that the Internet bubble crisis was not judged by Li Xueer, but by Mr. Su. Li

Chaoren's turbid eyes suddenly revealed a sharp gaze, and he said:"I just learned that Li Xueer joined Wanxiang Group within a year, and then went to Meili Jian. to establish Qianfen Investment Company and invested in Microsoft and Apple"

"At that time, Wanxiang Group was not that big, and Li Xueer only worked there for less than a year. How could she have tens of millions of dollars to start a company?"

"Later, when I looked at the interactions between Wanxiang Group and Qianfen Investment Company, I understood accurately that Li Xueer was just a cover. It was probably Mr. Su who sent him to set up an investment company in America and let him focus on the Internet industry there. invest........"

Li Chaoren sighed at the end.

It's a pity that he didn't know it back then.

If he had known this earlier, he would have founded a subsidiary in the United States, or directly followed Su Can to invest in Microsoft and Apple in Xiangjiang.

Even if you only got 1% of the shares of each of the two companies and sold them a few years ago, you would still have tens of billions of dollars.

That is, hundreds of billions of RMB!

"I see."

Li Zeju's eyes suddenly brightened when he heard Li Chaoren's words, and he said:"Because these judgments are actually the judgments of Mr. Su. Even if Li Xueer has made such a huge contribution, in the final analysis, it is Mr. Su who is so powerful."

"This Li Xueer didn't dare to leave Qianfen Investment Company and start her own business, so she still stayed at Qianfen Investment Company."

"Otherwise, she would not be able to be so precise if she operated by herself, so if she set up her own business, she would be ruining her own business."

Hearing his son's words, Li Chaoren showed an expression that he could teach.

"No wonder, no wonder!"

Li Zeju then suddenly realized and said:"No wonder Bill said that Mr. Su's net worth is more than double that of him, at least tens of billions of dollars........"

"With two companies, Wanxiang Group and Qianfen Investment Company, even if he only controls 30% of the shares, his net worth is more than double!"

Thinking of this, Li Zeju felt a sense of oppression and suffocation. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-Collect and recommend

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