Xiangjiang, Lee Group.

Nowadays, the major groups under the Li Group are booming, and Li Chaoren's personal net worth has also increased rapidly.......

A few years ago, he became a famous rich man in the world and the richest man in China.

Over the years, he began to distribute some of his assets to his two children. It seems that he does not have many personal assets.

However, if you calculate it, you will find that the Li family's assets have increased significantly every year, reaching a very terrifying scale.

But, this is a smart guy.

He understands that anything that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

In the next dozen years, his personal assets were continuously distributed to his two sons, so that the assets under his name did not grow too fast and attracted attention.

In fact, this model was operated by Li Ka-shing in his previous life.

Otherwise, Jack Ma would not be worth more than him.

Another point is that the Li family is an industrial company, and its cash flow is very scary, but it has never been known to anyone.


Li Chaoren leaned back on the chair and let out a long sigh.

Now he is in his seventies and almost eighty. Although he seems to be in good health, there is always a big mountain pressing down on him........

That young man, who was more than thirty years younger than him and a few years older than his son, was like a towering mountain that he could not surpass.

Everyone in the world knows that he is the richest man in China.

But who could have known that he, the richest man in China, felt so aggrieved that his reputation was in vain and he did not have the strength at all!

The real richest man in China is that young man.

Moreover, his personal assets may have reached the world's richest man long ago, but that person is too low-key.

Thinking of that person, Li Chaoren felt extremely envious.

Even he will probably never be able to match that person in this life. It would be difficult to even double the gap.

"Since Yu is born, how can Liang be born?"

Li Chaoren sighed.

He feels this way now. The only opponent in the Chinese business circle is that young man.

However, he is not his opponent at all........

"Mr. Su, what kind of monster are you?"

Li Chaoren smiled bitterly.

In the past ten years, although his industries have developed very rapidly, his wealth has skyrocketed at a rapid rate in the 1990s.

But compared with that person's wealth, it is simply A small witch can see a big witch.

Although I don’t know how much property that person has under his control, his Wanxiang Group alone can make it difficult for Li Chaoren to catch up.

Today, Wanxiang Group is the largest company in Hong Kong and one of the top ten investment companies in the world. , it is also a well-known hedge fund. The amount of cash it holds in its hands is at least tens of billions of dollars.

This amount of money is huge in any investment company, which is unbearable and scary.

And that young man is the boss of this company.

Although it is not known how much shares he holds in the Wanxiang Group, even if it is one-third, his net worth far exceeds his.

Perhaps, not only one-third, Instead, it has achieved absolute control.

Li Chaoren frowned slightly in thought, because he knew that in the past ten years, Wanxiang Group has not financed and sold some shares to others. The only time was Apple's Steve Jobs and Microsoft's Bill became a shareholder.

At that time, the two of them, Bill invested 3 billion U.S. dollars, and Jobsi invested 1 billion U.S. dollars, but it is said that the shares he received were only bits and pieces..........

As you can imagine, this is a very scary thing.

By the way, there is also the late Ship King.

Thinking of the late shipping king, Li Chaoren felt envious.

Before his death, this man had a good relationship with Su Shao, the big boss behind Wanxiang Group, and sold his position as the major shareholder of Wharf to Wanxiang Group.

Then, I got some shares in the mining company and Vientiane Group.

Today, the profit is almost ten times more. You know, the transaction of that amount of money at that time was only a few billions of Xiangjiang coins.

Now, it's worth tens of billions. such a pity!

Li Chaoren did not have the opportunity to be a shipping king, otherwise, he would have made a lot of money, especially for a mining company. Who would have thought that he would become the world's number one mining company!

That Young Master Su is really a bit bright!

Li Chaoren felt envious. He claimed that he had a good vision, but in many operations, he was not as good as Wanxiang Group.

In other words, it is not as good as that Mr. Su.........

"Bang bang!"

While Li Chaoren's thoughts were confused, there was a sudden knock on the office door. Li Chaoren recovered his thoughts, exhaled a long breath, and looked at the location of the office door.


The door opened, and a person walked in from the outside.

It was his eldest son, Li

Zeju, who he now has high hopes for. Although this child is not as good as that young master Su, he is more than capable of being established and can be considered pioneering. It is a very good idea to inherit the family business. A good candidate.

And the younger son is also pretty good. He has made several good achievements at a young age, and now he has begun to take over some of his industries.

As he grows older, some of his The property was gradually transferred to the two children.

"Dad, something big happened."

Li Zeju came in and said with a horrified expression.

"What's up!"

Seeing that his son is already forty years old and can't stand up to the collapse of Mount Tai without changing his expression when encountering big things, Li Chaoren is still a little disappointed. What if it's Mr. Su?

Li Chaoren thinks maybe he will be indifferent Just laugh at it!

This is the difference........

There is no way, he himself is not as good as Mr. Su, let alone his own son! Su Shaobi is just like that monster. Isn't that self-abuse?

Li Chaoren thought to himself.

Li Zeju took a deep breath and said:"At the World Internet Conference held in Yanjing City, Bill personally announced that he was not the richest man in the world at all. The richest man in the world was someone else, and this person was in the mainland."

"In the Mainland, when did such a powerful person appear?"

Li Zeju said in shock.

Although the development there is very good now, and his family has also developed there, it is still difficult to have a rich man at the level of the world's richest man.

Even in Xiangjiang, I am afraid there is no one who can enter the rich list. Among the top five, only seven or eight years ago, Uncle Li, who has the same surname as their family, entered the fourth richest list in the world.

But there will be no more in the future.

If his father integrated all the industries and recovered all the assets, On his own, his father could be in the top three........

However, first place is still a bit stressful!

"Can't you guess who that person is?"

Li Chaoren said disappointedly. ps Please subscribe

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