The next day, the World Internet Conference was held.

This is the first time that such a large-scale Internet conference has been held in China. The forum has invited major Internet companies around the world.......

Among them, there are many world-class Internet companies.

Villa in the foreground, around seven o'clock in the morning.

The Internet Conference officially starts at nine o'clock in the morning, and you will have to enter the venue at eight-thirty, but Su Can is not in a hurry at this point.

The venue was only twenty minutes' drive away from him.

Su Can slowly came downstairs, feeling the breath of a new day. Su Can still felt very relaxed.

Arriving at the lobby, Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang.

"Mingqiang, please have someone bring the morning to you! Let’s have breakfast first, there’s still things to do later."Su Can said looking at Zhong Mingqiang who was guarding the door.

"It's the third brother!"

After Zhong Mingqiang finished speaking, he immediately asked the servant to bring breakfast.

Normally, Su Can would not have breakfast as soon as he got up, but would sit for a while and read the newspaper........

However, I have to attend an Internet conference today, so I have to eat breakfast early.

After a while, the servant came up with breakfast.

A simple seafood noodle with fresh lobster meat, sweet conch, some beef and refreshing vegetables.

In addition to the seafood noodles, there are also two barbecued pork buns and some side dishes.

Su Can enjoyed the delicious food alone.

The soup of this seafood noodle is very sweet. Not only that, it is also delicious because it is made from large bones and has the sweetness of seafood.

With the development of the economy, there are many kinds of live and fresh seafood in the vegetable market in Yanjing City, and anyone with money can buy them.

Twenty years ago, this would have been almost impossible.

It is enough to see what a huge change has occurred in the past twenty years.

Su Can took a sip of the soup first. Whether a bowl of noodles is good or not depends on how good the soup is. The soup retains the mellow taste of bone soup. When you drink it, it brings the freshness and sweetness of seafood into your mouth. When you eat it, you will feel whole. Every human cell has expanded.

The whole person suddenly became energetic.........

The barbecued pork buns are even more special. They have thin skin and lots of stuffing. When you take one bite, the meat inside the barbecued pork buns will overflow. It tastes particularly delicious.

This bowl of seafood noodles and barbecued pork buns are a perfect match.

Ten minutes later, Su Can finished breakfast

"Da da!"

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps. It was Murray who walked in. He came to Su Can's side.


Murray said respectfully

"What's up?"

Su Can leaned back on the chair. He had just eaten such a portion of seafood noodles and barbecued pork buns. He really ate too much! When people reach middle age, they should not overeat!

Murray said respectfully:"Bill Sir, I would like to meet you and have a chat after today's networking conference."

"Bill was also invited."

Su Can said in surprise.

Although the domestic Internet conference is claimed to be world-class, in fact, all the major foreign Internet companies come at the vice president level.

It seems that the standards are also very high.

But after all, the person in charge is not here in person. of........

"Yes, Mr. Bill came in person and contacted us."Murray looked at Su Can, nodded and said.

He didn't come to Su Can's side to work. He never expected that Bill would be so respectful when facing a domestic person. He never expected that Bill Joe would be so respectful. A big shot like Busi seems to be a very high-class and elegant person.

In secret, he can hold a fork with his boss and drink wine while talking about the future development trend of the Internet.

If this spreads out, it is estimated that the whole world will Everyone was shocked.

You know, Bill was listed as the world's richest man by Forbes seven or eight years ago, with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars!

However, Murray personally experienced the reason why these two fell in love with each other. The reason for eating fat sausage was because his boss suggested that the two of them try it.

As a result, they became addicted as soon as they tried it.


Su Can thought for a moment and said,"Okay!" Just let him come over! He came all the way to the country, which was actually not that easy."

"Yes, I will immediately reply to Mr. Bill and say that you agreed to meet with Mr. Bill tonight."

Murray said respectfully

"Don't rush to reply yet, there's something else you can do casually."Su Can looked at Murray who was about to turn around and leave, waved his hand and said

"Boss, is there anything else?........"

Murray asked curiously.

Are you asking Jack Ma and Pony, who asked to see the boss yesterday, to come over?

This is normal!

Moreover, Jack Ma and pny people are both representative figures of the domestic Internet, although the company is not currently listed.

But it has great potential.

Su Can said:"Ask the cook to buy a dozen kilograms of sausage. Bill is coming tonight and will make a sausage feast for Bill.""

"For example, make a dry pot fat sausage, a fried fat sausage, a stewed fat sausage with potatoes, a braised fat sausage, a stir-fried fat sausage with pickled cabbage, a braised fat sausage, etc."


Hearing Su Can's words, Murray twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.

Bill is here, and he's getting all the sausages to entertain?

Boss, are you sure you're not kidding?

A sausage feast?

The world's richest man on the Forbes list, like Bill, With a net worth of hundreds of billions of RMB, don’t we need to entertain them with all kinds of feasts?

For example, is a state banquet dish like boiled cabbage considered high-end?

Why should we serve a banquet with fat intestines ?........

Murray had already thought that if anyone knew that Bill had come to the country and was warmly treated to a banquet of fat intestines, countless people would probably be shocked and dumbfounded.

"correct! Su

Can thought for a moment and said:"As for the legendary divine dish, fat intestine sashimi, don't do it. Even if Bill can eat it, I can't eat it.""


Hearing Su Can's words, Murray was dumbfounded and quickly covered his mouth. Otherwise, he would have burst out laughing.

Sashimi sausage?

Boss, are you sure you're not joking?

Murray was confused, and between his nose , vaguely seemed to feel a smell lingering, lingering.

This is a sentence with a strong smell.

The smell is a bit heavy!

Murray said quickly:"It's the boss, I will give instructions to the kitchen Yes, let them prepare for the sausage feast tonight and entertain Mr. Bill well."

"Okay, go get ready! We will leave for the venue shortly."

Su Can waved his hand and signaled Murray to leave.

Murray stepped back respectfully, turned around, and walked towards the outside of the villa to tell the kitchen to prepare tonight's dishes.

Full Sausage Feast........

As soon as he thought of these words, Murray felt that the smell around his nose seemed to be a little stronger. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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