Ten minutes later, Su Can walked out of the villa.

Zhong Mingqiang had already prepared his car, and the group of them quickly set off, leaving the Prospect Villa and heading towards the location of the Internet Conference.

About twenty minutes later, we arrived in front of the conference.

At this time, there were a lot of people here, almost a sea of ​​people, lining up to go inside.

Su Can got out of the car. He only took Zhong Mingqiang, Murray and a security guard with him. This is the place with the highest security level in Yanjing City..........

If someone dares to take action here, they are very brave.

After Su Can and the others got off the bus, Murray went to sign in and received their respective tags, and then Su Can and his group started heading into the club.

Entering the clubhouse, the hall was already filled with about 10% of people.

Su Can's position was in the fourth row. He didn't want to be so far forward in the first row so that he could be easily recognized.

Therefore, let him be chosen in the fourth row.

Among the crowd, it is not very conspicuous.

Su Can and the others found their seats, and the four of them sat down.

At about nine o'clock, official personnel and some invited main guests began to enter. These people were all guests in the first row.

The most famous person abroad is Bill, and there is also a vice president of Apple, and the vice presidents of Google, Yahoo, etc. also come in together.

The most famous person in China is Zhang Sohu. In his previous life, this person could be said to be the godfather of the domestic Internet.

Its subsidiary Sohu is even known as the domestic Internet pornographic company.

Nowadays, his company and Cao Sina's company are listed on the US stock market, and they are in the limelight at the same time.

Although pony Jackma is now considered an Internet giant, compared with these two, he is still much weaker.

You know, when Pony established Penguin, it suffered a loss and no profit. Pony almost sold Penguin to Zhang Sohu.

It's a pity that Zhang doesn't buy it.......

Of course, those were things from the previous life. With Su Can here in this life, Pony has not been reduced to selling the company.

But with a large amount of funds, Penguin's development is far faster and more rapid than in the previous life.

The number of users today is several times greater than that of the previous generation. It is favored by foreign capital markets and is particularly optimistic.

Unfortunately, Su Can invested a lot of money, and the money burned there has not been used up yet, so he has no plans for new financing for the time being.

However, it was favored by the Xiangjiang Exchange.

Someone has already contacted pon. to get it listed on the Hong Kong stock market, but this matter was completely suppressed by Su Can.

Now that there is no shortage of money, and the number of users has not reached its peak, what is the purpose of going public?

Isn't that blind?........

You know, even if it goes public now, Penguin's market value is not that high. Even if it is one or two times higher than the same period in its previous life, it is only a market value of one or two billion Hong Kong dollars.

This is simply such a loss.

Compared with the huge market value of 5 trillion RMB in later generations, it is scum.

Even if it doesn't exceed one trillion yuan after listing, it still needs to reach the one hundred billion level, otherwise it would be too wasteful, so Su Can suppressed it.

Before the opening remarks of the host of the conference, an official person was invited to give a speech.

After talking for more than ten minutes, people from the Internet circle were invited to speak. Zhang Sohu and Cao Sina had already gone up to speak.

Both of them were talking about about twenty minutes, and it took the two of them more than half an hour.

What they said was quite informative, but from Su Can's perspective, many of their ideas were still a bit immature.

Of course, this is for Su Chan.

For ordinary Internet entrepreneurs, it is a piece of good advice, every word of it is useful information, and it is very inspiring!

Many people were fascinated when they listened.

Fortunately, the quality of the people in this conference was very good, and few people whispered.

Otherwise, many people would be intoxicated and say,"Oh, I'm so inspired!" It turns out that the Internet still has this level of thinking?

Great talk.

Worthy of being an Internet tycoon........

Su Can didn't think it was interesting. He came to this meeting just to join in the fun and didn't think about what to do.

Watching what they said, I did feel a little sleepy.

Not only them, but also Su Can probably wanted to sleep when they arrived at Bill. It was so boring.

This is like a doctor watching a first grader who has just learned addition, subtraction, multiplication and division do addition and subtraction within one hundred!

At this time, they had finished speaking.

The host of the conference looked at Bill, his eyes brightened and said:"After listening to the speeches of our domestic Internet giants, now let's listen to the voices from abroad. Let's invite the world's richest man, Mr. Bill, the head of Microsoft, to give a speech."


When Bill was asked to come on stage, everyone in the audience applauded enthusiastically, even more enthusiastically than when those people came to the stage to give speeches.

Especially the young people, their palms were red when they clapped, and their faces were extremely excited. There was nothing

I could do about it. Ah!

Who made the United States publicize so well!

Bill dropped out of college, but founded a great company and became the richest man in the world. Can this kind of publicity not make young people excited? Not to mention that this story is exciting for young people now. In the past ten or twenty years, there is still a large group of people excited about this story........

"Bill finally played?"

"The one I'm most looking forward to is Bill."

"Yes, I originally planned to go to Xiangjiang to look for investment, but when I heard that Bill was invited to the Internet Conference today, I immediately canceled the ticket decisively."

"Man, it’s worth refunding your flight ticket!"

"That’s right, that’s right!"

"Bill is my idol and he's finally on stage"

"I think Bill's speech will definitely inspire people."

"That's right, he is the richest man in the world, and what he says is more reasonable than many people. If you savor it carefully, you will definitely gain a lot of knowledge."

"Shhhh, stop talking and listen to what Bill has to say."

Su Can sat and heard the whispers of a large group of people around him. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and couldn't help but smile.

Su Can understood their mentality very well.

At their age, especially those in the Internet industry When it comes to entrepreneurship, there are few people who do not admire Steve Jobs and Bill.

Just like in the previous life, countless people in the country admired Boss Ma. When

Murray heard the words around him, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he thought to himself, if

What would their expressions be like if they knew that their idol was going to eat a banquet of fat sausage tonight?........

Murray thought for a moment and was probably even more shocked than when he first learned that Bill liked to eat fat sausage!

Su Can watched Bill slowly walk up to the stage. When he was in front of the podium, he looked at everyone in the audience and pushed down the frames of his glasses. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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