Atlantis Hotel.

After Boss Ma called Murray, he was a little expectant and a little nervous, and he was walking around anxiously.

"Jack, don't walk around excitedly and nervously. Aren't you just waiting for news? In just five minutes, you've gone back and forth hundreds of times. Pon pushed up his glasses frame and looked at Boss Ma and said

"pony. You still have the nerve to say that I am nervous and excited? Boss Ma looked at pony., rolled his eyes, and said with disdain:"From just now to now, you have pushed up your glasses frames hundreds of times.""


Pon was about to push up the frame of his glasses, but his hand stopped in mid-air. He was stunned and smiled.

It's so embarrassing......... everyone is the same

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, Boss Ma's cell phone rang again.

"It must be Mr. Su's reply. Hurry up and answer it! Hurry up and answer it!"As soon as Pony saw Boss Ma's cell phone ringing, he stood up excitedly and said.

Boss Ma looked at Pony and rolled his eyes at him. He also said he was nervous?


Now that Pony is like this, you know that this guy has something. He was so nervous that he had the nerve to say he was nervous.

Boss Ma reached out and picked up the phone tremblingly, and pressed the answer button with shaky fingers.

Pon looked at it and put his head to the other side of the phone.

"Hello! Is it Secretary Mu? What did Mr. Su say?"Boss Ma couldn't wait and said hurriedly over there.

"Sorry, Mr. Ma, Mr. Su is very busy right now and doesn't have time to see you two."

Murray's voice came.

No time?

No time to see the two of them?

When Boss Ma and Pony heard this, they suddenly had extremely disappointed looks on their faces........

Sure enough, Mr. Su, who has built such a big career, has many things to do every day! Busy at work every day.

You should also learn from him.

Boss Ma thought to himself.

He glanced at Pon. with his peripheral vision and found that his eyes showed the same expression. They both secretly made up their minds to learn from Mr. Su.

At the age of struggle, you must work hard and not waste your good years in vain.

"Mr. Su is naturally busy with many things to do. Pony and I took the liberty of disturbing him. If Mr. Su is free at some time, please ask Secretary Mu to remind him that we will come to see Mr. Su in person even if we have to leave the ocean."

Boss Ma said.

Pon nodded deeply when he heard what Boss Ma said.

He felt that what Boss Ma said was really in line with his feelings.

For example, Mr. Su told him what he said last time when he invested in Penguin. One sentence has made Ony remember it until now.

That is, keep imitating, always

This is the real kingly way!

"Okay, that’s it for now."Farewell, when Murray heard Boss Ma's words, he twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth.

He couldn't help it. As soon as he finished speaking, when Boss Ma replied, he hung up the phone directly.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he would It will break the gong.

It’s so funny..........

Mr. Su is busy with everything?

Murray rolled his eyes. Did Boss Ma have some misunderstanding about his boss? When did the boss have to take care of everything?

Murray looked into the lobby of the villa, where the singing of Peking Opera was heard, and Dingjun Mountain was being played!

He could also see that the boss was lying on the sea-yellow lounge chair that he loved so much, and his fingers were gently tapping the armrests of the sea-yellow lounge chair.

Cross your legs and listen to Peking Opera leisurely!

Is this called managing everything every day?

Murray couldn't laugh or cry. He thought Boss Ma had a misunderstanding!

He has been with his boss Su Can for ten years. Since that year, Murray has never seen his boss busy with everything for a day.

Almost every day is leisurely and leisurely.

Even more leisurely than the retired old man or the old lady, which surprised Murray.

Especially when he came into contact with Su Can's business empire after following Su Can for several years, he felt extremely shocked.

He was really shocked.

Damn it?

There are still such idle bosses in the world, and they have created so many industries, each of which is world-class.........

There are even many top 100 companies in the world!

Who is this?

At that time, it almost made Murray doubt his life. He felt that his life of nearly thirty years seemed to be very fake, as if he was in a dream.


Murray looked at the boss in the villa, sighed, and walked helplessly to a nearby villa and started working.

This is also an office space.

In the Atlantis Hotel.

By Murray Boss Ma hung up the phone, not angry or anything.

"well! As expected of Mr. Su's secretary, Secretary Mu also had a fiery personality. He didn't say anything to me and started immersed in work again."

Boss Ma sighed and said

"yes! Pon felt the same and said:"Mr. Su's character affects the people around him. Secretary Mu is Mr. Su's secretary, so he is naturally deeply affected." Boss Ma

's eyes suddenly brightened up and he said:"It seems that I have to learn from Mr. Su. Mr. Su has been starting a business for so many years and is still working so hard. I can't relax and must work harder.""

"I plan to go back and hold a company opening immediately. I want to pass on this spirit and let Penguin employees learn more......."

Pon thought for a while and said


Boss Ma agreed.

For a moment, the two of them felt the sense of loss when Su Can refused to meet them, and they felt full of energy again.

It was like taking a shot of chicken blood, and the two of them were in high spirits..

If Murray saw it here, he would probably be so depressed that he would vomit blood.

Did these two people misunderstand too much?

Are they too poisoned?

More than ten years later, Boss Ma and Pony Company have become the world's After joining the top ten Internet companies, they participated in some business forums and were asked why they could make a company so big and what kind of belief they had.

Boss Ma and Pony undoubtedly said A person has emerged, and that is the mysterious Mr. Su in the Internet industry.

They say that Mr. Su’s industry is so big, he has to take care of everything, and works hard almost every day.

Even people like Mr. Su are like this, why don’t they work hard? ?

Speaking this, people all over the world will know that the mysterious Mr. Su, known as the Godfather of the Internet, turns out to be such a hard-working person! He is so positive.........

When Mr. Su saw this, he twitched the corner of his mouth a few times, wondering when he was so deeply understood by Boss Ma and Pony.

Why didn't he know? ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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