After hanging up the phone, Su Zeming let out a long breath.

The heat collided with the coldness of the night in the middle of the night, condensing into a white line that was clearly visible in the air.....

"Unexpectedly, this person had already taken precautions, and it seemed that he had already guessed the arrival of this day."

Su Zeming thought to himself.

Otherwise, this person would have left and escaped not long after he returned.

Then, Li Li and Zhang Chen's use of yao was not an accident, but the result of Lan Qing's deliberate efforts.

This person Why do you do this?

What is hidden?

Or is there some ulterior purpose?

Now that Lan Qing has escaped and no one has caught him for the time being, Su Zeming can't guess what Lan Qing is going to do.

"It seems that we need to send someone to Lan Qing’s hometown to have a look........"

Su Zeming thought about it for a moment, but felt a little worried in his heart.

This man was so cautious, and even deliberately planned to get Li Li and Zhang Chen to take drugs. After seeing the incident break out, he immediately ran away.

So who is this person?

Su Zeming thought for a moment, maybe this person's identity must be true.

Lan Qing?

Maybe it's just a fake identity. As for the so-called coming from Tianjing, it may not be true. Those superficial things can be easily faked.

What is the purpose of this person?

Su Zeming thought for a while, then narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: Could it be that this person came specifically for the Su family?

Thinking of this, Su Zeming was also shocked.

Because after attacking Li Li and Zhang Chen, the Su family behind them will also suffer a certain impact.

After all, both of them are in industries owned by his old man. These are not big secrets in the industry.

After so many years, I know everything I need to know.......

It’s just that they don’t know about their father’s property abroad. Let alone them, even they don’t know much about it.

"Zeming, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Su Zeming hung up the phone and didn't move after thinking for a while, Tang Xuan looked at him worriedly and asked.


Su Zeming came back to his senses, shook his head, and said with a smile:"It's okay, I just thought of something just now, and I was slightly distracted."


Hearing Su Zeming's words, Tang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go! I'll take you back. It's already early in the morning and I'm a little worried because I can't see you entering the house."Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan and said.

In the middle of the night, if you encounter someone following you while taking the elevator, it is not impossible.

If it were during the day, it would be fine.

However, there is not even a bird shadow at this point. None, let alone a human being!


Hearing Su Zeming's words, Tang Xuan blushed.........

Doesn't this kind of scene often happen in movies?

The man wanted to send you back, and after delivering it, when he went upstairs, that kind of story happened naturally.

This is so exciting!

Tang Xuan's heart was filled with anticipation.

Su Zeming felt that there was something wrong with Tang Xuan, but he didn't think much about it, if he knew that his words made Tang Xuan think so much.

He was probably so depressed that he vomited blood. He didn't think about anything at all, okay?

Su Zeming walked forward, and Tang Xuan immediately followed. They walked side by side. The man was handsome and tall, while the woman was tall and had a delicate and beautiful face.

It can be said that the two are a perfect match.

After walking for a while, they came to a building. The two went in, opened the elevator, and took the elevator upstairs.

"What's wrong, why are you so nervous? Why are you holding on to your clothes?"

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan doubtfully. From the moment he entered the building until he took the elevator, Tang Xuan had his head buried in his chest and remained motionless.

His hands were holding the corners of his clothes.

Anyone could see Yes, you can see that this girl is very nervous.


Tang Xuan denied with a blushing face.

"Then why is your face so red? Are you catching a cold?"Su Zeming frowned slightly and looked at Tang Xuan's pretty face, which turned even redder.

"No, no, maybe it was too stuffy in the elevator and I drank a little wine, so it was a bit hot."Tang Xuan lowered his head and answered.


What he said seemed to make sense, but after getting off the car just now, such a cool breeze was blowing, and most of the alcoholism must have dissipated!

However, looking at Tang Xuan was like this, Su Zeming didn't ask any questions.

"Ding dong!"

At this awkward moment, the elevator arrived

"Um! arrive."

Su Zeming looked at it, smiled slightly, and walked out of the elevator. Tang Xuan immediately followed. The closer he got to the room, the faster Tang Xuan's heart beat, as if it was about to jump out of his body completely.

So nervous!

So shy!

Tang Xuan blushed and thought to herself

"Open it and go in!"Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan and said

"Um! Tang Xuan let out a low voice like a mosquito and walked slowly to the door. She vaguely felt that as long as the key opened the door, the story would begin.

This made her excited and looking forward to it. She was still yearning for it.

She took out the key from her bag and opened the door to the lock.

But her hands were nervous and trembling with excitement. She didn't obey her orders at all. If she wanted to open the door, the key would always be stuck in the lock.

"What's wrong? Wrong key?"

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan. She couldn't open the door for a long time. Su Zeming thought she had got the wrong key!

"without......No. Tang

Xuan said in a low voice


Finally, when she was aiming at the opportunity, the key finally opened the door. She stretched out her hand and pushed, and the door suddenly opened.

"opened. Tang

Xuan said with a blush.

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan, smiled and said,"Okay, since you have opened the door and returned home, I am relieved."....."

"Then I'll go back first. If anything happens to you, please call me."


When Tang Xuan heard Su Zeming's words, she was immediately stunned. Her beautiful big eyes were wide and round, and her mouth was slightly opened, looking at Su Zeming with an expression of extreme surprise and astonishment.

She was dumbfounded.

She was completely dumbfounded.

"Are you going back?"

Tang Xuan asked in shock.

He wants to go back?

Didn't the story happen when the door was opened? After tonight, will the relationship between her and Su Zeming get further?

What's wrong?

He wants to go back?

This situation is even in the movie. Don't you dare shoot like this! What is going on? Did I hear it wrong?

Tang Xuan is a little doubtful about life, because this and the script he imagined seem a bit wrong.......

No, it should be said that it is completely contrary to the script I expected, with two completely different endings.

She was confused. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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