"Damn it, I was so careless and let this kid run away."

Zhang Suo cursed loudly and kicked the trash can next to him hard. There was a loud bang and the trash can was knocked sideways.

The fat property manager was shocked.

"open.......Mr. Zhang, who are you looking for? We will mobilize all property security guards in the community to help you."The fat man said cautiously to please.

"Okay, it’s none of your business, just disperse!"

Zhang Suo waved his hand in annoyance.

When the fat man and the security guard heard this, they turned around and left.

"Wait a moment!"Zhang Suo thought for a moment and shouted.

The fat man stopped, looked at Zhang Suo, and asked respectfully:"Master Zhang, do you have anything else to ask?" As long as you tell us, we will do it immediately. Zhang

Suo let out a long breath and said,"Ask the security guards in the community to pay attention. If the people living in 703 on the seventh floor of Building 3 come back, tell me immediately.""

"Okay, Mr. Su has no problem."

The fat man patted his chest to protect himself.

Zhang Suo looked at it, waved his hand, and told them to leave quickly.

He was really careless this time. He thought he was here to catch someone and deal with something. Who knew that person was hidden so deeply?!

Surprisingly, he left early and let them miss.

More importantly, if he had been more vigilant and asked the two of them to wait at the door of the building, then let Li Li or Zhang Chen, who knew Lan Qing, come in Wait here.

Can Lan Qing still escape?

Damn, this is such unlucky luck.

Zhang Suo cursed a few times in his heart.

"Brother Zhang Suo, what should we do now?"Li Li looked at Zhang Suo and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Zhang Chen also asked:"The news from Lao Xiao, he only knows that Lan Qing has such a house here in Yanjing City."

"what to do? Let's eat it cold......."

Zhang Suo rolled his eyes.

The huge Yanjing City is so big and there is a huge sea of ​​people. As soon as people walk out, they basically lose sight of anything.

If you want to find it again, you have to search slowly.

But Zhang Suo estimated that there was a big problem with Lan Qing, and he would definitely not stay in Yanjing City. He might have left the city all the way.

At this juncture, the man had already left, and now he was rearranging people to chase him. He didn’t know which way Lan Qing took!

Besides, at this point in time, it is not impossible to get people to gather together and go to investigate. It is very simple.

The question is, how to check?

They took the first step and didn’t even know where to go. How could they find out?


Hearing Zhang Suo's words, Li Li and Zhang Chen paused.

"Okay, you all go to bed! I'll call Zeming about this and tell him what's going on here......"

Zhang Suo said in a deep voice

"Then we went back."

Li Li nodded and said

"Brother Zhang Suo, let’s go then. also said

"go Go!"After hearing what the two of them said, Zhang Suo waved his hand and signaled the two of them to leave quickly. After the two of them walked out,

Zhang Suo picked up the phone, turned to Su Zeming's phone number, and called out.

At the same time, Su Zeming The taxi that Ming and Tang Xuan took finally arrived at the door of their community and stopped.

After Su Zeming took out the money and paid the taxi fare, the two got out of the taxi.

"This is it."

Tang Xuan's beautiful eyes flashed brightly, and there was a look of anticipation in her eyes.

The closer she got to where she lived, the faster her heart beat, beating like a deer. She felt shy, but also extremely excited.

It seemed, faintly Waiting for something to happen


Su Zeming looked at the community and was slightly stunned.

If he read correctly, it was only two or three kilometers away from their school, which was very close.

And it seems a bit far away from Tianxia Film and Television


Tang Xuan nodded his little head and said


Su Zeming was speechless. He knew that Tang Xuan lived here and was close to Qingda University. That guy Li Zhong must have done this deliberately.

The purpose was to allow Tang Xuan to come to him conveniently, or in other words, to come to him by himself. It was convenient for Tang Xuan.

She also thought that they were all young people and needed some space of their own.

"What the hell is this?"

Su Zeming felt a headache, what kind of bad ideas did this guy do!

"Jingle Bell!"

At this moment, Su Zeming's phone rang. Su Zeming picked up the phone and saw that it was Zhang Suo's call.

The matter was done........

Su Zeming's heart moved, he looked at Tang Xuan, smiled, and said,"I'll answer the phone.""


Tang Xuan nodded obediently. Her long legs looked particularly slender in the middle of the night under the dim light. She stood obediently next to Su Zeming, like an extremely docile daughter-in-law.

Su Zeming pressed answer button

"I'm sorry Zeming, the thing you asked me to do failed, and the person escaped when we came."

Zhang Suo's guilty voice came

"It's okay, people just ran away."

Su Zeming comforted Zhang Suo.

And that Lan Qing's escape made Su Zeming even more certain that there must be something evil in that Lan Qing's heart.

Not only that, this matter is definitely not that simple.

Otherwise, that Lan Qing It's impossible to be so vigilant and actually scared to the point of running away. This must be something deliberately done.

What is he afraid of?........

Afraid of what you might know about him?

Su Zeming thought a lot in his heart at that moment.

"If not, it means I was careless this time and it's all my fault."Zhang Suo said guiltily:"When we came, I was too careless. Instead of letting people wait on the first floor, we all took the elevator together to find someone, thinking that Lan Qing was still in the room."

"Unexpectedly, when we were on the first floor, Lan Qing happened to be on the second floor, and when we took the elevator up, he took the opportunity to escape."

"So, we all failed, and now people no longer know where to go."

Zhang Suo said in a deep voice.

When Su Zeming heard this, he frowned slightly.

Sure enough, that Lan Qing was well prepared.

When he went downstairs to escape, he didn't even dare to take the elevator directly to the first floor, but went to a certain floor. Come down slowly.

In this way, you will miss Zhang Suo's person.

"I was negligent."

Su Zeming let out a long breath and said:"I didn't expect that Lan Qing was so vigilant and had a premeditated plan. This person is not a simple person."

"If I could warn you a few words in advance, it might be possible to catch this person."

The opportunity only lasts for a moment and passes in a flash.........

The same is true for Lan Qing.

What is this person planning? Su Zeming's heart was full of doubts. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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