Tang Xuan stood there as if petrified.

The beautiful picture I imagined just now shattered and left in an instant, and all the stories and scenes in the movie no longer existed.

She panicked.

Su Zeming turned around and walked towards the elevator.........

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing the movement of Su Zeming, Tang Xuan came to his senses and shouted.

Su Zeming stopped, turned back and looked at Tang Xuan, and said with a smile:"What's the matter, is there anything else?"


Tang Xuan's face was flushed, and she nervously grasped the corners of her clothes with her hands.

"Tang Xuan! Tang Xuan, why are you so disappointing! Say it quickly!" Tang Xuan felt like she had a lump in her throat. She couldn't say anything, so she could only curse herself in her heart.

"Okay, that's okay. I'll go back."

Su Zeming smiled

"Then it becomes clear!"

After hearing Su Zeming's words, Tang Xuan was completely panicked. She knew that if she never spoke again, Su Zeming would really leave.

By then, this story would really have no chance at all.

"Forehead! Su

Zeming paused, looked at Tang Xuan, smiled, and said,"If you have anything to say, just tell me!" We are friends, if I can help you I will."

"no no!"

Tang Xuan shook his little head violently after hearing this.........

"What's that? Su

Zeming asked.

Tang Xuan took a deep breath, his chest rose and fell, and finally said:"It's like this. You see, it's already past two o'clock now. Now when I go back to school, let's not talk about unanswerable questions. Even if it's the dormitory manager, I opened the door for you. Everyone in your dormitory is asleep."

"It wouldn't be good if you went back like this and disturbed them."

Tang Xuan's eyes flashed and she said.

I'm so smart.

In her heart, she praised her cleverness.

Su Zeming rubbed her nose and said with a smile:"It's okay, I don't plan to go back to the dormitory. Anyway, there are no classes tomorrow morning. , I'm going to open a room to rest"


Tang Xuan opened her mouth slightly and looked at Su Zeming in surprise. She didn't expect that he had already thought of a countermeasure!

No! We can't let him go back.

There is someone in Tang Xuan's heart who looks like her and has black wings. The little devil with two horns on his head shouted

"It's such a waste of money to rent a house. Why don't you just stay with me for the rest of the night? Although I have one bedroom and one living room here, the area of ​​the house is not small........."

Tang Xuan said with a smile


Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan and paused.

"Stop hesitating, look at me as a girl, what are you afraid of? Besides, in Yanjing City these days, strangers of both sexes can live together, so what should we be afraid of if we are like this?"Tang Xuan looked at Yu and immediately struck while the iron was hot and said

"Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Tang Xuan said with a smile again


Su Zeming scanned Tang Xuan up and down. Did she eat herself?

How to eat?

Besides, Tang Xuan's small arms and long legs are not strong enough for one of his hands. How to eat?

He was worried, It has a bad reputation for Tang Xuan.

After all, a man and a woman alone

"I believe you are a gentleman. If you sleep here for a night, you won't do anything to me. Don't hesitate, come in! Tang

Xuan couldn't help but walked up to Su Zeming readily.

She stretched out her soft little hand, took Su Zeming's big hand, and walked towards the house in high spirits, as if she didn't care about anything.

Su Zeming was pulled by this girl and followed her in.........

After entering the room, Tang Xuan turned on the switch, and the dark room suddenly lit up. She closed the door with her backhand.

With a bang, the door closed.

Although she looked extremely free and easy, at this moment, her heartbeat was about to explode. She felt that her heartbeat was so fast that it was about to jump out.

"Oh my God! Tang Xuan, what are you doing! Why are you so brave?"

Tang Xuan was shocked at what she had done. When she did this just now, her mind went blank and she didn't know what she was thinking. This was completely subconscious.

This is amazing!

"However, Tang Xuan, you did a great job."

Tang Xuan encouraged herself in her heart.

Feeling Su Zeming's generous hand, Tang Xuan's heart felt as if she was hit by an electric current, making her a little excited, happy, happy and sweet.

"That, that."

She reluctantly let go of Su Zeming's big hand, only to feel the heat rush from her body to her face and go away from her ears and head.......

"You do that first, while I go to the bathroom."

Tang Xuan turned his head, his face suddenly turned red. He immediately turned around and walked to the bathroom next to him, closing the door directly.


She was inside, facing herself in the mirror, and shouted several times. Fortunately, she covered it with her hands, otherwise Su Zeming would have heard it.

"Tang Xuan, you are so awesome."

She blushed and gave a big thumbs up to herself in the mirror. She felt that the bravest and most correct thing she had done in her life was just now. She mustered up the courage and directly pulled Su Zeming into the room. Inside.

This is awesome.


She took a few deep breaths to calm down the excitement in her heart.


Then, she opened the faucet and let the water flow down. She held the water in both hands and flushed it against her hot face a few times to calm herself down.

Su Zeming, who was standing outside the toilet door, looked at Tang Xuan hurriedly He ran inside, shook his head helplessly, and smiled bitterly.

He didn't expect that Tang Xuan would be so bold as to dare to drag him in........

How much do you trust him?

Su Zeming was speechless, but now that he's here, let's make peace with it!

He walked a few steps inside and came to the hall of the house. Looking at the layout of the house, it was pretty good.

There is an independent kitchen, and the living room and dining room are separated. At the end of the living room is a small balcony where clothes are still drying.

Some of them are still Tang Xuan's private clothes.

Next to it is a bedroom. Although you can't tell how big it is, it's not too small.

Such a one-bedroom apartment with an area of ​​more than fifty square meters is really quite good for one person to live in.

Especially here in Yanjing City.

Ordinary people's monthly income is less than a thousand, who would be willing to rent in a place like this! Just one room and one living room like this is almost a month's salary, and you will have to live in the northwest for a month.

Su Zeming looked at it, walked to the sofa, and sat down.


At this time, the toilet door opened and Tang Xuan walked out.

There were a few drops of water on her face. It was obvious that she had just washed her face. Not only that, some of her hair was stained with water.......

Tang Xuan looked like this, adding a bit of mature charm and becoming more feminine.

Su Zeming couldn't help but look at it a few more times. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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