It’s not that it’s not creepy, it’s really scary.

In the middle of the night, the elevator that was supposed to stop on the seventh floor suddenly stopped on the second floor. This makes people wonder........

In addition, it was late at night and the temperature was slightly chilly.

Especially after Li Li and Zhang Chen drank, they felt a little cold now that the wind blew away the alcohol.

Suddenly, it gave people a feeling of horror.

Not only Li Li and Zhang Chen, but also the several sturdy men Zhang Suo called felt a little cautious and panicked.


Some people swallowed their saliva in fear.

"What nonsense are you talking about! Zhang

Suo glared at Li Li and Zhang Chen and said,"The elevator suddenly reached the second floor. It's not a ghost incident, but that Lan Qing took the elevator down long before we came up, stopped on the second floor, and ran away." Got out"

"What? Li

Li was shocked and said,"How did he know we were coming?""

"impossible! I didn’t tell Lao Xiao what I wanted to do with Lan Qing, and Lao Xiao was not a meddlesome person. He didn’t dare to tell Lan Qing........"

Zhang Chen said in surprise

"Zeming is right. There is indeed something wrong with that Lan Qing. Now he has run away. Let's go down first and ask the property owner to see if anyone went out when we came in just now."Zhang Suo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Now he regrets it. He would have listened carefully to Su Zeming's words earlier. If he had been more careful when he came, he might not have let that Lan Qing escape.

Not only that, they When we came up just now, no one was left waiting below. Everyone had already come up.

This was so careless.

Zhang Suo secretly regretted it in his heart.

"What's going on? Let's go down now and go to the security guard immediately to find out."Zhang Suo frowned.

The group came to the elevator, and Zhang Suo stopped again.

"You two stay here and guard, you can't come down without my order."Zhang Suo thought for a moment, pointed to two people, and said.

He asked the two people to stay, just in case..........

Maybe, he guessed wrong?

On the contrary, if that Lan Qing is still inside, and everyone has gone out now, then does that Lan Qing take the opportunity to escape?

At that time, it will be a missed opportunity

"It's Mr. Zhang."

After hearing Zhang Suo's words, the two big men guarded the seventh floor.

"Ding dong!"

The elevator door opened, and Zhang Suo and his party entered the elevator.

After a while, the elevator reached the first floor.


Zhang Suo walked out quickly, and Li Li and Zhang Ma followed, and the group headed towards the security booth at the door.

Halfway through, Zhang Suo stopped again

"Wait a minute, didn't we have a Porsche here just now?"

Zhang Suo looked at the empty parking space next to him. He clearly remembered that there was a Porsche parked here........

The reason why I remember it so clearly is because there were no luxury cars nearby, they were all ordinary cars, although the prices were not cheap for ordinary people.

However, Porsches are considered luxury cars.

"I remembered that one time Lan Qing drove a Porsche out. Zhang Chen said in surprise

"Yes, this guy does have a Porsche."

Li Li confirmed again.

"Oh shit!"

When Zhang Suo heard what Li Li and Zhang Chen said, he cursed his mother angrily:"This kid just came out not long ago, maybe he just missed us."

"and! Zhang

Suo said angrily:"It's possible that when we were on the first floor, he was on the second floor. The elevator just stopped on the second floor. He planned to go downstairs, but he heard the movement on the first floor and stopped." Come down, wait until we go upstairs, then he will go downstairs"

"That is, when we reached the seventh floor, this guy probably drove immediately and left the community. Li

Li's eyes widened, he took a breath, and said in shock:"No way!" How could it be such a coincidence that this kid is so lucky?

Zhang Chen said in shock:"Brother Zhang Suo, is this possible?" Zhang

Suo took a deep breath and said,"Is that true? Let's just go to the guard box and ask the security guard on duty."........"

Anger was burning in his heart, and he even hated himself a little.

Damn it!

What is this called?

Someone actually slipped away right under his nose. How should he explain to Zeming when the time comes?

What a failure.

The group of people walked quickly to the guard box

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang."

As soon as he saw Zhang Suo, a fat middle-aged man immediately ran over.

Zhang Suo frowned slightly. When he came in just now, this fat man was not there, and he didn't recognize this fat man. How could he know himself?

"Mr. Zhang, I am the property manager of this community. Just now my boss called me and said that you are here and asked me to come immediately to do your bidding."

The middle-aged fat man said flatteringly.

Zhang Suo understood immediately after hearing this that they did not build this community, but he knew the property company. As the saying goes, when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.........

Since the rise of the Zhang family, three aunts and eight aunts have come to ask for work, and his father has supported a few people to start working.

One of them worked for a property company, and the community here was managed by that property company. When Zhang Suo came, he called someone to talk about it.

Unexpectedly, this fat man got a call and came over

"Um! Zhang

Suo had no time to pay attention to the fat man, but asked:"In the past few minutes, apart from us coming in, has anyone in the community gone out, and what kind of car are they driving?""


When the fat man heard this, he paused and couldn't answer at all. With a bitter look on his face, he said:"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang. I just arrived. The security guard at the post must know"

"Call him over!"

Zhang Suo said in a deep voice.

"Yes Yes!"When the fat man heard this, he felt a little chilly in the middle of the night, but his back was suddenly covered with sweat........

He jogged, and he was so fat that he staggered as he ran. He called a security guard.

"Mr. Zhang, people are here."

The fat man said flatteringly.

Zhang Suo looked at the security guard. This person was the security guard who let them in when they came in just now.

He said in a deep voice:"After we came in, in the past few minutes, did anyone go out just now? ?"

"Yes, a car came out not long after you entered, which was about two minutes."The security guard answered truthfully.

"Oh shit!"

When Zhang Suo heard the security guard's words, he cursed angrily, and his face became extremely livid:"What kind of car is that person driving?"

"It seemed to be a Porsche. That Porsche seemed to be the car of the owner of Room 3 on the seventh floor of Building 3."The security guard thought for a moment and said. ps Please subscribe

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