Su Zeming walked next to Tang Xuan, Tang Xuan blinked with beautiful eyes:"Zeming, have everything been dealt with?"


Su Zeming nodded.

Tang Xuan said worriedly:"No big deal happened!"

"It's okay, don't worry."Su Zeming smiled and said


After hearing Su Zeming's words, Tang Xuan breathed a long sigh of relief. When she heard that Su Zeming was going to do something, she had been worried in her heart.

Now, seeing Su Zeming back and hearing him personally saying that everything was fine, Tang Xuan felt less worried.

Su Zeming smiled lightly and said:"It's very late, you should go back! If you go back, I will take you back!"


When Tang Xuan heard Su Zeming's words, her pretty face turned red, as if she was startled.


Following that, a heart beat faster and a strange feeling spread in my heart.

Send me home?

Isn't that it?

Tang Xuan naturally thought of something in his heart. This kind of The scene was very similar to the movie in which the hero sent the heroine home.

Then, something very romantic happened.

Could it be.......

When Tang Xuan thought about it, she suddenly felt a little hopeful and nervous.

If this is the case, then should I take the initiative? Or should we be more proactive?

"Ahhhh! Tang Xuan, are you shameless? To think of such a thing."Tang Xuan secretly spat at herself in her heart.

It's so shameless, bah!

"OK! Tang

Xuan looked at Su Zeming with a blushing face, nodded his head, and said happily

"OK! Then take a look and see if you left anything behind. If not, we'll go back immediately."Su Zeming smiled.

Tang Xuan looked at the bag, patted it a few times and said,"It's okay, I put everything here!" Nothing was left behind."

Su Zeming nodded and stood up. Tang Xuan followed Su Zeming like an obedient little daughter-in-law.

Su Zeming walked to Lu Mingyuan and others and said that he wanted to go back..........

These people looked at Su Zeming and Tang Xuan next to them, and immediately looked at Su Zeming meaningfully, showing ambiguous expressions.

No need to think about it, you all know that they also misunderstood.

Lu Mingyuan said with a smile:"Zeming, take it easy!"

Li Zhi gently patted Su Zeming's shoulder and said:"Zeming, it's okay! You have finally joined our ranks."

"That's right, that's right."

Qian Zheng nodded in agreement.

Zhang Ming looked at the two of them and smiled slightly. Although he didn't speak, he looked at Su Zeming and Tang Xuan with a look like I know everything.

"Then it is clear that we must pay attention to safety. We must pass through thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching us."Wang Zuo came to Su Zeming's side and secretly put a few things into Su Zeming's pocket.

Su Zeming stretched out his hand and felt the shape of the ring. He almost knocked Wang Zuo down with a punch.

"I know you don’t have this. I only have two, so I’ll give them to you. That’s enough, brother!"Wang Zuo then laughed and said

"screw you."

Su Zeming didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He looked at Wang You and said,"Look at Wang Zuo, this guy tends to drink too much. Wang

You nodded and said,"It's okay, you go first!" Let's play for a while. It's been a while since there were so many people......"

"Yes Yes!"

Li Zhong also came over and smiled.

Su Ze understood him, looked at Tang Xuan, and found that she was nervous and shy, grabbing the corner of her clothes. She understood what Lu Mingyuan and those people said. Wait a little longer If we go down, I guess Tang Xuan will be shy enough to find a hole in the ground.

"Let's go!"

Su Zeming gave him an apologetic smile and said.

The two of them walked out of the private room, looked outside, and walked into the hall. The lights here were not so dark and feasting. Only then did Su Zeming see that Tang Xuan's head was red. It was redder than an apple.

Not only that, when she walked, her head was buried in front of her chest, like an ostrich.

Su Zeming naturally knew what was going on.

It is estimated that this girl also thought that she would What does she do, and he is very kind to her, should she agree to it with her body?

What is this little kid thinking about every day!

Su Zeming feels like he has a headache........

"Sorry, Li Zhong Mingyuan, Wang Zuo and the others just like to joke around and make people laugh. Don't take their words seriously."

Su Zeming slowed down and walked side by side with Tang Xuan.


Tang Xuan heard Su Zeming's words and hummed.

It's not that she doesn't want to talk more to Su Zeming now, but because her heartbeat is too fast. She feels that her heart is beating faster than ever.

Her hands are nervous and nervous. She was wearing clothes and felt a little nervous all over. She wanted to speak to Su Zeming, but she was too nervous to speak.

She shouted in her heart: Li Zhong and the others may have said it as a joke or to be funny, but I hope you can put these words into words. Seriously!

How much Tang Xuan wanted to say this, but her throat seemed to be blocked. No matter how she opened her mouth, she couldn't say this.

Until she walked out of the hall, the cool late night breeze blew gently outside, and Tang Xuan's pretty face The hot feeling on my upper body has mostly disappeared.

My whole body has recovered slightly.


Su Zeming looked at several taxis parked not far from the door, stretched out his hand, and a taxi suddenly drove up next to them.


Su Zeming opened the car door, looked at Tang Xuan, and said,"Let's go! We get in the car."

Tang Xuan obediently walked to Su Zeming and sat in the back seat. Su Zeming followed and sat next to Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan only felt sweet in his heart, as sweet as eating honey.

Taxi He quickly walked away.

At the same time, in the Yujingtiancheng community on the third ring road, this is considered a luxurious community in this section. The houses were newly built just a few years ago, and the prices are not cheap.

But when I bought it, I arrived. More than ten years later, it can be sold for more than 60,000 to 70,000 square meters.

At this time, in a luxurious house, the lights inside are dimly lit. Instead of turning on all the lights completely, the dimmest light is turned on.

"Damn it, are everyone in the Su family so vigilant? The information was spread all over Yanjing City. I planned this matter for two years before I gradually attracted those two little brats. Before I could implement my plan, Su Zeming discovered it."A slightly fat young man with a ferocious look on his face.

This man is none other than Lan Qing........

"No? Maybe it wasn't a failure. The other party didn't guess that way at all, but just accidentally saw Li Li and Zhang Chen taking yao?

Lan Qing thought for a moment and said anesthetizing himself unwillingly. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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