"Okay, let’s set off immediately!"

Su Zeming nodded and said.

That Lan Qing was here just now. If there is really a problem, you must rush over as soon as possible and control the person immediately.

Otherwise, if you stay for one more minute, the person will escape.

"Okay, let's go now!"

Zhang Suo said.

He took Zhang Chen and Li Li out of the private room and quickly went to Lan Qing's house to control them in advance.

"Zeming, what about me? What can be done?"

Zhang Ming looked at Su Zeming and asked.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"It's okay, Brother Zhang Ming, thank you for discovering those two little brats taking yao, otherwise things would have been serious."

"But I didn't do anything......."

Zhang Ming smiled bitterly.

Moreover, he was scolded by Zhang Chen. He scolded him in front of so many people without saving any face. How could he have any face?

Fortunately, Zhang Ming has a cheerful personality.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"Don't worry, Brother Zhang Ming, our current car home is not bad. If you work hard on it, it will not be weak when the time comes.""

"Okay, I will listen to you, but you can invest another one million in the company now! I think that money is not enough at the moment. Zhang

Ming thought for a moment and said

"Come on, let’s talk about it then!"Su Zeming shook his head and smiled.

He naturally knew what Zhang Ming was planning.

Wasn't it because he always felt guilty and wanted to transfer more shares of the company to Su Zeming? It would be best if he could be the major shareholder

? He knew that when he was just about to establish the company, he was going to give the position of major shareholder to Su Zeming.

But it was obvious that no reward would be given for no merit, so Su Zeming didn't ask for it, he just asked for a small share of the stock, so as not to get involved in favors.........

Now that I think about it, it is Zhang Ming who owes Su Zeming a huge favor.

"Let's go! Let's go out too! Mingyuan, Li Zhi, Wang Zuo and the others have also been waiting for a long time."Su Zeming didn't talk about this topic again. If he wanted to, he could invest in it later!

Anyway, the dividend card their father gave them to Shunfeng. Over the past ten years, the funds in this card have amounted to hundreds of millions.

If If he was willing to invest, he really wouldn't be short of money.

However, Su Zeming had never thought about becoming the major shareholder of Autohome. He knew that it was established by his aunt to support Zhang Ming.

If he became the major shareholder, he would be exhausted..

However, he is also optimistic about Autohome. He will not become the largest shareholder by then, but at least he will become the second largest shareholder!

Anyway, there is no shortage of money.

After Su Zeming finished speaking, he walked outside.

Zhang Ming looked at , followed immediately


After opening the door to the private room, Su Zeming walked out. Lu Mingyuan, Wang Zuo, Li Zhi and other people were still standing here.

"Ze Ming, something happened, why did Zhang Suo and Zhang Chen leave not long after Zhang Suo entered. Lu Mingyuan asked in confusion.

Li Zhi nodded and said,"Yes!" If you need help, can you also give us instructions?"

"What's the matter? Do you need our help?"

Wang Zuo also followed.

Qian Zheng said:"Yes, tell us if you have something, our group can still contribute some strength."

Looking at the four people in front of him, Su Zeming showed a faint smile and said:"It's no big deal, I just asked Zhang Suo to help with some small things. If I really need you, I won't be polite to you. It's no big deal."

"Okay, let's go back! Li Zhong is still waiting!"

Su Zeming smiled and said

"Okay, as long as you have a plan in mind."

Lu Mingyuan nodded.

Su Zeming smiled and walked forward. After a while, the group returned to the private room and saw that there were a few fewer people inside.......

I guess I played until midnight and went back!

"how's it going."

Seeing Su Zeming and others coming back, Li Zhong immediately rushed up, walked to Su Zeming's side, and asked softly.

"It's okay, solved."

Su Zeming said

"Okay, it’s fine. If anything happens, just tell your brother. Although what I say is definitely not as powerful as what you say, at least I can still stand by and yell."

Li Zhong joked with a smile.

What he said was not nonsense.

It was indeed true. Even if his family is now in Xiangjiang, it belongs to a top family, and his words are very powerful here.

But, with Su Zeming In comparison, he was simply weak.

Not to mention him, even his father himself was not as powerful as Su Zeming's words.

"Um! Su Zeming nodded and said with a smile:"You guys play slowly, I'll send Tang Xuan back first. It's already very late."......."

"I understand, I understand, take it easy tonight!"

When Li Zhong heard Su Zeming's words, he immediately looked at Su Zeming with an ambiguous expression.


Su Zeming was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

What kind of look is that?

Do you think that if you send Tang Xuan back, something indescribable will happen to Tang Xuan? What are you thinking? Is he, Su Zeming, such a person? ?

Before Su Zeming could speak, Li Zhong then smiled and said:"Zeming, the company has arranged a dormitory for Tang Xuan. Although it has one bedroom and one living room, he lives alone. The environment is very good and very secluded. You don't have to." Going to a party"

"Moreover, sometimes, the hotel may not be safe, so it is better to stay at home. Just let Tang Xuan take you back home!"

"What are you talking nonsense about?"

Su Zeming looked at Li Zhong and really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This brat has completely misunderstood!

Why did he think so carefully?........

Even after Tang Xuan signed the contract, he was given a single dormitory with one bedroom and one living room. It is estimated that this kind of treatment is not available even to the second-tier artists in the company.

However, he gave one to Tang Xuan. Needless to say, Su Zeming knew that in Li Zhong's wretched mind, he had long thought that Tang Xuan would be Su Zeming's person sooner or later.

Therefore, everything was prepared for Su Zeming in advance.

What's all this?

"I see!"

Li Zhong smiled and turned around slightly.

Su Zeming looked at Li Zhong's back and couldn't help but want to kick him away. This guy is really too wretched.

Su Zeming shook his head helplessly, What's this!

Isn't it just because something like this happened tonight, and he asked Zhang Suo to control the man named Lan Qing. He is afraid that it will be too late to waste time, so why don't he send Tang Xuan back first? ?

Why was he so upset that he couldn't wait to take Tang Xuan back?

At this time, Su Zeming felt that he was more wronged than Dou E, so he jumped into the Yellow River, unable to clear his innocence.......

Look, this is a headache to do!

Su Zeming was speechless. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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