
Lan Qing had a look of pity on his face and said:"If you can give me another year, I can let Li Li and Zhang Chen become completely addicted, and then slowly use them as a springboard to fall. The people from the Su family next to them......"

"At that time, all the vassals of the Su family will be completely reduced and turned into sharp blades in my hands."

"Then, I can completely deal with the Su family"

"Even if the Su family cannot be destroyed, the Su family's vitality will be severely damaged and its strength will be greatly reduced, making this behemoth feel fear."

As Lan Qing said this, his face became extremely ferocious.

"If it weren't for the Su family, how could I have ended up changing my name or even having plastic surgery? Lan

Qing stretched out his hand and touched his face.

He said again:"From now on, no one is human, no ghost, no ghost. Even those who were familiar with me and she no longer recognize me.""

"That day, I stood in front of her, and she passed me by without even looking at me for a moment, unable to recognize me at all."

"hehe! Lan

Qing smiled ferociously:"All this is caused by the Su family. I want revenge. Only by burning the entire Su family to the ground can I relieve the hatred in my heart.""

Thinking about more than ten years ago, he was not very old, just a teenager, but his status was much higher than it is now.........

Among his peers, there were few people with higher status than him.

Everyone gathered around him, and he enjoyed the attention of everyone.

However, all of this disappeared that year, and the family was torn apart. Some clan members were imprisoned, and some jumped from tall buildings.

And he was still young and went abroad after that.

Although he lacked nothing while he was abroad, when he thought of the past days, his heart was filled with hatred.

Not only him, but everyone in their family is the same.

Their family and the Su family have a sworn hatred.

"However, I have to thank this face." Lan Qing touched his face that was both familiar and strange at the same time.

Sometimes, he would wake up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom. He would be frightened when he looked in the mirror at the face that had been with him for many years. Big jump.

Who is this?

Is this not him?

But every time he wakes up, his hatred for the Su family becomes even stronger.

He wants revenge, he wants to destroy the Su family........

However, he knew that the industry that he, or the remaining clan members, had developed over the past ten years together was nothing compared to the Su family.

In fact, the total sum of them is inferior to any of the following industries.

How to take revenge?

Of course, the foundation of the Su family is slowly being laid.

As long as the Su family collapses, even if it is not destroyed, Lan Qing also knows that other big families in Yanjing City will swarm up and devour the Su family.

This was something their family had personally experienced when it collapsed.

Even though Lan Qing was still young at the time, he still knew what happened at that time.

And he just wants to be the one who leads other families to devour the Su family. There is no need for him to be as big as the Su family.

That's too difficult, too difficult

"However, I don’t know if Su Zeming can guess it. I am specifically targeting the Su family, so I don’t think Su Zeming can guess it. Lan

Qing said confidently

"But, that Su Can?"

Thinking of Su Can, Lan Qing felt scared for a while........

Although on the surface, the third generation of the Su family today is dominated by Su Wen, a man who is still in a very high position at a young age.

But how could he not know that the real terror in the Su family was Su Can.

The third young master of the Su family!

That mysterious man rarely appeared in front of others. Even among his generation in Yanjing City, few people saw him.

But Lan Qing knew that this was an extremely terrifying person. Today, several of the richest people in Yanjing City, including the Forbes list, and the top ten richest people in Yanjing City, all belong to him.

This person is the most terrifying

"Fortunately, I didn't plot against him directly. If I plotted against him, I would probably be discovered by this person within a few days."

Lan Qing thought of Su Can and felt a huge boulder pressing on his chest. He couldn't breathe and felt extremely frightened.

That man was really terrifying.

"Now, regardless of whether Su Zeming discovers that Zhang Chen and Li Li's consuming yao was not accidental, but something I did intentionally, I can't stay here any longer......."

Lan Qing said in a deep voice

"Fortunately, the house here is for rent. I am usually worried that the Su family will find out what I am planning, so I have not left any clues here. Lan

Qing smiled proudly and said:"Even if they find this place, they can't find other clues from here to find out what happened more than ten years ago.""

"They only know that my name is Lan Qing and I come from Tianjing. My family has a big industry and is doing well."

"However, how do they know that even Lan Qing's identity is just a fake identity made by me, even if they find my foothold in Tianjing and look for Lan Qing?"

"They undoubtedly found a false identity for me. It was just my pseudonym. Who knows my real name?"

"Not only that, the so-called huge industries in Tianjing are actually leather goods companies, and they are also run by fake identities."

"Even if they were to check those companies, it would be of no use."

"Ha ha........"

Thinking of this, Lan Qing laughed proudly and whispered:"I think it will be very interesting if they really feel that something is wrong and find it at the end, but find that there are no clues. Things."

Lan Qing was very proud of being able to fool the people of the Su family.

Even his elders could not do such a thing, but were defeated by the Su family. I have to say that they are too weak.

It seems that revenge still depends on me.

There was a hint of disdain on the corner of Lan Qing's mouth. He was an extremely conceited person who believed that his talent was unparalleled and that few people could match him.

They are all weak

"I can't stay here for too long, I need to leave immediately. Not only am I leaving here, I am leaving Yanjing City for a while. Where should I go? Just go to that place that is a great place for vacation. It has developed in recent years and has a seven-star hotel. Lan

Qing thought for a moment, stood up and walked forward.........

After grabbing a few pieces of clothing and a fake identity, he put on a wig and sunglasses and walked towards the door. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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