Beside her, there were several young girls.

She has extraordinary looks, is young and beautiful, and even has several foreign faces, but she is not as good as that girl in terms of figure, appearance, or outstanding temperament........

She walks in the middle and feels like a well-deserved queen

"What a powerful aura."

Su Zeming thought to himself.

His eyes fell straight on her.

As if sensing something, the girl in the hall downstairs raised her head, revealing her stunning and delicate face.

Su Zeming looked at her In the past, he did not give in.

The eyes of the two people were directly opposite each other. The exchange of eyes between the two parties had a faint feeling of sparks.


When Zhong Xiang saw it, he secretly said something bad.

Why did the two of them meet here? He was worried that something would go wrong if they met. If something happened, he would definitely die.

There was no way he could escape this blame.

Zhong Xiang gritted his teeth, walked to Su Nian'er's side, and called out.

Yes, this girl is Su Nian'er........

"Um! I know nothing will happen."Su Nian'er didn't look at Zhong Xiang, but kept her eyes on Su Zeming.

"You have known her since childhood!"

Su Nian'er said calmly with a slightly raised voice.

"Yes, miss, we have been playing together since childhood."Zhong Xiang did not hide this, because he knew that hiding it was useless.

Su Nian'er may know more than he thought.

You don't need to guess.

"What kind of person is he."Su Nian'er slowly retracted her gaze and walked upstairs, followed by several girls next to her.


Zhong Xiang paused and didn't speak.

Su Nian'er smiled and said,"It's okay. It's okay if you don't say anything."

"No, miss. Zhong Xiang shook his head and said:"Ze Ming is the smartest person among those of us who grew up together. We can't compare with him at all. Not only that, in terms of skill, I am no match for Ze Ming.""

"Is he that powerful?"

Su Nian'er, whose face was originally calm and unremarkable, seemed a little surprised at the presence of the old god.........

At that time, when her father asked Zhong Xiang to serve as her security officer, it turned out that the security officer around Su Nianer was not convinced.

As a result, the two competed.

The fact that the security chief was crushed in an instant was enough to prove the extent of Zhong Xiang's skills.

Now, Zhong Xiang thinks he is inferior to him?

According to Zhong Xiang's character, he is straightforward and will never lie, so this is true. His skills are really good.

"Yes! And at the time, he was a few years younger than me."

Zhong Xiang said again

"He is indeed his eldest son and has not dishonored his reputation."Su Nian'er raised the corner of her mouth and showed a beautiful smile.

When Zhong Xiang heard this, he immediately didn't dare to speak.

His son?

Zhong Xiang didn't dare to say or comment on that. Otherwise, no one would take action. He Dad can break his feet first.

Soon, Su Nian'er and his party arrived on this floor......

"Qingyu, you and everyone else go into the private room first, and I'll take care of some things in advance."Su Nian'er stopped and looked at a girl next to her who was equally tall and had an extraordinary temperament.

This girl's name was Guo Qingyu. Although her family was not as good as the Chu family, she was Su Nian'er's classmate at Imperial College of Science and Technology.

He is a few years older than Su Nian'er, but they are good friends

"You workaholic, you finally told everyone to have fun for a while. You are still working at this time, and you will have a few more drinks later."

Guo Qingyu curled her lips and said coquettishly.

"Okay, you go ahead! I'll have two more drinks later."Su Nian'er smiled and said

"Okay, let’s go in first."

Guo Qingyu talked to the others, and they all nodded, gestured to Su Nian'er a few times, and then headed towards the private room they had reserved.

This is one of the most fun places in Yanjing City, with a good environment. , and it is safe, and people who come here do not have certain conditions and cannot come here to play.

Su Nianer watched them leave and looked at Su Zeming again, who was only about ten meters away from her.

Su Zeming's eyes did not change. It kept falling on Su Nian'er.

Seeing Su Nian'er slowly walking over, Su Zeming leaned on the railing and looked in the direction where Su Nian'er and Zhong Xiang were walking.

After a while, Su Nian'er and Zhong Xiang Here we are.

Su Nian'er came to a place more than one meter away from Su Zeming and stopped. She looked at Su Zeming slowly and said nothing.

"Zhong Xiang, long time no see! You kid, it’s been so long since you came back to Yanjing City and you haven’t even taken the initiative to contact me. How long have we not seen each other?"

Su Zeming looked at Zhong Xiang, smiled and said hello.

Su Nian'er did not speak, but seemed to be waiting for Su Zeming and Zhong Xiang to say hello together before speaking.

"Then it becomes clear!"

Zhong Xiang smiled bitterly.

Now, he was sandwiched next to Su Zeming and Su Nian'er. He really felt uncomfortable, as if he was being flanked, and his whole body felt uncomfortable........

At this time, he really wanted to find a chance to stay away from here.

Otherwise, it would be too uncomfortable

"I'm quite busy at this time. When I have time, I will definitely find you and treat you to dinner. Zhong Xiang smiled and said

"OK! That `s a deal."

Su Zeming smiled and said

"Then you guys chat, we'll be there for you."When Zhong Xiang heard this, he nodded, then looked at Su Zeming, and walked aside, more than ten meters away from the two of them.

Su Zeming watched Zhong Xiang walk away, and his eyes fell on Su Nian'er.

"This is not the first time we have met."

Su Zeming looked at Su Nian'er who was looking towards the hall downstairs. He also turned around and looked in the direction of the hall downstairs.

Su Nian'er turned his eyes and looked at Su Zeming.

Su Zeming continued on by himself. Said:"The first time I saw you was probably when I was four years old, when I saw you and Aunt Chu going to see the old man. I was still young at that time and didn't know your identity, and I Mom didn’t tell me directly either."

"Then when did you first know about our existence?"

When Su Nian'er heard this, she opened her mouth slightly and was not surprised. Instead, she slowly spoke.

As for both parties, they had already known about their existence. In fact, these two parties did not mean their mothers. , but she, Su Nian'er, and her younger brother Su Ye........

Over there, there were two brothers and sisters, Su Zeming and Su Duoer.

In fact, both of them are not ignorant of each other's affairs. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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