Su Nian'er's directness made Su Zeming slightly surprised.

After all, they should know the existence of both parties, but over the years, everyone has been pretending that the other party does not exist.........

This is true whether it's Su Zeming, Su Duo'er or Su Nian'er.

The meeting here tonight was purely accidental. Perhaps it was unconscious on both sides, but they did not expect that Su Nian'er would speak out about it.

Su Zeming frowned slightly, then opened his brows

"When I was eleven years old, I learned about your existence."Su Zeming thought for a moment and explained slowly.

"Pretty much the same as me."

Su Nian'er smiled.

Su Zeming said:"Congratulations, you have completely taken control of the entire company after taking charge of Hengyu Group for one year.

Su Nian'er smiled and said,"Are you demonstrating against me?" Does it mean that there is nothing I can hide from you?"

Su Zeming shook his head. Regarding Su Nian'er's seemingly sharp words, he didn't think it was a very offensive word.

It didn't mean any hostility.......

He smiled and said:"Don't get me wrong, Brother Xiang didn't tell me, and he was doing things around you, and even I didn't know"


Su Nian'er looked at Su Zeming with a half-smile.

Su Zeming shook his shoulders, waved his hands, and said:"I say this, whether you believe it or not, I don't know why Brother Xiang went to work for you. I know about you in Hengyu Group because when I learned that Hengyu Group had changed its person in charge, I saw you in the newspaper."

"The person in charge who was under twenty years old caused a sensation at the time, and I know it was you who paid more attention to Hengyu Group."

"Over the past year, many high-level positions of Hengyu Group have been changed, but the company's business has not changed at all. On the contrary, it has grown faster than the previous year."

"That's why I........"

"I believe."

As a result, Su Zeming didn't speak, but Su Nian'er interrupted Su Zeming directly, opened her mouth slightly, and said lightly

"Forehead!"Su Zeming was a little surprised and looked at Su Nian'er again. This time, Su Zeming's evaluation of Su Nian'er was higher.

She was obviously more broad-minded than she knew.

No wonder, after entering the Hengyu Group, she In one year, he used extremely fierce methods to completely convince the senior management of the company.

Moreover, many obstacles were cleared.

Of course, there is another thing, that is to find Fang Long, who betrayed the company, and use Fang Long to It was a heavy blow to Likang Group, one of the top companies in the world.

It caused Likang Group to lose hundreds of millions. And there was nothing to say.

If Su Zeming knew this, he would be shocked.

Now, Su Nian'er didn't wait for Su Zeming. Completely believing in Su Zeming's words, Su Zeming felt that Su Nian'er was more powerful than he thought.

Su Zeming smiled and said,"You are really unexpected........."

Su Nian'er's eyes narrowed slightly, her beautiful big eyes revealed a crescent moon-like cute smile, and she said:"You are the person he values ​​the most. If you want to cultivate an heir, if you don't even have the courage to do so, , if you can only do small tricks behind your back, then you are not worthy of him training you."

"You seem to admire him?"

Su Zeming looked straight at Su Nian'er.

Su Nian'er nodded and admitted,"Of course, do you think there is anyone in this world who can compare with him?"

"Indeed not."

Su Zeming stretched out his hand, rubbed his nose and said

"As expected of his son, your actions are exactly the same as his, with almost no difference."The moment Su Nianer looked at Su Zeming, he felt very much like his father.

Even at this moment, Su Nianer seemed to look at Su Zeming as clearly as he looked at his father, Su Can, in front of him.

"hey-hey! When Su

Zeming heard this, he put down his hand, laughed dryly, and said,"Actually, he is also my idol and the person I admire most.""

Besides him, who else is worthy of my admiration?

He is the only one.

From childhood to adulthood, every time I grow up and know more things, I have more and more respect and admiration for my father.........

Because of the things he did, even Su Zeming felt that he couldn't do one hundredth or even one thousandth of it.

He is an extremely great man

"It seems that we all worship the same person."

Su Nian'er said with a smile.

Su Zeming nodded and said:"I think there is no one who knows him who doesn't admire him, and it just so happens that he is also our father."

Su Nian'er smiled and agreed with Su Zeming's words.

Indeed, although they are not the same mother, they are the same father. That man is so majestic.

"I'm curious. Su

Nian'er looked at Su Zeming and said,"Why don't you want to come out so quickly?" I have seen the projects you have done for several companies, and the planning of each project is so perfect. With this talent, I think you can complete the courses long ago."

"If you are willing, it is not difficult to go abroad and obtain a master's degree within one year with your intelligence."

"When the time comes, after returning from school, whether it is to start a business, accept his test, or take over any company under his control,......."

"Isn't this better than now?"

Su Nian'er is a little confused. This is her only doubt.

She knows a little about Su Zeming's strength. He is a hidden person and does not want to expose all his strength.

If it comes to it, they As a child, Su Zeming is perhaps the person who is most like his father.

His character and his behavior seem to have been deeply influenced by his father in a subtle way.

From the perspective of several major events that have happened to him recently, Su Nian'er could see a shadow of her father in it.

For others, those things may not be known at all.

However, for people at Su Nian'er's level, if they want to know these things What happened that day was not too difficult.

As long as she wanted to know, she could know.

She even knew clearly who among Lu Mingyuan's group of people went there at that time.

That is to say, from those few things, Su Nian'er I saw some of Su Zeming's behavior and learned more and more........

Su Zeming smiled and said:"Don't you think that by leapfrogging all the way like you, you missed a lot of scenery along the way? Sometimes, taking a step or two slower can allow people to see more. Scenery." ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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