Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan, smiled, and said:"Just call him Li Zhong outside! There is no need to be polite to this guy"

"You see, Ze Ming of your family has said this. Listen to Ze Ming and you are right........"

Li Zhong chuckled.

My family is clear?

Hearing Li Zhong's words, Tang Xuan looked at Su Zeming and her heart beat faster. It would be great if Su Zeming really belonged to her family!

Unfortunately, no

"Then I will understand if you listen. Tang

Xuan smiled and said

"Well, to celebrate such a title, let’s have a drink!"Li Zhong raised his glass and toasted to Su Zeming and Tang Xuan.

Su Zeming raised his glass and touched it with Li Zhong and Tang Xuan.


The cup made a crisp sound, and Su Zeming drank it all in one gulp.

"And us......."

As soon as the glass was drunk, Lu Mingyuan and Wang You came over. Both of them held wine glasses and walked up to Su Zeming and Tang Xuan.

Wang You smiled and said:"Zeming, long time no see. It's a rare opportunity to hang out together. Let's toast you two.""

"Yes, yes, we can do whatever you want."

Lu Mingyuan blinked and gestured to help Su Zeming get Tang Xuandao drunk.

Su Zeming looked at him, glared at him, and then saw behind the two of them, Wang Zuo, Zhang Suo, Li Zhi and others, all coming over with wine glasses..

In addition to a few of them, there were also quite a few familiar people, at least a dozen of them. With so many people taking turns, he was almost drunk.

"Tang Xuan, you can just take a sip. There is no need to drink it all. These guys are determined to get me drunk!"

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan next to him and said softly

"oops! Then it is clear that you pity the fragrance and cherish the jade!"Wang You coaxed

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is called a real man. If you don’t understand, don’t say anything. Hurry up and get yourself a drink as a penalty. Lu Mingyuan rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay, I'll punish myself with a drink......."

Wang You was very straightforward and drank all the wine in the glass.

"Okay, stop making trouble, come on, let’s drink together."Su Zeming smiled, knowing what these people were thinking.

It's not just the way men think when they are together.

He helped his brother get the girl he brought drunk and gave him a chance. Even if Su Zeming and others in this circle , it is inevitable to be vulgar.

The three of them drank a drink

"Come and have some fruit."Tang Xuan looked at it and felt a little sorry for Su Zeming. He quickly picked up a piece of watermelon with a toothpick and handed it to Su Zeming. Su Zeming took it and ate it.

"And there we are! We also have to raise a toast."

At this time, Wang Zuo's group of people came

"Yes, let's have a drink together."

Zhang Suo laughed.

"I suggest that there are so many of us, so don’t toast all of us, but do it separately, one person at a time."Wang Zuo showed a smirk.

"Agree, agree!"

"That's right, if Zeming wasn't drunk, how could he let the girl have a chance?"


"It must be like this......."

Tang Xuan's face turned red and hot when he heard those people making noises, and some even said that if Su Zeming had not been drunk, he would have no chance at all.

Did they hint that they helped them get Su Zeming drunk?

This is a good opportunity.

At a certain moment, Tang Xuan wanted to do as they said and get Su Zeming drunk. Then he would be able to do whatever he wanted.

"Tang Xuan, what are you thinking about? How can you think about such dirty things?"

Immediately afterwards, Tang Xuan's little head shook slightly. In his heart, he secretly spat at himself, feeling that this idea was too inappropriate.

How could this be done?

However, it seemed very exciting!

Tang Xuan showed his cards, She was very moved by that proposal.

"You guys want to get me drunk, you want to drink me to death! Okay, we are all brothers, let’s have a drink together!"

Su Zeming picked up the wine glass, glanced at the booing people, and said with a faint smile.


After hearing Su Zeming's words, Wang Zuo sighed in disappointment.......

However, everyone did not continue the quarrel. Originally, everyone toasted to Su Zeming, but that was just making fun. Do you really want to do this?

They don’t dare!

Think about it, there are more than a dozen people, each drinking Hennessy. What if anyone here has experienced such a round?

I guess I just lay down.

"Come, let’s have a drink, everyone!"

Zhang Suo also picked up the wine glass.



Everyone in their small circle picked up their wine glasses and drank together. Su Zeming also drank up the wine in the glass.

"Okay, you go and play! The women around you are all looking at you!"Su Zeming pointed to the other side.

Almost every one of these guys will come with a female companion.

They all have no shortage of women.........

And although those women don't say how high their education level is or how good their temperament is, they are definitely the kind with the best figures.

She has long legs and a tall figure, and has everything she should have. Not only that, she also has a very good-looking face.

These normal car shows are the kind with big car models.

Moreover, it is a luxury car-level car model, definitely not the kind of ordinary car model that is used for affordable cars.

There is never a shortage of these women.

Even if you change one a day, there is no problem.

After hearing Su Zeming's words, some people dispersed, and only a few people who could talk to Su Zeming sat at Su Zeming's table.

For example, Zhang Suo, Lu Mingyuan, Li Zhong, Wang Zuo and others.

These people sit at the same table as Su Zeming. Here, they are the only ones who can sit at this table with Su Zeming.

Others are of a lower grade.

A group of people played a game.......

I don’t know how long it took, but Su Zeming drank a lot and felt urgent to urinate. He said to go to the bathroom, and Su Zeming walked out of the private room.

Compared with the air mixed with tobacco and alcohol in the private room, the air outside was much better than the air inside. Su Zeming went to the bathroom and came out to wash his hands and face.

I feel like the smell of alcohol all over my body has subsided for a while.

"call! These things."

Su Zeming shook his head, let out a long breath, and looked in the direction of the private room. He didn't want to go in for the time being.

He looked at the end of the passage, which was the corridor. From there, he could see the hall downstairs in the middle. , the field of vision was much wider.

Su Zeming walked slowly over, stood next to the corridor and looked down.

At this time, it was getting late, it was quite late, but there were still people coming up to the stairs one after another in the hall. Come on.

Su Zeming looked at it for a while, then suddenly his eyes shrank and he looked straight down.

"Zhong Xiang?"

Su Zeming saw a familiar figure and said softly.

Next to Zhong Xiang, stood a tall girl. The girl had a delicate appearance and was extremely beautiful. She was prettier than many women Su Zeming had seen.........

This girl, in particular, has a strong aura about her, and she has a feeling that strangers should not approach her. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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