They know nothing about the strength of the Su family, and have no understanding at all of the world's largest giant.

Let's put it this way.......

The Rothschild family is a legend, but the Su family is a real giant, controlling the economic lifeline of many industries, and can be said to be a giant.

Li Zhong glanced at these people and said:"I only want to say one thing, that is, all the people here combined are not as important as this person.""


After hearing Li Zhong's words, these people suddenly took a breath of cold air and felt extremely shocked.

All the people here together are not as important as that person?

Oh my God?

Who is that person?

This It's too scary........

You know, the assets of their families are in the billions, which is a bit low here, but there are also very high ones!

For example, the Li family and Zhongheng Real Estate have at least tens of billions of assets.

In addition to the Li family, there is also Mr. Lu Mingyuan in Pengcheng. Let’s not talk about the market value of Guoqiang Electronics Factory in his family for the time being. Their Haiyan DVD alone had a market value of over 100% in the US stock market last year. Highest.

At one time, it reached tens of billions of dollars.

According to this exchange rate, it is at least nearly 100 billion RMB!

The Lu family has also become the richest family in the mainland. In the Chinese circle, it only loses to the Li Chaoren family and the richest man in Southeast Asia, Guo Guo.

In addition, the Wang family of Wang Zuo and Wang You, the Li family of another Li Shao and Li Zhi, and the Zhang family of Dongfeng Logistics.

The combined wealth of these people's families is at least 500 billion.

Even if the assets of Li Chaoren, the richest Chinese man today, are not that large, they are not that terrifying.

In fact, the sum of several Li Chaoren doesn’t even amount to that many........

But who alone can outshine everyone here?

How can it be?

Their hearts were shocked, they felt unbelievable, and their hearts were as horrified as a huge wave had set off.

Li Zhong glanced at the crowd for a few times and did not speak. Instead, he held the wine glass and walked towards Su Zeming.

He didn't care at all, these people were like frogs in a well.

Because the Su family's family fortune is not only larger than that of everyone here combined! Even if it were increased several times, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as good as the Su family.

The Li family is just working for the Su family.

If it weren't for Uncle Su, his father would still be busy fighting on the streets!

"Mr. Li is so funny."

After Li Zhong left, someone couldn't help but laugh.

"That's right! It’s really humorous, he’s teasing us! How can anyone in this Chinese business circle have such great strength!"

"That's it, that's it........"

"I thought they were Apple!"

"In addition to Apple and Microsoft, there are several companies that can reach a huge market value of 500 billion RMB!"

"Yes, yes, you can’t even see it in the Chinese community."

"Even if Li Chaoren is here, he wouldn't dare to think that one person's assets are greater than the assets of all of us put together!"

"Absolutely not"

"Li Chaoren is not even the richest man in China, how can others be? I think Mr. Li must be just being humorous."

"But, have you ever seen Mr. Li joke about this kind of thing?"

"It seems that it has never happened"

"Could it be?"

A few people were startled when they thought that this was very likely to be true. Then they looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

They were all frightened..........

In fact, they really don't know that although Apple and Microsoft are not owned by the Su family, the companies run by Su Can have increased their holdings of a lot of shares in Apple and Microsoft through various channels.

Especially after the Internet bubble, the stocks of Internet companies plummeted, almost reaching freezing point.

Su Can asked the investment companies in his hands, as well as some companies with stable cash flow, to buy shares in Apple and Microsoft.

If nothing else, just rely on the total shares of Microsoft and Apple held by all Su Can's industries.

At least, there are more than 20%.

If Apple and Microsoft had a market value of over one trillion U.S. dollars, the combined value of these two companies and the shares held by Su Can's industrial hands would be at least 500 billion U.S. dollars.

If this money is calculated as RMB, it would be the market value of Alibaba in the previous life.

Of course, these are companies that operate separately and are not brought together to hold more than 3% of the shares of Apple and Microsoft.........

Su Can only owns Wanxiang Group and Yong'an Bank, and the other one is Qianfen Investment Company.

Among them, Qianfen Investment Company holds the largest share, each holding about 78% of the shares. These were purchased after selling the previous 15% of the shares.

At that time, I bought it when the stock price was high. The subsequent purchases were all after the Internet bubble, and the stock price reached the floor price.

Almost, not much money was spent.

And now, the stocks of Apple and Microsoft have almost risen by more than half, and they will probably return to their peak in two years.

However, it is a pity that Su Can has one more chance to sell everything before the market value of Apple and Microsoft reaches one trillion.

And this opportunity is only four years away from now.

Even if the crisis comes five years later, by the fourth year, it will be time to start selling non-stop.

Absolutely not, sell only when it reaches the highest point.

That's what happens in novels. The real selling is during the surge, selling constantly, otherwise let alone the 20% of the shares.........

Even if you sell 1% of the shares in one day, the entire company will suffer a chain reaction and fall to the lowest price.

"Then it will be clear."

Li Zhong held the wine glass and came to the side of Su Zeming and Tang Xuan.

"Mr. Li! Tang

Xuan looked at Li Zhong and said.

Li Zhong looked at Su Zeming, then looked at Tang Xuan, smiled and said:"Tang Xuan, you can call me Mr. Li inside the company, but outside, we In front of others, just like Zeming, you can just call me by my name. Call me Li Zhong!"

"This won't work!"

When Tang Xuan heard this, she quickly shook her head. Although she heard the hint in Li Zhong's words, that is, she might become Su Zeming's woman, so there is no need to be so polite.

But, becoming Su Zeming's woman?

Can she do it?.......

Her family background? Her talent and appearance? There are not two billion girls like her in the world, but there are probably hundreds of millions or more!

How could she deserve it? ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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