"Dad, me?"

Su Nian'er looked at Su Can, her eyes slightly startled.

Su Can gently rubbed Su Nian'er's little head, rubbed it a few times, and said with a smile:"To be in charge of a big company, you must not only have decisive means to kill. , but also a humane touch......."

"Because Fang Long lost such a large sum of money gambling in Las Vegas, he was bribed by another pharmaceutical company to betray the company's interests."

"This crime is naturally heinous, but you used Fang Long's line to trick Likang Pharmaceutical Group into getting the fake formula, and spent hundreds of millions of dollars on it."

"Not only that, it also greatly slowed down other research and development of Li Kang Pharmaceutical Group, causing their company heavy losses."

"That alone makes a lot of money."

Su Can is very proud of his daughter.

There is no way, her daughter is indeed excellent.

If he were to handle this matter personally, the best result would be the same as his daughter's.

But how old is he ?........

He has been a human being for two lifetimes and has not seen or encountered too much.

And the woman was less than twenty years old. A child of this age actually achieved such a miraculous achievement. Even if she was not Su Can's daughter, Su Can couldn't help but cheer and applaud her.

"Dad, these are all arranged by you, I am just an executor."Su Nian'er didn't dare to bow arrogantly.

Su Can shook his head and said:"A person's ability can be seen in his execution ability. You have proven yourself"

"Yes, your dad is right."

At this time, Chu Yiyi also came back.


Su Nian'er looked at Chu Yiyi.

Chu Yiyi nodded slightly and sat on the sofa next to her.

"Fang Long's father, your grandfather Ming, was kind to our Chu family. When our Chu family split and I returned to Yanjing City, apart from your father, only your grandfather Ming followed me."

Chu Yiyi recalled that after the Chu family collapsed, she returned to the company with her patented technology to build a factory and recruit workers. Fang Ming did help a lot.........

Otherwise, how could Chu Yiyi give Fang Ming anything later!

"Your handling of Fang Long in this way is actually a very mature performance. Chu Yiyi smiled and said:"After all, your Grandpa Ming has helped me a lot. If you let Fang Long go, you will completely cut off that part of the kindness.""

"As for that share, I will naturally return it to you, Grandpa Ming. Our Chu family doesn’t lack that little money, so it’s nothing."

That share, for ordinary people, is definitely a big share.

Although it does not reach one percent, but with the current market value of tens of billions of Chu Group, the share is almost tens of millions. It’s worth it.

Of course, Su Can and Chu Yiyi Nian’er don’t care much about this little money.

"Your mother is right. Su

Can nodded deeply and said:"Every revenge must be avenged, and a kindness must be repaid. Fang Ming helped your mother back then, and now that you have spared Fang Long, the kindness has been repaid, so you don't need to feel guilty.""

"Mom and Dad, I understand."

After hearing what Su Can and her mother said, Su Nian'er no longer struggled with this topic.

This matter has changed........

"Dad, I want to report to you on the progress of the new batch of drugs from Hengyu Group."

Su Nian'er immediately changed the topic and said


Su Can leaned back on the sofa, picked up the tea cup, took a sip, nodded, and responded with a hum.

Su Nian'er said seriously:"Now Hengyu Group has developed it in the research institute where the sun never sets. The drug has applied for a patent and passed human trials. Now that the batch of drug numbers has been applied for, it can be fully produced."

"However, this batch of drugs has not yet been approved in China. Is it necessary to apply for further research and approval?

Su Nian'er said curiously:"There is another problem, which is that due to the influence of materials, the production volume of this drug is very low. It is expected that the output in the first year will not exceed 30,000 pills. Even if the process is upgraded later , In the next three years, the maximum annual output should be around hundreds of thousands of pills"

"In addition, this medicine is very special, it can delay aging, improve the immunity of the elderly, and has the effect of prolonging life........."

"Even a seriously ill person can live a few months longer as long as he keeps taking this medicine. If a person in his 80s or 90s takes this medicine for a few years, if nothing happens, he can live a few months longer. Years of life"

"Once such a drug appears, it will definitely cause panic buying, but how to price it is a very serious problem."

"In addition, how to sell drugs? Should they be handed over to ordinary agents, or should a subsidiary company be established to specialize in operating this drug?"

After hearing Su Nian'er's words, Chu Yiyi looked at Su Can with a proud look in her eyes.

These questions are all on point.

Moreover, they are still the most critical in this company at the moment. Being able to ask some questions like this shows that her daughter has completely integrated into the Hengyu Group.

Seeing Chu Yiyi's eyes, Su Can smiled.

This girl is showing off to herself!

How about it?

My daughter is pretty good. Come on! That's awesome!

Su Can smiled at Chu Yiyi, then looked at Su Nian'er and said:"Nian'er, these issues you mentioned are all of concern at the moment........."

"Among them, the domestic market has a population of more than one billion. It will be a very huge market in the future. Even if our medicine focuses on the high-end market, the base of the population of more than one billion will not be enough. One person has reached this level"

"Then, the domestic market alone can fully occupy the market share of this drug. Naturally, we need to continue to apply."

"However, the result of this application will not be too fast. It is slower than those abroad, so there is no need to be so anxious."

"For now, we focus on foreign markets, first make our products famous among the wealthy class abroad, and then slowly operate the domestic market."

"As for the production problem, this drug itself is rare and expensive, and the materials used are very scarce. This can only be cultivated slowly."

"Finally, it’s time to set the price! When Su

Can said this, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said,"The overseas sales price is 30,000 US dollars per pill!" The price cannot be too expensive"

"What about domestically?"

Su Nian'er said with a nice smile on her lips.

She knew that her father's domestic prices must be lower than those abroad, just like that Xiaomi mobile phone........

Now it is the world's largest brand of mobile phones, but the prices sold in China are one-tenth cheaper than those sold abroad.

This gave birth to many mobile phone purchase agents in China, allowing many people to make a lot of money just by purchasing on behalf of others. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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