Now, are we going to have medicine purchasing agents again?

Su Nian'er pursed her lips slightly, feeling dumbfounded.

Su Can nodded and said:"It's cheaper in China, but it shouldn't be too expensive. Let's sell it for 29,000 US dollars per pill! The price is 1,000 US dollars cheaper than abroad.........."

"The price difference is one thousand US dollars. This price is okay. It is estimated that countless people will rush to buy it and then sell it to foreign countries."

Su Nian'er smiled.

Su Can nodded and said,"It can be regarded as giving ordinary people another way to get rich!"

Indeed, in this era when the per capita monthly income is several hundred yuan, if ordinary people grab a medicine from Hengyu Group, they will almost earn a year's income.

In the previous life, those Chinese people went abroad, He often helps people buy foreign products and comes back. Now Su Can can be regarded as doing something that brings face to the people of the country.

"Well, then we will set the price according to this price."

Su Nian'er nodded and said

"Okay, you have something to eat first!"

Su Can smiled slightly and glanced at the servant who had brought the food to him.


Su Nian'er looked over, her stomach became even hungrier, and she made a grunting sound, which made her pretty face suddenly turn red.

Su Can smiled faintly.


Su Nian'er nodded obediently, stood up, and walked towards the dining table........

"This girl is getting better and better at handling the company's business."Su Can watched her daughter walk to the dining table, sit down, and said softly.

"I'm not worried about Nian'er. That brat Su Ye is really worrying! If only he had a fraction of her sister's abilities."

Chu Yiyi said


Su Can smiled bitterly.

Time passed by, and a few days passed by in a flash.

At this time, it has entered autumn, whether it is the rustling leaves in the north, the desolation begins to spread, or the farmers' language in the water town in the south of the Yangtze River. It indicates the arrival of this autumn.

Alibaba Group, located in Hangzhou, has developed very rapidly in the past few years and has now become a leading enterprise in domestic electronic commerce.

It has even received investment from many venture capital investors.

However, for As for Boss Ma, he doesn't like these venture capital investments, even if they pay the same amount. Now they have no shortage of money at Alibaba. Now

, if you want to invest in Alibaba, Alibaba focuses more on the capital power behind the venture capital. Can it help Alibaba?

However, even if it can help, it will be very weak.

Because Alibaba’s current major shareholders and bosses are the big bosses of Xiangjiang Vientiane Group and Yong’an Bank, which are truly major international capitals........

They are among the best in the world.

The Wanxiang Group, in particular, controls huge amounts of funds and is extremely powerful.

Many years ago, during the Hong Kong stock market crash, a group of hot money brought by Soros was going crazy to short the Hong Kong stock market.

At that time, nearly one billion U.S. dollars had been made.

In the Hong Kong stock market, countless people’s stocks have hit rock bottom.

Vientiane Group came forward and has not invested money in the Xiangjiang stock market. It just said that it is optimistic about the Xiangjiang stock market.

On that day, the Hong Kong stock market rose five percent.

Soros was unconvinced and mobilized a large amount of funds to go short.

As a result, the Vientiane Group invested huge sums of money and fought against the international hot money represented by Solosi, completely killing the opponent.

During the Hong Kong stock market crash, Soros and other international hot money companies lost at least nearly 5 billion U.S. dollars, which can be described as heavy losses.

They lost all the money they made from short selling in Southeast Asia, including capital and profits.

This battle made Wanxiang Group's reputation shocked the world.

And Boss Ma knew that the big boss behind the Vientiane Group was actually in Yanjing City, a man he had met once when he was a child.

Now, he is also Boss Ma’s idol........

With him as Alibaba’s major shareholder, what kind of venture capital does Boss Ma need now? With that background condition, he is better than that one.

Even Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers are absolutely inferior.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the office door.

Boss Ma looked at the door. The door opened with a click. It was Boss Ma's secretary who walked in from the outside.

This is a graduate of a famous domestic university. He is very capable. He was beaten by Boss Ma. Zidian became his secretary

"Mr. Ma!"

The secretary came in, looked at Boss Ma and said,"The guest list of Xihujian has been sent out, and basically 90% of the people have agreed to attend."

"Now, we have started to prepare the forum address and prepared the reception work to ensure that the reception work for the forum will be completed in half a month."

Boss Ma narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this.

Xihu Jianjian was an event organized by Boss Ma a few years ago. Most people from the Internet industry were invited to come.........

After several years of development, it has become the largest Internet forum in China.

Boss Ma thought for a moment and said:"Okay, you are responsible for handling this matter. I will see the results then.""

"It's Mr. Ma."

The secretary said respectfully.

Internet forum! Xihu Sword!

Boss Ma laughed at himself, what kind of Internet forum is that one not participating? What kind of Xihu Sword is it!

Just like when they held a martial arts conference, but the leader of the martial arts alliance did not come, What the hell is this!

"Mr. Ma, what’s wrong with you?"

The secretary was about to go out when he saw Boss Ma laughing at himself and asked Boss Ma with some confusion. Boss Ma shook his head and said:"It's okay, I thought of something, you go out first! I'm alone and quiet"

"It’s Mr. Ma!"

The secretary walked out with doubts.

Boss Ma leaned back on the boss's chair, his thin fingers gently tapping on the desk, and there was a hint of wisdom in his eyes.

He thought for a moment and picked up the phone.........

After reading for a while, Boss Ma pondered for a moment.


After a long time, Boss Ma seemed to have finally made up his mind. His eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and he picked up the phone and made a call.

"Hello, is this Secretary Mu?"

Boss Ma smiled and said:"It's okay. I just called you to ask you one thing. This year's Xihu Swordsmanship will be held. As you know, I have held this swordsmanship event for several years. I want to ask you. Mr. Su came to participate in Xihu Sword. I wonder if Mr. Su is free."

"oh! thank you! Thank you for conveying it to me!"

After hanging up the phone, Boss Ma looked very expectant. What if Mr. Su could be invited to participate?

Then how high the standards of this forum would be.

My dear.........

Boss Ma couldn’t even imagine it. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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