This son is five years younger than Su Nian'er, and his name is Su Ye.

Choosing this name, Chu Yiyi hopes that her son can develop and advance in his career in the future and inherit some foundations.

But her son Su ye obviously disappointed her.

Compared with her sister Su Nian'er, this child's IQ is incomparable, and even her learning ability is not as good as Su Nian'er's........

It seems that he is just an ordinary smart child who has not inherited Su Duoer's genius-like IQ.

Not only that, this child is in junior high school abroad and has little interest in normal courses. He is more interested in football.

Chu Yiyi was particularly dissatisfied with this.

After all, the Chu Group she was in charge of was handed over to her son Su Ye, but his son didn't like studying and instead played football.

Chu Yiyi said it many times, but she couldn't change the child's mind.

Naturally she felt helpless.

Su Can hugged Chu Yiyi and said with a smile:"Let the child choose whatever he likes! As long as he doesn't do anything harmful to nature, he likes the football industry. After graduating from college, he can buy a Premier League or Serie A team. He plays"

"Just you spoil him."

Chu Yiyi rolled her eyes at Su Can, buried her little head on Su Can's shoulder and snuggled up.

Su Can chuckled and said,"You underestimate the football industry. In Europe, the football industry in many countries is... It’s very big, and there are huge surrounding markets. The global football market can reach tens of billions of euros in a year......."

"That is also not doing your job properly."Chu Yiyi raised her pretty nose and said

"You! Will spoil the child."

Looking at the coquettish Chu Yiyi, who would have thought that this strong woman who controls a huge company with a market value of tens of billions would only show this little daughter's attitude when she is in front of her!

And only in front of Su Can, That's why Chu Yiyi was so defenseless.

At the same time, Chu Yiyi was very happy that Su Can chose her and loved their two children very much.

It can be said that they are no better than Huang Manyu's two children. Young Master.

Didn't you see?

As soon as Su Nian'er graduated, she was given the helm of such a large company, which was even bigger than the Chu Group she was now in charge of.

This company would be given to her daughter as long as it was given to her.

It is enough to show how much Su Can loves this daughter.

"By the way, is Su ye okay over there? Su Can asked.

Chu Yiyi nodded and said,"When Nian'er was working there, he often went to see Su Ye. He was in love there. In addition, you arranged for someone to protect you secretly. No what happened"


Su Can nodded.


At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the bottom of the villa.

"It's probably because Nian'er got sick and came down......."

Chu Yiyi said with a smile.

As she said this, she moved her little head away from her shoulder. She was already an old man, so it was a bit bad for a child to see her like this.

She also wants to save face.

Su Can looked towards the stairs, and sure enough he saw his daughter Su Nian'er, wearing simple home clothes, walking down the stairs.

She is tall and wears shorts, revealing her long legs. Coupled with her flawless and delicate face, she has inherited the perfect genes of Su Can and Chu Yiyi.

"ah! Dad, you are here."

Su Nian'er walked down, glanced at the living room, and saw Su Can and Chu Yiyi sitting on the sofa, her beautiful eyes widened, and she said in surprise


As soon as she spoke, she quickened her pace and ran to Su Can's side.

"Be careful, watch your step, don't fall."

Su Can said with some worry as he watched his daughter running over.


Hearing Su Can's concern, Su Nian'er giggled, ran to Su Can's side, hugged Su Can's arm, and asked,"Dad, when did you come here and you didn't wake me up."

Su Can gently stroked Su Nian'er's little head and said,"I just came here. Your mother said that you didn't adapt to the jet lag when you came back last night and didn't fall asleep until the morning. I asked her not to wake you up."

"Thanks dad!"

Su Nian'er said with a smile.

"You will only thank your father, not me."

Chu Yiyi is jealous.

"whee!"Su Nian'er heard Chu Yiyi pretending to be angry and jealous, vomiting, and quickly followed suit:"Thank you, Mom."

"Yiyi, how old are you, and you are still vying with me to be jealous of your daughter?"Su Can couldn't stand it anymore and spoke out to defend her baby daughter.

When Chu Yiyi heard Su Can's words, she rolled her eyes.......

Su Can took a look and realized that this girl was becoming more and more courageous. Ever since she had a child, she often looked down upon him. He must give her a good beating tonight to make her beg for mercy.

Fortunately, I exercise regularly.

Otherwise, when you reach middle age, you don’t know who will ask for mercy.

Su Can smiled and said,"You must be hungry after sleeping all day!"


It's okay if Su Can didn't say anything. As soon as he spoke, Su Nian'er made a bubbling sound.

Su Nian'er heard the cry in her stomach and her pretty face turned red.

"I asked the servants to prepare the food at all times, and now I went to ask someone to bring the food to me."Chu Yiyi smiled and said

"Thank you mom."

Seeing Chu Yiyi stand up and call the servant, Su Nian'er said with a smile.


Then, Su Nian'er asked doubtfully:"I have already dealt with Fang Long."


Su Can nodded. He already knew about that matter, but his daughter Su Nian'er will definitely report it to him.......

Sure enough, Su Nian'er continued:"Dad, I didn't send Fang Long to prison. Instead, I asked him to resign on his own initiative and hand over the shares of the Chu Group. I will not take these shares, and I will teach you and give it to Grandpa Ming."

"Dad, am I doing this out of womanly kindness? My business operations are very naive and not very mature!"

At the end of the sentence, Su Nian'er's eyes showed a hint of sadness, feeling that what she had done was very disappointing.

Her father handed over Hengyu Group to her because he trusted her. Such a thing happened to such a big company.

She is so merciful.

This is a big mistake.


Looking at her guilty daughter, Su Can felt a pang in her heart. This girl is too thoughtful. She has only been in the business world for a year. How can she be so powerful and decisive in killing?

Instead, she did this, but Su Can What I hope to see is that there is still a lot of time for this child to grow up slowly........

"You did a good job. Dad doesn't expect it at all. Instead, he feels proud."

Su Can said with a firm smile. ps Please subscribe

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