"Huh! Zhitao, why aren't you curious? Zhou

Hong looked at Wang Zhitao and wondered.

His eyes flickered, and he suddenly said in surprise:"Yesterday, you and Zeming came back so late. Could it be that you followed him to see his girlfriend?"....."

"wipe? Zhou

Hong said excitedly:"You two actually sneaked in without calling me and Xu Tian. You are so mean.""

Wang Zhitao rolled his eyes and said,"Zhou Hong, your brain is so bright that you can write science fiction novels. Maybe you can win the Galaxy Award on the same stage as your idol Liu."

"Yes, I have plans. Zhou Hong said shamelessly.

Su Zeming looked at it, dumbfounded, and said,"It's almost time. Why don't you pack your books and rush to the Seventh Sect?""

"Take a walk."

Xu Tian looked at the time and said immediately.

The group of people quickly packed up, took a piece of bagged bread to deal with it, and ran towards the school while eating.

They were not allowed to attend Teacher Tai's class today. Dare to be late......

The one who was late three times was treated as a failure. It was not a simple matter.

Su Zeming and the others ran into the classroom at the last minute. Seeing that Master Miejie had not come in yet, they felt relieved. about two hours

"Jingle Bell!"

Time flies, the bell rings, and two classes have passed.

"Which canteen are you going to eat in today? Xu

Tian asked.

Zhou Hong said:"Go to Tingtao Garden!" The girls in our school all like to eat in this cafeteria, so we go there to eat. Wang

Zhitao rolled his eyes and said,"At this point, if we go over there, the seats have already been occupied by those hungry wolves who don't have classes. Is there still room there?""

"Too!"Zhou Hong came to his senses.

Xu Tian said:"Zeming, what do you think?"

Su Zeming smiled, but before he spoke, Wang Zhitao said with a smile:"If Zeming doesn't eat with us, it's just the three of us........"

"ah! Why? Zhou

Hong asked in confusion, and then his eyes lit up:"Are you with your girlfriend?""

Su Zeming did not answer Zhou Hong, but looked at Wang Zhitao. Catched by Su Zeming's gaze, Wang Zhitao did not dare to look directly at Su Zeming, but looked to the other side.

Brother, it's really not me who betrayed you!

"Okay, let’s go downstairs first! It's getting late, and maybe there won't even be leftovers for you to eat. Su Zeming shook his shoulders and said.

This is how it is in the university cafeteria. Generally speaking, it is very crowded at meal time, but after this time, there is not much food left. If you want to eat, you have to be quick.

However, today, he After agreeing to Tang Xuan, I can’t eat with them anymore. I will go out to eat later........

The group went downstairs, and Su Zeming handed the book to Wang Zhi."Later, Zhitao, please help me take the book back to the dormitory!""

"OK, no problem."Wang Zhitao passed Su Zeming's book and nodded.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Hong squeezed Xu Tian with his shoulder and said,"Tian'er! Have you seen it? It means there must be something fishy, ​​but it is hidden too deep to let us know."

Xu Tian rolled his eyes at Zhou Hong, smiled and cursed:"Go away, don't take advantage of me."


Zhou Hong realized that Xu Tian had found out that he had taken advantage of him. He was not ashamed, but laughed happily.

Several people quickly went downstairs and came to the downstairs of the Seventh Religion.

"Huh! Who is that, from our school?"

"Which department is it?"

"Damn it! I have been in our school for three years and I have never seen such a beautiful girl. Could it be that she is a new schoolgirl?"

"No! When the freshmen entered the school for military training this year, I went to observe it several times, but I didn’t see such beautiful girls."

"Not from our school........."

"Could it be that he is from the school next door?"

"Such a beautiful girl is not inferior to Su Duoer or Xu Qian, one of the top ten school beauties! But isn’t this girl one of the top ten school beauties from the school next door?"

"When did the unknown people next door become so beautiful?"

"Who dares to go up and get a Penguin number?"

"Huh! Why did she come towards me? Could it be that she saw my handsome face and was completely fascinated by my handsomeness?"

"Damn it, that's coming towards me."

Next to the greenery downstairs of the Seventh Teaching School, a tall girl wearing a peaked cap, a white wide T-shirt, and sky blue jeans was surprised and commented by the students who had finished class at Tsinghua University.

This girl looked beautiful and wore a A hint of coldness instantly hit the head of this Qing Dynasty college bully with a high IQ.

Oh no, it was a heart-pounding feeling.

Especially when this girl walked towards them, those students who noticed the beauty felt that It was coming towards him.

When Su Zeming and others came down, they also saw the woman........

"Wow! When did such a beautiful girl appear in our school?"

Zhou Hong looked at it and was astonished.

"Huh! How do I feel that she is coming towards us? Xu

Tian said doubtfully

"No need to ask me, of course he was coming towards me."Zhou Hong mopped his hair. Fortunately, his short hair was not messed up.

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan slowly walking over, with a hint of surprise on his face. How could Tang Xuan know that he was in class at No. 7 of the school and was still upstairs? Wait.

Then he suddenly realized something.

He looked at Wang Zhitao, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Wang Zhitao felt Su Zeming's eyes, and immediately turned around, pretending that he couldn't see Su Zeming's eyes at all. Su Zeming took a look, and there was nothing there. I don’t know, this is what the traitor Wang Zhitao told Tang Xuan.

This guy!

Su Can is speechless

"I'm coming......"

Zhou Hong watched Tang Xuan come closer and his whole body was shaking with excitement. He was about to say hello to Tang Xuan when he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

After all, he is also a student of Qingdao University, so he also has this keen eye.

He could clearly see that since Tang Xuan walked towards them, when she looked over, the closer she got, the more he could feel that she seemed to have been looking at Ze Ming.

This is?

Could it be?

Could it be?

"Why are you here?"Su Zeming looked at the bright light in Tang Xuan's eyes and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This girl came here and caused quite a stir in Qingdao University, which is full of boys!

"whee! Tang

Xuan showed a bright smile and said with a smile:"I have never been to Qingdao University. I want to come in and see what this famous university is like. I will wait for you after class.""

"Wow! So romantic."

When Zhou Hong heard this, his eyes suddenly revealed a look of realization. This must be Ze Ming's girlfriend!

"Hello, brothers and sisters........"

Zhou Hong said hello immediately.


When Su Zeming heard this, he turned to look at Zhou Hong, chortling slightly at the corners of his mouth. What kind of younger siblings are they? ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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