Brothers and sisters?

Hearing Zhou Hong's words next to him, Tang Xuan's pretty face immediately turned red with two blushes at lightning speed.

A wave of heat spread from the cheeks to the base of the ears


Tang Xuan's heartbeat also accelerated a bit.

"I......You misunderstood me...."

Tang Xuan wanted to explain, and took a peek at Su Zeming. She felt a little happy when she saw that he didn't explain directly.

At the same time, deep down in her heart, she also vaguely didn't want to explain.

However, I can’t bear to be so thin-skinned!

"It's okay, don't be shy. We are in the same dormitory as Zeming, and we are both older than him. You are his girlfriend, and you are our younger brother and sister."

Zhou Hong said carelessly.

Seeing that Tang Xuan was so beautiful and was Su Zeming's girlfriend, he felt that he had to build a good relationship at this level.

For such a beautiful girl, her best friends must also be beautiful.

Finished Relationship, when the time comes, the two parties will come out to get together, sing songs, and have late-night snacks. Isn’t this just a familiarity?

When the time comes, let this younger brother and sister say a few more good words to herself. Maybe she has a friend who is blindly attracted to her. As for myself!

Bah, bah, bah!

It should be the discerning eye.

"Hello brothers and sisters.......

When Xu Tian heard this, he also reacted and interrupted Tang Xuan's words with Zhou Hong.

Tang Xuan's pretty face turned even redder.

Those students who noticed Tang Xuan walking over and thought that Tang Xuan was walking next to them watched Zhou Hong and Xu Tian calling Tang Xuan younger brother and sister.

They all beat their heads and felt regretful.

It turns out that famous flowers have owners!

"well! So that beautiful woman has a boyfriend?"

"What a pity"

"Don't stop me, I want to duel with him"

"When did our Tsinghua University have such a beautiful girl? We boycott it. Such a beautiful girl should be a school treasure and not allowed to fall in love."


"ah! I feel like I'm falling out of love"

"This feeling is not just yours"

"A delicate and beautiful flower is stuck on the cow dung!"

"That's right, that's right........"

Su Zeming listened to the words of the students around him and rolled his eyes. He is like cow dung! You are the cow dung, and the whole family is cow dung.

He couldn't laugh or cry. He had no choice. They were in short supply of girls in Qingda University, especially beautiful girls.

For example, in the 1990s, several teachers in their school were talented, and now they are all singers in the entertainment industry.

The reason why I entered the entertainment industry is not because I heard that the men from Peking University next door like to have literary talents. They all do it to attract girls by singing next door.

Now, someone of Tang Xuan's level naturally attracts a lot of people's attention.

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan. When Zhou Hong and Xu Tian said this, the girl blushed like a red apple shyly.

However, it does look a bit cute

"Don't listen to these two fooling around."

Su Zeming came to Tang Xuan's rescue.

Tang Xuan smiled sweetly and felt warm in his heart, but at the same time he felt a little disappointed. Su Zeming said this, directly denying this relationship.

Tang Xuan knew that this was a fact.

However, it was inevitable that he felt a little disappointed.........

Su Zeming looked at Zhou Hong and Xu Tian and said,"These are my classmates and roommates, named Zhou Hong and Xu Tian. You know Zhitao, so you don't need to introduce them.""

"Um! Hello. Tang

Xuan calmed down, nodded his head, looked at Xu Tian and Zhou Hong and said

"This is Tang Xuan, my friend."

Su Zeming said to Zhou Hong and Xu Tian


Zhou Hong gave Su Zeming an ambiguous look.

Xu Tian was also curious, as if he was being raped by Zhou Hong, and said with a smile:"Are you two really just ordinary friends?"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I'm already hungry, let's eat quickly!"

Wang Zhitao took a look, stretched out his hand to grab Xu Tian and Zhou Hong, and pulled them away directly.

"Ah! do not!"

Zhou Hong and Xu Tian were pulled by Wang Zhitao and shouted quickly.

Su Zeming watched the two people being left by Wang Zhitao, smiled faintly, looked at Tang Xuan and said,"I'm sorry! The two of them were a bit messy........"

Tang Xuan chuckled and said,"It's okay, I think they're having fun."

"Then let's go! There is a restaurant opposite our school that tastes good. Let’s eat there for lunch today!"

Su Zeming looked at the people who kept looking at the two of them, knowing that if he continued like this, he would probably become a celebrity in Qingdao University tomorrow.

Being jealous of such singles caused public outrage.

After all, they thought Tang Xuan was them She is a girlfriend, and she is such a good-looking girl, and she even shows off her affection in public.

When the time comes, public outrage will be hard to come by!

"A small restaurant, this?"

Tang Xuan originally wanted to treat Su Zeming to a nice meal, but he said that the small restaurant

"Let's go! It's over there, I'm not picky about what I eat."Su Zeming shook his head, smiled, and walked forward. Tang Xuan immediately followed. How can a man with such a powerful background not be picky about what he eats?

Indeed, Su Zeming is not very picky about what he eats.

A small shop like this. , Su Zeming only likes to eat.

The two of them walked out towards the school gate. Some students also walked out on the way. After all, those who studied at Tsingta University had good conditions in some families.........

And some people have no classes in the afternoon and are ready to go out and improve their lives.

Of course, the on-campus restaurants also serve stir-fried dishes, which are delicious, but the kind of flavor you can get outside the campus is not available on campus.

The two walked for a while, and Su Zeming asked curiously:"By the way, how did you get into the school?"

Although Tsingta University today is not like later generations, outsiders have to make an appointment online before entering, but it is not accessible to ordinary people.

"whee! It's so simple! I pretended to be a student at Tsingta University and forgot to bring my student ID card. Tang Xu said mischievously:"Besides, Liang Yi and I often came to see Xu Qian. We all sneaked into the Peking University next door like this.""

"Ha ha! I never thought you were still a habitual offender!"

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan and didn't expect that this girl who looked gentle and quiet could actually do such naughty things.

"Are you going to report me?"

Tang Xuan covered her mouth with both hands, showing a scared look.

Su Zeming became more playful and said,"Unless you invite me to dinner, I will report you."

"This is a simple matter, no problem. After I treat you to this meal, I will treat you to the next meal. Of course, it will be at the small restaurant opposite. I can't afford it at the Palace Restaurant."

Tang Xuan pretended to be poor, but his eyes flashed with cunning eyes, and his heart was already full of joy........

She didn't expect that Su Zeming would actually give her a chance to come to him.

I feel happy in my heart. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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