Su Zeming got up, took the washbasin, walked out of the dormitory to the dressing area, and washed himself briefly.

These days, there are not many independent bathrooms and separate washing areas in school dormitories. They are all in one building.........

After washing up and coming back, I looked at the time and saw that it wasn't long until class started, only about an hour.

Open a bottle of milk and a bag of bread.

Su Zeming picked up a book and started reading.

After watching for a while, everyone else in the dormitory got up.

"Zeming, why did you get up so early?"

Wang Zhitao lowered his eyes, looked at Su Zeming who was sitting below and read a book, and asked

"Get up so early?" said Xu Tian, ​​who is a little tall and lanky.

He was admitted to Qingdao University from a mountainous area, which is very rare, but the conditions at home are poor. He is tall and lanky and looks like a bamboo pole.

Zhou Hong is a bit fat, and he is also He got up and looked at Su Zeming ambiguously, and said,"I just heard someone calling Zeming, is she his girlfriend?"........."

"Come on, don't be poor. There is still half an hour until class starts, and our class is in Building 7. It takes more than ten minutes to get from the dormitory to Building 7. In other words, you still have ten minutes to wash up."Su Zeming looked at his phone and said with a smile.

"ah! Hurry up, hurry up, today I have to attend Master Jue's class. If I am late for even one second, Master Jue will be considered as absent from class. I don't want to be missed by Master Jue."

Wang Zhitao screamed.

"Damn it! I forgot it was her old man's class."

Zhou Hong was also frightened.


Xu Tian turned over, jumped out of bed, took the first step, picked up the toothpaste and toothbrush for the face plate, and ran outside to wash up.

"Wait me a moment."

Wang Zhitao shouted

"Xu Tian is too fast, Brother Five Seconds!"Zhou Hong came down, quickly followed their footsteps, and ran out.

Su Zeming looked at the three people in a hurry and smiled helplessly........

He looked at the desk in front of him and took out all the books for today's class. After putting them away, he leisurely picked up his phone.

Turn on the phone and play a game of Snake

"Ding dong!"

The game is not over yet, a text message appears on the phone.

"Is it convenient for you? I want to give you a call."

There was a brief sentence in the text message.

Su Zeming looked at the sentence sent by Tang Xuan, smiled, and called Tang Xuan directly to the number. As soon as the phone rang, Tang Xuan answered the call instantly.

Seconds to pick up.

Yes, it is seconds to pick up.

"Zeming, I'm sorry to bother you."Su Ze spoke, and Tang Xuan's soft and nice voice came with an apology.

"It's okay, I'm fine now."

Su Zeming smiled and said

"ah! Didn't you say you have classes in the morning?" Tang Xuan said in surprise.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"There are classes, but they are not the two classes in the morning, but the next two classes. They will start later......."

"I see."

Tang Xuan seemed to have suddenly realized something.

Su Zeming smiled faintly.

"So do you have time after class at noon? I'd like to treat you to a meal, thank you. Tang Xuan said in a somewhat excited tone.

"Forehead! No problem, just send me a text message when and where you want, and I’ll go!"

Su Zeming thought for a moment, agreed, and said.

Although he had only known Tang Xuan for less than a whole day, he could tell that this girl also had a stubborn personality.

He came to help yesterday, and in this girl's heart I am grateful!

If this girl is not given a chance to treat her to a meal, she will definitely feel unhappy. Su Zeming knows this very well.

Instead of hanging on to other girls like this, it is better to agree directly.

To avoid the trouble of calling again and again.

"Okay, I'll go to your school to find you later and wait for you to finish class."When Tang Xuan heard this, he laughed excitedly.

"No, I......."

Su Zeming was about to say that there was no need to bother coming to school and waiting for him to finish class. Tell him the location and he could go directly there.

But before he could refuse, Tang Xuan hung up the phone directly as if she was afraid that he would refuse.

Su Zeming heard the beeping sound on the phone and smiled helplessly. What is this?

This girl is so excited!

Su Zeming was also helpless!

"Zeming, why are there so many calls so early in the morning?"At this time, the other three people in the dormitory came back.

Seeing Su Zeming holding the phone and leaving his ear, Xu Tian asked curiously

"yes! Why are there so many calls today, so early in the morning, asking if you have a girlfriend? Zhou Hong immediately showed a somewhat vulgar smile, looked at Su Zeming, and then showed a flattering look, saying:"Zeming, if you have a girlfriend, don't hide it, introduce her to us!""

"The point is, ask your girlfriend to bring her sisters and roommates. Although our Tsinghua University is good, there are too few girls. I haven’t seen them. We have been in the dormitory for two years, and everyone is single........"

"By then, if all the people in our dormitory are single thanks to your blessing, it will be a mark of success in our school."

Zhou Hong seemed to have thought of that scene and showed an extremely excited look.

"Zeming, are you really single?"

Xu Tian also looked at Su Zeming curiously.

Although he was admitted from a mountainous area, he did not have low self-esteem, but was very confident. In addition, he was admitted to a higher education institution like Qingdao University.

After the second year, Xu Tian can basically run a small business on his own and earn money for living expenses and tuition. He can even bring some money to his family every year.

In addition, Su Zeming earned one million from the few projects he did. In fact, They all brought Xu Tian with them. Although they were just starting out, they still had a lot of money. The company could give Su Zeming tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, and they could give him almost tens of thousands........

Of course, Su Zeming did not share the money equally with him, because he knew that the best way to respect Xu Tian was to treat him equally.

Otherwise, giving money would be insulting and would hurt the feelings of this roommate and classmate.

So, this guy is not poor.

Even now, although my figure is still very thin, my dull heart is filled with excitement when faced with the beautiful yearning for a girl and my girlfriend.

Only Wang Zhitao experienced so many things with Su Zeming yesterday, which were more exciting than what he had experienced in his twenty years of life.

He knew what was going on inside Su Zeming's house.

What if such a person wants to pick up girls?


It can't be said that he is picking up a girlfriend, it should be a girl picking up on him.

As long as Su Zeming opens his mouth, so many girls will take the initiative to chase him. There is basically no need for a girlfriend.

The premise is that he has to agree! ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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