Naturally, Bill didn’t know that the bet proposed by Su Can dug a big hole for him.

"Sue, you are such a caring person! Bill pushed up his glasses frame and said with a smile:"If you can spend one billion dollars for charity, I promise you this bet."........."

For this bet, Bill thought he would not lose.

Because it is almost impossible for Microsoft to reach a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars before the arrival of the new century.

Bill felt that he was sure to win.

The Su in front of him wanted to donate the billion dollars specifically for charity.

As for, will Bill lose?

Bill simply felt that he would never lose, so there was no need to think about losing later.

And, what if you really lose?

By then, Microsoft's market value will reach 100 billion U.S. dollars. His personal net worth is calculated as 10 billion U.S. dollars. It is not impossible to spend 1 billion U.S. dollars for charity.

"Bill, I don't think I'm going to lose."

Su Can said with a smile.

"Okay, shall we make a contract? Bill asked.

Su Can smiled and said:"Bill, I believe in your character. Even if we don't make a contract, on this day, you and I will fulfill it conscientiously.""


Bill's eyes lit up. He felt very happy that Su Can believed in him and recognized him.

It was obvious that the Su in front of him was far more wealthy than him. People with higher status than him now trusted him. He, he is naturally very happy

"Then wait until the bell of the new century rings and see who wins........."

Bill laughed.

"Ha ha!"

Su Can smiled faintly and said nothing.

But Bill will definitely lose.

Su Can was very happy to be able to trick Bill like this. After all, he was able to trick the richest man in the world. This kind of happiness is not something that rich people can experience..

Only Su Can can have such an experience.

Unique in the world


Su Can looked at Bill and said with a smile:"I think I should give you a piece of advice.""

"Su, please tell me!"

Bill looked at Su Can curiously and asked.

Wang Rui was also slightly curious, wondering what kind of advice the third brother would give Bill.

Li Xueer's beautiful big eyes blinked a few times, her eyes turned, and she looked at Su Can slightly. Showing a look of wanting to know.

Su Can smiled and said:"A very small but worth listening to advice. In the next thirty years, it is best not to let the Microsoft shares in your hands fall below about 100"


Bill was slightly surprised. He didn't know why Chan suggested him like this. He asked doubtfully:"Su, why is this? Su Can smiled and said:"

Because, it's not worth it!""

I remember in my previous life, when Microsoft's market value reached one trillion U.S. dollars, Bill only had about 4% of the shares in Microsoft left..........

Moreover, he is still selling continuously every year.

The shares in his hands have become less and less. Although the cash has increased and he has continued to invest in other fields, reaching a net worth of hundreds of billions of dollars, compared with the value brought by Microsoft shares, the sum of those investments is not as good as Microsoft's. Five percent shares.

That's why Su Can reminded Bill.

Of course, this does not mean that Bill is not allowed to sell Microsoft shares, but that he can stay a little longer and slowly sell off those shares.

Su Can remembered that in his previous life, the reason why Bill did this was because he experienced the Internet bubble crisis in the late 1990s.

Bill deeply felt that the stock value was too high and it was not as safe as cashing out.

Because at that time, countless companies with a market value of tens of billions of dollars had a market value of hundreds of millions of dollars in just one month.

The value of many people's stocks, which originally amounted to tens of billions of dollars, has plummeted, leaving only tens of millions of dollars.

Such people abound.

So after that crisis, although the Internet became more powerful, Bill was still a little worried.

Only then will they continue to sell Microsoft shares.

So much so that when Microsoft reached a market capitalization of one trillion U.S. dollars, only 4% of Microsoft shares were left in its hands..........

"Um, not worth it? When Bill heard this, he frowned slightly and said,"Su, can you tell me more directly?" I really can’t figure out what this means!"

"Ha ha!

Su Can smiled and said,"Bill, you will know in the future.""

Seeing that Su Can didn't explain clearly, there was a buzzing in Bill's head. Compared with the implicitness of Easterners, as a Westerner, he didn't quite understand what this meant.

And many years later, when Bill brought Microsoft with him When the market value peaked at hundreds of billions of dollars and he became a leader in the Internet industry, he held fewer and fewer shares of Microsoft, and Microsoft's market value once climbed to a market value of trillions of dollars.

Bill stood On the building of Microsoft headquarters, I looked towards the east. The eyes under the spectacles seemed to be able to see the distant east across the ocean, and I saw the man who is known as the Godfather of the Internet, the richest man in the world, and the Godfather of Business.

Only then did Bill understand what the man meant when he met him for the first time that night.

And Bill also understood that even if he knew the meaning at the time, he would not be able to communicate with that man. In comparison, there is nothing to compare with.

Even if he owns 100% of Microsoft's shares, even so, Microsoft can still reach a market value of one trillion US dollars.

Bill, there is no comparison with that man.........

Bill was like the light of a firefly, and that man was the bright moon, no, it should be the bright sun in the sky.

How to compare?

He, Bill, can't be compared to him.

Later, Bill wrote about this incident in his autobiography, without revealing the identity or name of the person.

He just said it secretly.

Shocked the whole world.

They never imagined that one of the top ten richest people in the world had been taught by a person, and it was precisely because of that person that Bill became what he is today?

Is the whole world shocked?

But ordinary people don't know who that man is, and countless people even regard him as another Rothschild family.

Anyone who is familiar with that person knows that the Rothschild family is nothing more than a legend.

But the business empire that that man built in just a few decades is real, and has even affected changes in a large industry.

He is the supreme business godfather and business emperor in the business world..........

Many of the richest people on the Forbes rich list are his disciples. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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