Bill looked confused and looked at Su Can.

Now, he still doesn't understand what Su Can means, and his heart is full of confusion.

Su Can smiled slightly, changed the topic, and said with a smile:"Bill, what level do you think personal computers will reach in the future?"........"

At this time, Su Can finally started to show his fangs and got to the point.

I made a bet with Bill earlier, but it was just an appetizer, nothing like it.

Now, comes the real meal.

Su Can is the eater, and Bill is the big meal in Su Can's eyes, a meal so sumptuous that people can't help but eat it.

"Sue, I think computers are an important part of leading the world trend."Bill said with a firm look in his eyes.


Su Can pretended to be puzzled.

Even though he had already known how far electronic computers would change in the future. It would change the whole world!

But in front of Bill, Su Can didn't know clearly in order to obtain that thing. Say, but pretend not to know what it means.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he will fall short.

After all, Bill is not an ordinary person. The person who was able to reach the level of the world's richest man in his previous life is not just a simple technical geek.

He has the skills. , a person with courage and ability.

Or more to say, a person with foresight, broad vision, and foresight.

If such a person behaves too much, it will easily arouse the other party's vigilance, which will backfire on him. , and finally became a failure.........

Bill did not show any impatience with Su Can's confusion, because Su Can's recognition just now, coupled with the bet with him, made Bill have a good impression of the unfamiliar Su Can.

Bill has already regarded Su Can as a friend.

He smiled and said:"Su, as long as people in the electronic computer industry basically know what is going on?"

"A full forty years have passed since the first electronic computer was actually invented."

Su Can nodded slightly when he heard this.

The first real electronic computer was invented at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946.

He was quite impressed by this.

Bill watched Su Can react. , his interest became even higher, as if he had found a confidant, and continued:"In the past forty years, human beings have been constantly transforming and researching and creating various functions of computers. Now, they have been basically perfected."

"Even a few years ago, commercial handheld electronic computers were born. It was created by Steve Jobs of Apple. He was really a genius. Bill praised Jobs without hesitation and said with a smile:"The invention of the handheld computer has greatly improved the technical level of personal computers.""

"Nowadays, with people's exploration, various uses of personal computers have been explored.........."

"It is convenient and fast, can carry out work, and facilitates people to make various tedious and complex documents"

"As long as you store some files on this computer, if you want to use them, you only need to search slightly to get various files and information from it."

"In this way, office efficiency is greatly improved"

"Nowadays, in Wall Street, computers have begun to be used on a large scale, and other companies have also begun to use computers."

"With the development of this technology, the personal computer industry will reach a very broad level in the future."

Bill's eyes shone and he said excitedly.

Looking at the thin Bill, he always looked a little timid in front of others, but when it came to computers.

Su Can could see that there was something in Bill's eyes. Guang, with a bright face and unparalleled excitement.

Based on this, it is not bad to say that he is a technology madman. When

Su Can heard Bill's words, he raised the corner of his mouth and smiled slightly. What Bill said was getting up and the development of the previous life. , are almost the same.

However, it is not comprehensive.

In the final analysis, in many aspects, because there are still many auxiliary technologies for electronic computers that have not yet been invented.

For example, the Internet........

It will take a few years for this to be completely discovered, allowing electronic computers that are currently in regional contact to reach a point of interoperability around the world.

This is the stage when the computer industry begins to explode.

If not for the emergence of the Internet, Microsoft would not have reached a market value of more than 200 billion US dollars in the next ten years or so.

The market capitalization is larger than that of General Motors, making it the world's largest company by market capitalization.

However, this is an opportunity

"Bill, you made a good point! Su

Can said with a smile:"I have been in America for a few days and have seen a lot of computer calculations, and I also have a technology company under my name that is also borrowing computer technology!""

"I can feel that this computer can bring about great changes to work and the world, which makes people feel amazing."

Su Can began to dig a hole.

After two lifetimes, Su Can was already very skilled at digging holes, and he was still the kind who dug a big hole and buried people in it.

This man was so grateful that he couldn't be more grateful. That kind of thing.

In general, it's like selling someone, and the person still helps him count the money. Now, isn't Bill being targeted by Su Can?

"Huh! Su, I never thought you had a technology company under your control. No wonder you are so interested in computers..........

Bill showed some confusion, and completely dismissed Su Can's doubts in his heart.

He felt that Su Can was like one of his own

"Su, I don’t know where your company is. If I have a chance, I must go and have a look."Bill looked at Su Can, smiled and said


Su Can laughed. He really came up with whatever he wanted. He just wanted to lure Huatong Patent Company out!

This Bill, just when Su Can was dozing off, he sent a pillow.

Su Can felt , this is great

"My company is located in Xiangjiang, but if you, Bill, are using Ericsson mobile phones, you may know the technology company I manage."

Su Can looked at Bill and smiled.

"What, Ericsson's mobile phone, Su, of course I am using it. Since this mobile phone appeared, it is much easier to use than the old, ugly and big brick mobile phone before."

Bill said excitedly:"The invention of this mobile phone is simply a genius invention."

"Wait a moment?"

Suddenly, Bill paused as he spoke. He looked at Su Can with a look of shock and dumbfounded.


Bill took a breath, as if he knew which company it was. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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