Li Xueer looked at Su Can, also slightly curious.

Wang Rui widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Su Can.......

There was only Zhong Mingqiang standing here, and he didn't speak English, so Zhong Mingqiang couldn't understand the English that Su Can and the others spoke to Bill.

He stood behind Su Can and protected Su Can.

Su Can smiled slightly and said:"It's very simple. We are betting on whether Microsoft Group can reach a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars in the future."

"How to bet? Bill asked curiously.

Su Can smiled and said:"You don't believe that under your own leadership, Microsoft Group will reach a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars in the future, and I believe that, then take this as a bet."......."

"If before the bell of the new century rings, the market value of Microsoft Group reaches 100 billion US dollars during this period, then you will lose."

"And if it’s less than 100 billion US dollars, then you lose"

"What do you think of this bet?"

Su Can looked at Bill confidently. For everyone present, Su Can will definitely lose this bet. The new century is only a dozen years away.

And in a dozen years, the market value has reached hundreds of billions of dollars?

This is How is it possible?

You know, it took hundreds of billions of dollars of companies like General Motors to achieve such results.

And Microsoft, how many years did it take?

In less than twenty years, it can Has it reached a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars?

How is this possible?

But Su Can knows that within the next ten years, perhaps not even ten years at all, Microsoft will reach that height within ten years......

Before the Internet bubble came in 1998, Microsoft even defeated General Motors and became the world's largest company by market value with a market value of more than 200 billion US dollars.

Of course, this was only known to Su Can and not to others, so they couldn't believe it.

Bill stared at Su Can with wide eyes and said,"Su, are you sure you really want to bet like this? I think you will definitely lose if you bet like this.""

"Bill, I don't think I will lose, but I think you will lose!"

Su Can smiled brightly and said


Bill was slightly startled. He couldn't imagine where Su Can had so much confidence that he actually thought he would win the bet. You know, even he himself didn't have the confidence to bring Microsoft to such a height.

And Su Can in front of him, But he believed it so much that he made a bet with him because of it

"Therefore, we can increase the stakes a little to make this bet more interesting!"

Su Can looked at Bill and raised the corner of his mouth.

"what bet.........."

Bill looked at Su Can curiously and asked.

Hearing Su Can's words, Li Xueer opened her mouth slightly and stopped talking, but in the end, she couldn't tell what happened at all.

Because, with this sentence, she wanted to advise Su Can not to bet, otherwise, it would definitely be a loss.

However, Su Can is the boss.

The boss's decision is not something she can change. She has to obey the boss's will. How can she stop this!

Wang Rui also opened her mouth, trying to stop him.

However, he still didn't speak in the end.

Su Can smiled and said:"It's very simple. In China today, the population is very poor. Many people are living in poverty. Many people even have no school to go to."

"We will use 1% of the shares of Microsoft Group as a bet. At that time, if Microsoft’s market value does not reach 100 billion U.S. dollars, then I will take out 1% of Microsoft’s shares and take it out myself. Less than 1% of the market value of 100 billion is needed to make up for the money."

"And if Microsoft's market value reaches 100 billion U.S. dollars before the advent of the new century, you will also have to take out 1% of the shares, or the equivalent value of one billion U.S. dollars."

"In other words, at least one billion US dollars should be spent to establish a charity fund. The money will be used to donate to Huaxia to build some schools, or as living subsidies for poor students."

He dug a pit and waited for Bill to fall.

And this pit was destined to be won by him.

As for the money he won, Su Can naturally used the name of charity to get it all back to the country to help. Domestic construction........

As for other countries?

No matter how poor he is, it has nothing to do with Su Can.

Anyway, help your own country first, and other countries have nothing to do with Su Can. Su Can doesn't care whether he lives or dies.

He cares about the people in his country.

As for Bill, Su Can ensured that he would agree 100% because Bill was still very enthusiastic about charity.

Although, in his previous life, as the world's richest man, he transferred most of his assets to charity funds, the main reason was for tax avoidance.

Because the inheritance tax and other taxes in the United States are too high. For example, the inheritance tax can be as high as 50%.

Normally, if Bill wanted to keep all the hundreds of billions of dollars he left to his descendants after his death, he would have to pay more than $50 billion.

Naturally, it has to be turned into charity funds.

However, even so, it is a bit of a derogatory term, but after all, Bill's charity efforts are not small.

A lot has been done around the world.

Now, at this age, Bill is much more immature and less cunning than when he later became the world's richest man.

If Su Can were to be dealt with, it would be easy to deal with or fool him.........

So Su Can dares to conclude that Bill will definitely agree.

"Sue, you used this bet in a very good way. It is a very noble thing to use this money as a charity fund."

Sure enough, Bill's eyes lit up when he heard this:"However, this money can only be used in China. Isn't it a bit too restrictive?"

"No, Bill?"

Su Can shook his head and said with a smile:"Xiaoxia is much poorer than America. We need to help those Chinese students, but don’t we also want those who are only seven or eight years old and have no money to continue studying because of poverty?"

"No, I don't want to see this!"When Bill heard this, he showed an unbearable look on his face.


Seeing Bill like this, Su Can was so happy.

Sure enough, Bill was still too young.

After hearing what he said, the child still couldn't bear it and agreed. In the end, the money from this bet will only be used in Huaxa.

Instead, it will be taken elsewhere.

This makes Su Can very happy

"Very good, then in that case, the two of us will make a bet like this. I bet that before the new century, Microsoft's market value will reach a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars........."

Su Can's eyes were bright and bright, he looked at Bill and said every word.

Bill has fallen into Su Can's big pit. This is a big trap for Bill! ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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