"Because I believe in you. Only you can bring Microsoft to the top, from a market value of hundreds of millions of dollars to a market value of billions, tens of billions, or even tens of billions or hundreds of billions of dollars........"

Su Can said lightly.

Although his voice was faint, it was full of endless confidence and exuded a powerful aura, like an invincible overlord.

"What, a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars?"

When Bill heard this, he was frightened and looked at Su Can with dumbfounded eyes.


Li Xueer was shocked and dumbfounded. She felt that she might have heard wrongly. What the boss said must not have a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Yes, she must have heard wrongly.

Li Xueer reached out and pinched herself gently


It hurt so much that she almost grinned.

"Not a dream!"

Li Xueer felt extremely terrified in her heart...........

The boss really just said that the market value is 100 billion U.S. dollars. Can Microsoft reach a market value of 100 billion U.S. dollars in the future? this?

How can it be?

Li Xueer almost exclaimed, feeling incredible.

Now, in the huge U.S. stock market, only companies with a market capitalization of hundreds of billions of dollars can only be achieved by century-old companies like General Motors.

Moreover, there are only so few, just a few.

You can count them all with one hand.

The boss actually thinks that Microsoft, a company founded less than ten years ago, can reach a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars in the future.

Like a big company like General Motors?

Li Xueer couldn't believe it in her heart. She even thought it was impossible and absolutely impossible.


Wang Rui took a sharp breath and looked at Su Can in shock.

Wang Rui, who had been working in the United States for several years and then worked at Qianfen Investment Company, was no longer the Wu Xia Amon she used to be.

Therefore, she accurately You know, a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, what kind of terrifying thing is that?

"Is what the third brother said true?"

Wang Rui was shocked..........

Even if I face Su Can's trust in my heart, it is 100%, and I even feel that there is nothing that Su Can can't do.

But now, Wang Rui still has some doubts in her heart.

Because the market value of hundreds of billions of dollars is too huge. Until now, there are only a few companies in the world that can reach such a market value.

Even a century-old bank like HSBC has not reached such a high market capitalization, not even half of it.

And Microsoft, is it really possible in the future?

"Su? Do you really think it's possible?

Bill opened his mouth, but found it difficult to speak several times. The words in his heart were both exciting and impossible.

He is not an arrogant, arrogant and ignorant person. Instead, Bill is a humble person.

Bill knows that if he continues, it is not impossible for Microsoft to reach a market value of 10 billion US dollars in the next ten years.

But a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars?

That was something that Bill didn't even dare to think about. Even in his dreams, Bill didn't dare to dream that such a thing would happen.

Market value of hundreds of billions of dollars?

That would go down in history..........

He looked at Su Can, felt the domineering aura emanating from Su Can, and couldn't help but feel frightened.


Su Can said confidently

"Su, why are you so confident in me? With a market capitalization of hundreds of billions of dollars, among the huge stock markets, only General Motors has reached this scale! Bill looked at Su Can with confusion in his eyes and said.

Su Can smiled and said,"Because you are Bill!""

In your previous life, you have proven your strength. In the future, under your leadership, Microsoft will take off countless times. It has reached a market value of one trillion U.S. dollars.

And with a market value of one hundred billion U.S. dollars, it is just a small company among Microsoft companies. It's just a stage process, and it will definitely be reached within ten years.

Of course, Su Can couldn't directly tell Bill about this.


When Bill heard Su Can's firm words, his eyes were slightly startled, and then he looked at Su Can. His eyes under the glasses showed a moved look.

Bill never expected that Su Can would value him so much.

It feels like a close friend..........

Even if Su Can looked up to him like this, he still felt that no matter what he did in this life, he would never be able to do this.

Bill was filled with endless gratitude when facing Su Can.

In your life, there is that person who trusts you so unreservedly and even made that promise.

In Bill's heart, how could he not be grateful?

"You believe in me so much, but I have to tell you clearly that even I never dared to imagine that under my leadership, Microsoft would reach a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars!"Bill shook his head and said with a trace of unconfidence on his face.

"Bill! Brother, be more confident and have some dreams. Otherwise, what's the difference between you and a salted fish?"

Su Can raised the corner of his mouth and said with a confident smile.

Bill smiled bitterly a few times. Su is so confident!

I can't even believe it in myself. He actually believes in me so much and thinks that I can reach such a height. Is that right?

Bill said:"I'm afraid that I'll disappoint you. If you think I can bring Microsoft into the tens of billions of dollars club, I'm quite confident.""

"But? Bill paused for a moment and then said:"That's a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars. It's something I can't even imagine. How could it be done?""

What Su Can said today was beyond Bill's understanding.........

Maybe I never thought about going through that.

Just like an ordinary person who earns two to three thousand a month, but suddenly gets a million in his hand, he will be stunned and don't know what's going on.

So does Bill.

In this matter, let alone Bill, even if Steve was here, he heard Su Can say similar things about Apple?

Then, Steve Jobs would be like this too, I can’t believe it.

How is this possible?

Su Can looked at Bill in disbelief, with a hint of amusement in his eyes. If anyone familiar with Su Can was here, they would know that the third brother was trying to trick someone!

Moreover, it is definitely the kind of big pit.

"Bill, of course you don't believe it so much, and I believe you so much, why don't we make a small bet!"

Su Can bared his teeth and said with a smile.

Bill didn't believe it. This was a good opportunity to make a bet. After all, he could cheat the richest man in the world in his previous life. This kind of thing is something that most people can't do.

Now, there is such a good opportunity..Su

Can thought that he could give it a try. In later generations, when Bill writes his autobiography, this scene will probably surprise countless people.........

"What bet?"

Bill looked at Su Can's smile and secretly felt some bad premonitions in his heart, but he still asked curiously. ps Please subscribe

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