Does he really not know that Huang Manyu and Zhang Man have such a good relationship?

Something happened to Wanxiang Group, and she stood up to help Zhang Man. This was beyond Chen Danian's expectation........

Maybe, it's not just him.

Chen Danian felt that if everyone in Xiangjiang knew that Huang Manyu and Zhang Man had such a good relationship, they would be shocked and dumbfounded.

After all, among women, especially outstanding women, there are still two beautiful and domineering presidents in Hong Kong.

Isn't this competition?

Now Huang Manyu stands up for Zhang Man, which makes Chen Danian feel incredible.

However, what he didn't know was that Huang Manyu and Zhang Man were indeed competitors, and she was not standing up for Zhang Man.

It's for Su Can.

Offending a Su Can is equivalent to offending the three most beautiful and domineering presidents in Hong Kong.

The consequences are undoubtedly very serious

"Mr. Huang? Here........."

Chen Danian is going to cry

"hurry up."

Huang Manyu didn't give Chen Danian a chance to tell him directly. She couldn't wait to find out who the mastermind behind the scenes was.

How could she have time to listen to other people's chatter?

"Mr. Huang, I don’t know either!"

Chen Danian quickly explained.

After hearing Chen Danian's words, Huang Manyu frowned, with a hint of murderous intent in her eyes. Are you trying to trick him?

Don't know?

Zhang Man was slightly startled. Is Chen Danian really not afraid of death?

He Aren't you afraid that Financial Weekly will be acquired?

Lu Qianshan thought to himself.

When the three of them heard Chen Danian's words, they all felt that Chen Danian was playing tricks on Huang Manyu. They published this news, and he said he didn't know such a news?

You know, like this A big piece of news, if anyone sells it, it can sell for tens of thousands.

Now he says he doesn’t know? He got this news in vain?

Su Can, who was sitting on the sofa, had the same feelings as Lu Qianshan. Man and Huang Manyu had different feelings. He could hear some helplessness in Chen Danian's tone.

It seemed that the mastermind behind the scenes was not so stupid.

Su Can's eyes flashed with a strange color, which to him was not It's not something unexpected, but it's expected and reasonable.........

In order to disgust him, the other party broke such a piece of news. How could they not take any measures to prevent others from knowing about it?

Perhaps, that Chen Danian didn't even know who that person was.

Su Can secretly thought

"Chen Danian, you are kidding me. I don’t know who this is and where you came from."Huang Manyu was very angry, and the consequences were very serious.

She almost ordered her to buy the financial journal

"Mr. Huang, please listen to me. I really don’t know who that person is. I didn’t mean to trick you. Please forgive me!"

When Chen Danian heard Huang Manyu's anger, he almost cried. He really didn't know!

Yesterday, it was almost twelve o'clock.

Damn it, a phone call came in the middle of the night. Although the voice was very nice, but It still disturbed Chen Danian's rest.

As a result, before he could get angry, the other party actually told a big news.

Chen Danian only heard from the phone that the other party was a man or a woman, and he had no idea who the other party was.

What's more, The other party used a mobile phone number, not a telephone number.

If it was a landline, it would be easy to check it out at the telephone office, but it was a mobile phone number!

Chen Danian quickly told Huang Manyu what happened yesterday night. When he came out, he continued:"Mr. Huang, I also want to know who the other party is. How did he know such earth-shattering news? No one in the whole of Xiangjiang knows about it........."

"However, when I checked, I found that the other party used a mobile phone number, not a phone number at all. No matter how I checked, I couldn't find it out. I only knew that the other party was a woman and her accent was a bit strange."

"Mr. Huang, I swear to God, what I said is all true. If there is any lie, the sky will strike with lightning and you will die without a burial place."

In the end, Chen Danian swore a poisonous oath.

There was no way, he really knew so much.

If others asked him, he would not answer, but that was Huang Manyu, and it was not for a little person like him to dare not answer..

If he didn’t say it, Financial Weekly would really be doomed.

Therefore, he said it without missing a word and did not dare to omit it.、

"Are you sure what you said is true."

Huang Manyu heard that Chen Danian had sworn such vicious oaths, so she somewhat believed what he said.

"Yes, Mr. Huang, I can guarantee it!"

Chen Danian said respectfully.

Huang Manyu said:"Okay, I will believe you for now, but I will call other newspapers. If they know that there is a big difference with you, Chen Danian, you will know the consequences."

"yellow.......Mr. Huang!"

When Chen Danian heard this, he was immediately frightened.


Just as he was about to speak, he heard the hang-up sound on his phone. He looked at the Xiaomi phone in fear.

"Oh my God! If another newspaper knew more than I did and knew the identity of that woman, then I would be doomed."

Chen Danian is about to cry. This time he is really crying.

He doesn't know the situation that other newspapers have. Obviously, Huang Manyu will definitely ask other people. If the answers are not consistent?

Then it's over.

He doesn't know now Knowing what to do, I looked at Mr. Guan outside.

"First, I go to pay my respects to Mr. Guan. I hope Mr. Guan will bless me!"Chen Danian looked at Mr. Guan who was serving him outside, and immediately walked out.

Dun Yiyuan.

Huang Manyu's eyes narrowed slightly after hanging up the phone, and she said:"What Chen Danian said may be true. He really doesn't know that person's identity. identity.

Lu Qianshan thought for a moment and said,"Yeah!" If the other party dared to target Wanxiang Group and the boss like this, he must have something to rely on, otherwise, he wouldn't be so arrogant. Zhang

Man nodded slightly and agreed:"I think so too. The other party must be arrogant. Either the other party is a large company of the same level, or the other party feels that no matter how we search, we can't find the other party."

Huang Manyu said:"That's true. The other party used a mobile phone number to call. Anyone can buy this number without proof of identity. It's hard to find.""

"However, it cannot be ruled out that Chen Danian knows very little, but other newspapers may not necessarily know very little either.

Lu Qianshan suggested

"Then let's try making two more phone calls to ask about other newspaper offices."

Zhang Man said


Huang Manyu nodded.

This was the first time that Su Can saw these three women in front of him, who were all somewhat related to him, doing the same thing in such a tacit understanding.

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