He looked at Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan, Huang Manyu, three stunning beauties in Xiangjiang, and they were the three women with the highest status........

They are known to almost everyone in Xiangjiang.

Especially when beauty, wisdom and wealth coexist, how can we not make people yearn for it!

I don’t know how many people regard all three of them as goddesses in their dreams.

But now, these three goddesses in other people's dreams are all doing things for one man, and this man is Su Can.

With such Yan, Su Can was a little happy, but also a little helpless.


Su Can sighed deeply in his heart.

Looking at Huang Manyu, Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man, and calling Su Can to other newspapers, Su Can thought of something.

"phone number?"

There was a glint in Su Can's eyes.

These days, although you need to apply for one of those mobile phone cards, you don't need any identification or anything like that.

As long as you have money, you can do it.

If you want to use this, you can find It can be said that people are like a vast sea of ​​people, and you can meet them but not seek them.

However, in fact, it is not absolute, because some reasons for the objective conditions can be easily found..........

Su Can felt that it was easy to find.

However, seeing how interested Huang Manyu, Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan were, Su Can didn't have the heart to let them know.

After all, they wanted to rely on their own abilities to find the mastermind behind this.

It's like, when a person is playing with a puzzle and is in high spirits, you suddenly tell him that this is all he needs to do, and he will be able to put it together in this way.

This undoubtedly broke their interest.

But now, Huang Manyu and the others are determined to do this for Su Can and find out the mastermind behind it, but Su Can is happy to let them play like this.

A rare opportunity.

If they found it, forget it. If they didn't find it, they would be disheartened. Su Can pointed out the maze again and asked them to follow a new thread to find it.

And it couldn't be easier for Su Chan to provide that.

Huang Manyu, Zhang Man, and Lu Qianshan were all superior women, women with beautiful hearts, and that was why what Su Can discovered did not happen.

It's because, after all, they are not two people.

After experiencing the information age, the explosion of the Internet, and the popularity of smartphones, the amount of information in Su Can's mind is unknown.

There is a lot of information and various practical experiences.

While Su Can was thinking, Zhang Man, Huang Manyu and Lu Qianshan finally made a few more phone calls.


Zhang Man sighed and said,"It seems that Chen Danian from Financial Weekly is right. What he knows is similar to what other newspaper editors know."........."

"The clue is broken?" Lu Qianshan said disappointedly. It was hard to see Lu Qianshan's usually cold face. Su Can looked at Lu Qianshan. This girl seemed to be shocked. In the past, no matter what it was. Here in Lu Qianshan, the mentality is actually very stable, but this time, there are some changes. Huang Manyu frowned slightly and said:"It seems that we will not be able to obtain this person's identity information from the newspaper. Lu Qianshan nodded and said,"Yes, because they don't know what the person who called looks like."


"Then let’s find another clue!"

Zhang Man suggested.

Huang Manyu said:"Yeah! But before that, let’s sort out some of the information we know now and see if there is anything missing?"

Hearing Huang Manyu's words, Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man nodded slightly in agreement.

"The identity of the person who deliberately leaked the information to the newspaper is currently unknown."

Huang Manyu said:"But I can be sure that the other party is a girl, and listening to the voice, she is very young."

"That's right! Lu

Qianshan nodded slightly and agreed:"Moreover, there is another characteristic, that is, the other party called the major newspapers around eleven o'clock........."

Zhang Man said:"Yes, the news obtained from those newspapers is indeed true. The other party was called at this stage."

Huang Manyu asked:"Then the question is?"

"what is the problem?"

Zhang Man asked.

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu, pursed his lips, and looked at the three business women and domineering beautiful CEOs in front of him, peeling off layers of silk and cocoons, looking for the people behind the scenes.

Really It felt a bit like playing a detective game.

Su Can leaned against the sofa and poured himself a cup of tea. Although he was temporarily forgotten by Zhang Man, Lu Qianshan and Huang Manyu.

However, Su Can was happy and at ease.

Picking up the tea With that cup of tea, Su Can leaned back on the sofa and looked at three beautiful women. This was really a joy in life!


Su Can drank tea and watched their analysis.

Huang Manyu continued:"That is, why did she choose this time period to call major newspapers to reveal the news?"


Hearing Huang Manyu's words, Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan fell into deep thought.

This is a question.

Why call at this time?

Usually, when can't you call, but choose to call in the middle of the night? At this time, ordinary people have already Go to sleep........

Su Can nodded slightly, but Huang Manyu had grasped a key point.

Indeed, as she said, this time period deserves special attention.

After all, in this era, there are not so many places for entertainment. Just like in economically developed Xiangjiang, there are very few.

In addition, there are many clubs these days. Ordinary people spend most of the night at home, and no one is wandering around outside!

Is this person still outside at this time?

What is this identity?

Especially when the call came at eleven o'clock in the evening?

It can be seen that the other party did it on the spur of the moment, rather than deliberately planning for a long time. Otherwise, why didn't they leak the news during the day?

Because speaking out during the day was enough for the newspapers to have enough time to format and write articles to break the news.

But, she didn't break the news until she got to that point.

It shows that the other party made a last-minute decision.

Of course, it is also very possible that the other party deliberately leaked the news after eleven o'clock in the evening.

The purpose is to confuse people.

It made everyone else feel that she did it on the spur of the moment rather than planning it for a long time.

So, if this is really the case, this person's scheming is definitely very cunning and terrifying........

Such a person is definitely a formidable enemy.

Even Su Can must be alert when he cheers up. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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