When Su Can had a headache, Zhang Man said:"What should we do now?"

Lu Qianshan said:"First go to those newspapers and directly accuse them. If they don't tell Who revealed it to us and directly purchased the newspaper?"

"After the acquisition, those who refused to tell were directly fired.........."

Huang Manyu said.

The three top women in Hong Kong discussed domineeringly and bought the next financial news media at every turn.

That's a company with a market value of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

For ordinary people, it is a high-ranking newspaper office. One word can affect the location of major fishing boats in Hong Kong, causing headaches for bosses with net worths of tens or hundreds of millions.

However, for Zhang Man, Huang Manyu and Lu Qianshan, any one of the three of them can acquire the resources at their disposal at any time.

Moreover, not just one or two, but all of them.

It’s just that I was too lazy to acquire it before.

Now, as long as they spread the word and tell them directly, if those people dare not agree, then they will get good results.

Su Can looked at it and almost stopped covering his head.

These women are more direct and willful than myself.

However, doesn’t this also show that there is nothing wrong with offending, but it must be offended by women?

In fact, those newspapers did not offend the three women Huang Manyu, Zhang Man, and Lu Qianshan, but Su Can.

However, the consequences of offending Su Can are more serious than offending Huang Manyu and Zhang Manlu Qianshan.

Because if you offend any one of the three of them, you are only offending the domineering and beautiful CEO among them.

If you offend Su Can, then you have offended all three of them.

The three of them are all women who are crazy about Su Can, unable to extricate themselves, and willing to do anything for Su Can.........

Once this woman becomes angry and crazy, there is no reason for it.

Just like yesterday, Cangtian Yingluo went crazy, not caring about the consequences at all, and directly exposed the fact that Su Can was the Wanxiang Group.

This woman is crazy.

And now, Zhang Man, Huang Manyu, Lu Qianshan and others are almost going crazy with anger.

If they dare to target the man they like, isn't that asking for death?

The three of them were all angry. As for what to do and how to do it, to dig out the mastermind behind the scenes, it all depended on how they liked to do it.

As for those newspapers?

They don't care!

"I have the phone number of Chen Danian, the editor-in-chief of Financial Weekly. I immediately called him and asked him to tell him who revealed the news. Huang

Manyu took out her Xiaomi phone and said directly


Lu Qianshan and Zhang Man nodded their heads sharply when they heard this.

Su Can looked at this scene and couldn't laugh or cry. Is it because others disgusted him? Why can't he get involved now?

This is completely because of Zhang Man and Huang Man had Lu Qianshan at their disposal.

What was this?

He leaned back on the sofa and watched Huang make a phone call. He felt that this scene was a bit interesting and fun, but also a bit helpless. He could only cry slightly and didn't know whether to laugh or cry........


Huang Manyu pressed the speaker phone

"Hello, Mr. Huang!"

The person over there knew that this was Huang Manyu's phone number, so he wrote it down and said respectfully:"Is there anything I need to tell you? If it is to publish a news interview, it may take a few days. Now Financial Weekly has just broken a big news."

The editor-in-chief of Financial Weekly, Chen Danian, didn't know the relationship between Huang Manyu and Su Can at all. When he spoke like this, he almost hit the muzzle of a gun.

"Chen Danian."

Huang Manyu's voice was low. Anyone who knows her well knows that Huang Manyu was very angry at this time.

"Mr. Huang, I’m in a dilemma too!"

Chen Danian thought Huang Manyu needed a front-page news!

Huang Manyu became even more angry and said directly:"Chen Danian, I don't want to ask you for a front-page news, I want to ask you for personal information."

"Mr. Huang, who’s information? Just ask, I, Chen Danian, will definitely do it."

Chen Danian patted his chest and assured.


Opposite him is the person in charge of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. The resources he controls are among the best in all of Hong Kong.

Ordinary people have no chance to flatter themselves..........

When Chen Danian got this opportunity, he immediately agreed.

Huang Manyu's face softened after hearing this. This Chen Danian is quite discerning.

"Who broke the news to you? Mr. Su is the boss behind the scenes of Wanxiang Group. Give me his identity information! Huang

Manyu said majestically


When Chen Danian heard this, he was dumbfounded and said in embarrassment:"Mr. Huang, we are in this industry, but we have our own professional ethics. We must protect the information of the person who broke the news to me, and we cannot disclose it casually. When Huang

Manyu heard this, she frowned and said,"Chen Danian, don't talk to me about what is or isn't, just give me that person's information.""

"Mr. Huang, I can't do that! Please understand me!"

Chen Danian begged and said

"Chen Danian, I gave you face for the sake of your father, Mr. Chen. Don’t be shameless!"

Huang Manyu got angry when she saw Chen Danian's delay. Chen Danian inherited his father's business. His father founded Financial Weekly.

Now, his father has retired and he has inherited this position.

"Mr. Huang."

When Chen Danian heard this, he gritted his teeth and begged for mercy:"Mr. Huang, that is a matter of Wanxiang Group. You are from HSBC Bank. This is........"

"What? Do you think I'm being too nosy?"

Huang Manyu naturally heard the meaning of Chen Danian's words and said that it was a dog meddling in other people's business, which made Huang Manyu very angry.

"I have a nice talk with you, but you don’t agree. Are you going to force me to buy the Financial Weekly directly? Although your family is the largest shareholder of this financial weekly, the total shares of other shareholders, large and small, exceed 60%.

Huang Manyu said in a deep voice:"When the time comes, don't blame me for not giving your father face.""

"Mr. Huang, you can't do this!"

Chen Danian was shocked.

He never expected that Huang Manyu would be so cruel.

Isn't it just a matter that has nothing to do with her?

Why, this is about the acquisition of Financial Weekly.

Regarding Huang Manyu's acquisition of Financial Weekly, Chen Danian's heart On the other hand, I 100% believe that the other party has the strength.

Moreover, it will take less than a few days to successfully acquire it.

What is going on?

Why did you offend this queen ?.......

Isn’t that the matter of Wanxiang Group?

Chen Danian was confused. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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