Chapter 501 I! It’s not what it used to be [please subscribe! 】

How could Zhang Zifeng be with that guy Qin Fan and Zhang Zifeng looked at that guy like he was looking at his little lover.

Could it be that Zhang Zifeng’s underground love affair is extremely possible! After all, that guy is really handsome, more handsome than many male stars! This Zifeng likes him, and it’s normal! Big melon!! Ju Jingyi is more The more excited you think.

Zhang Zifeng develops an underground romance! Boyfriend is still a poor girl riding an electric donkey! If the combination of a female celebrity and a poor girl is exposed, it will definitely be a big blow to Zhang Zifeng’s stardom! Zhang Zifeng is embarrassed.

Ju Jingyi secretly rubbed and took out the phone, turned on the camera, and snapped a sneak shot at Qin Fan and Zhang Zifeng

“Brother, you said you are here to buy a car for your girlfriend”

“What’s the problem?”

Hearing Zhang Zifeng’s voice changed a little, Qin Fan asked in surprise.

“It’s okay.”

The small mouth of Zhang Zifeng under the mask couldn’t help but pouted.

The little brother actually has a girlfriend, so sad.

People!! “Brother, if you buy it for your girlfriend, I suggest you buy a BMW 8. Let me tell you, brother, BMW 8 is super invincible and cool”

Just when Zhang Zifeng was excited to introduce the BMW 8 to Qin Fan, Ju Jingyi led a few assistants secretly and walked over.

“Ah, this is not sister Zifeng.”

Zhang Zifeng looked up when he heard the sound, and her eyebrows frowned slightly and said, “Sister Ju.”

At the same time, I murmured in my heart: “This Ju Jingyi is an owl. I wear a mask. Why is it recognized by her? It is annoying.”

“Sister Zifeng, this handsome guy is your boyfriend, he looks so handsome.”

Ju Jingyi smiled.

“Sister Ju, don’t talk nonsense.”

Zhang Zifeng is not stupid and sweet, this Ju Jingyi is obviously here to do things.

However, Zhang Zifeng said that she didn’t panic at all.

This Ju Jingyi came to do things, and in the end she would only kill herself.

No matter how famous the stars are, they can’t match the power of capital.

Because the so-called celebrity is actually just a tool for making money in the hands of capital.

“Sister Zifeng”

Just when Ju Jingyi deliberately raised her voice and wanted to expose Zhang Zifeng’s identity and attract other people’s attention, a middle-aged father and son walked over here quickly interspersed with the crowd, while waving and enthusiastically shouting: “Mr. Qin, you are also here. Here, what a coincidence.”

“boss Zhang.”

Qin Fan smiled.

This middle-aged father and son are not others, but our Zhang Daqian, Zhang Wu and his son.

“This is Zhang Dongju Jingyi of Shenghuang Real Estate whose pupils shrank.

She has a habit of getting to know a city in advance before going to a city, especially the big guys in this city. After she arrives in that city, after meeting those big guys, she can recognize them for the first time. , And then go to make friends with the big guys! The longer you spend in the entertainment industry, the more Ju Jingyi understands the role of contacts! Therefore, after seeing Zhang Daqian and his son, Ju Jingyi quickly recognized the identity of the latter.

The Jiangcheng boss with a net worth of several billions, although not top-notch, is not something she can afford to be a star.

Wait!! How could the chairman of Shenghuang Real Estate call this guy?

For Mr. Qin, and the faces of the father and son are filled with enthusiastic smiles, this is extremely scary! Ju Jingyi’s eyes fell on Qin Fan’s body, and the corners of his eyes twitched uncontrollably.

Zhang Daqian glanced at Zhang Zifeng and Ju Jingyi, “Mr. Qin these two are”

“She is a friend of mine.”

“Hello, Mr. Zhang, this is Zhang Zifeng.”

Zhang Zifeng followed Qin Fan and referred to Zhang Daqian as President Zhang.

“It turned out to be Miss Zhang.”

Zhang Daqian did not know Zhang Zifeng, but his son Zhang Wu did.

“Zhang Zifeng star Zhang Zifeng”


Zhang Zifeng nodded and said in a sweet voice.

After confirming Zhang Zifeng’s identity, our Zhang Wu looked at Qin Fan with admiration.

It’s awesome! As expected of Qin Dao! Even female stars have been soaked.

And this Zhang Zifeng seems to have just graduated from high school, he’s amazing my big brother Qin! “This… is a famous star, don’t you know Mr. Zhang?”

Zhang Daqian stared at Ju Jingyi carefully and looked at him blankly.

He knows very few stars, especially those who have suddenly become popular in recent years, and he doesn’t know any of them.

“Mr. Zhang, this is Ju Jingyi.”

Not being recognized by anyone made Ju Jingyi a little embarrassed.

“You are the Ju Jingyi who has met once in four thousand years.”

Zhang Wu stared at Ju Jingyi in surprise, looked up and down, and tut.

“It’s all my fans’ praise for me.”

Ju Jingyi smiled modestly.

However, Zhang Wu nodded seriously: “What you said is correct, it is indeed absurd.”

Ju Jingyi: “”

Assistants of Ju Jingyi: “”

F*ck! This Zhang Shao is simply poisonous!! Zhang Wu is very shrewd and has a good sense of what he says.

Qin Fan’s attitude towards Ju Jingyi and Zhang Zifeng is obviously different.

Obviously Ju Jingyi was not welcomed by Qin Fan.

In that case, Zhang Wu would naturally not wait to see this Ju Jingyi.

As for Ju Jingyi’s status as a popular star, hehe, this kind of traffic star who is lifted by the capital… is a ball.

Seeing Ju Jingyi’s deflated appearance, Zhang Zifeng tried to suffocate a smile.

This Shao Zhang is too “outspoken”

It’s up

“Zhang Shao, are you here to buy a BMW? If you want to buy a BMW, I can ask BMW Xia Guo for a larger discount for you.”

Ju Jingyi said as she rolled her eyes.

This Young Master Zhang slapped her face so directly.

You have billions of assets in your family. Although it is awesome, Ju Jingyi is not what I used to be! Now, Ju Jingyi is the image spokesperson of BMW! The coffee rank has been raised by another level! “Oh you still have This skill”

Zhang Wu was surprised.

Hearing the sound, Ju Jingyi straightened her chest, and some Tsundere said, “Don’t hide from Zhang Shao, I am now the image spokesperson of BMW Xia Guo. Today I am here to sign a relevant endorsement contract with President Zhang of BMW Xia Guo. of.”

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