Chapter 500 Zhang Zifeng: Call you little brother [Subscribe! 】

“Hehe, we are very good in Jiangcheng, do you know why we are here today”

“Let me tell you, BMW Xia Guo’s”

Just when Zhang Kui was ready to pretend to be forced, Ju Jingyi frowned and interrupted: “Zhang Kui, stop talking, let’s go.”

Now that the Internet fishing boat is not good for her, during this time, she can still keep a low-key low-key as much as possible.

Looking at Ju Jingyi and his party who left, Qin Fan couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled.

The big star, hehe, just when the two were about to walk towards the auto show center, our teacher Lu’s cell phone rang.

After answering the phone, Lu Danqing stopped and said helplessly to Qin Fan: “Qin Fan, there is a meeting in the college temporarily, I have to go back to school.”

“For a car, you can choose one for me. I like everything you choose.”

“All right.”

“Dan Qing, you can ride my electric bike back. When I choose a car for you, I will drive the car to school and give it to you.”


After receiving the car key handed over by Qin Fan, our teacher Lu walked towards the electric car, while Qin Fan walked towards the auto exhibition center to the car exhibition hall alone. The short cannon, facing the show car and the car model, is a meal: Ka Ka Ka.

BMW Xia Guo holds a large-scale auto show every year in different major cities in China, attracting the majority of BMW enthusiasts.

The presence of the big star Ju Jingyi attracted the attention of many people for a while.

When people know that Ju Jingyi will be the spokesperson of BMW, it can be said to have stirred up waves with one stone.

Ju Jingyi’s fans naturally cheered.

But most of the people are quite critical about this.

After all, these days, Ju Jingyi has been criticized by many netizens for playing big names.

Many Jiangcheng netizens even shouted for Ju Jingyi to get rid of Jiangcheng! “What is BMW? How can you invite this Ju Jingyi to be the spokesperson?”

“That is, Ju Jingyi’s car has Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, but does not have a BMW, she is obviously not a BMW fan, how can BMW ask her to be the spokesperson?”

“Isn’t it said that BMW intends to invite Zhang Zifeng to be the spokesperson of BMW? I think that… Zhang Zifeng is much more suitable than Ju Jingyi. Anyway, that… Zhang Zifeng is at least a BMW fan.”

“Yes, Zhang Zifeng owns several BMWs under her name.”

“Although Zhang Zifeng is young, his acting skills are still online. Unlike someone acting, he is always an expression.”

“My Xiaoju is a beauty who has met once in four thousand years. Bao asked my Xiaoju to be the spokesperson, which shows that BMW has a vision.”

“Hehe, what are you sour? Can Zhang Zifeng’s Xiaoju compare to Zhang Zifeng’s popularity?”

“Xiaoju, you are the best and will always support you!”

“BMW invites Ju Jingyi to be its image spokesperson”

Qin Fan, who was watching the car not far away, couldn’t help frowning when he heard the news.

It’s no wonder that Ju Jingyi and his assistant seem to be resurrected full of blood, and they turned out to be such a big endorsement.

BMW has entered the Xiaguo market for so many years and has not invited a spokesperson. This is the first time it is very meaningful to invite a spokesperson.

There is no celebrity who does not want to be the spokesperson of BMW


Because the star speaks for BMW, the two achieve each other.

It should even show that the stars will profit more from it! With BMW’s current reputation, please don’t ask for spokespersons, in fact, it does not have much impact on BMW’s sales.

Asking a spokesperson can only serve as an icing on the cake at best, nothing more.

But for the celebrity who endorses BMW, that meaning is bigger.

You endorse BMW, and BMW is also endorsing you! Being able to become the spokesperson of BMW Xia Guo, it is no exaggeration to say that this can directly improve the status of a celebrity! Although this Ju Jingyi now has many fans and popularity Wang, arguably the top traffic.

But Qin Fan has always been indifferent to this kind of traffic star.

Not to mention seeing Ju Jingyi playing a big name twice in a row, Qin Fan has long been disgusted with this female star.

Just when Qin Fan took out his mobile phone to make a call, his shoulder was patted from behind.


A female voice full of youthful breath sounded.

Qin Fan turned to look.

I saw a girl with a ball head wearing a pink mask looking at him with a smile.

Although the girl with the ball head was wearing a mask, Qin Fan recognized her for the first time.

“Zhang Zifeng.”

“Aren’t you filming, why are you here?”

During this period, Zhang Zifeng often chatted with Qin Fan on WeChat.

Well, it’s a chat. In fact, most of them are Zhang Zifeng alone talking about trivial things in life, those interesting things encountered in acting, Zhang Zifeng will share with Qin Fan on WeChat, “I have no drama in the afternoon, so I just Come out, I am a loyal BMW fan. This is a large-scale auto show held by BMW Xia Guo only once a year. Of course I am going to visit it.”

“Mr. Qin, are you here to buy a car? If so, my senior BMW fan can make recommendations for you.”

Zhang Zifeng said lively.

“Stop calling me Mr. Qin, just call me by name.”

“Okay, actually I am not used to calling you Mr. Qin, I feel that I call you old.”

“You are five years older than me, I will call you little brother from now on.”

Zhang Zifeng smiled.

“It’s up to you.”

“Hey, isn’t that Zhang Zifeng?”

Not far away, Ju Jingyi noticed Zhang Zifeng.

The popularity of this Zhang Zifeng has soared in recent times, and he has won a large, large-scale film and television drama that is being filmed in Jiangcheng, the female number one.

While making her envious, it also made her feel a sense of crisis.

But now, this sense of crisis no longer exists.

Because she has become a spokesperson for BMW.

Speaking of BMW Xia Guo had also intentionally asked Zhang Zifeng to be the spokesperson.

Fortunately, under the hard work of the company behind her, the baby Xia Guo finally fell in love with her Ju Jingyi! It is because Ju Jingyi once felt the pressure from Zhang Zifeng, that Ju Jingyi was impressed by Zhang Zifeng.

Even if Zhang Zifeng wears a mask now, Ju Jingyi quickly recognizes the former

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