Chapter 502 More willing to hug Qin Fan’s thighs [Subscribe! 】

“BMW Image Spokesperson”

Zhang Wu looked at Ju Jingyi in disbelief

Just at this time, Zhang Yao, the president of BMW Xia Guo, led his secretary to rush here.

Zhang Yao’s mood is very agitated.It has been a few days since he came to Jiangcheng from Kyoto.

He invited Qin Fan to dinner several times but was declined.

Now the second shareholder of BMW, Mr. Qin Fan, has come to the auto show! This is a good opportunity to make friends with each other! He must grasp what he says! Because it is about his own future! In this Mr. Qin Fan Qin settled in Before the BMW board of directors, the BMW board did not have a seat on the board of Xia Guoren! The former BMW company was firmly controlled by the European Boxer family! And after Mr. Qin’s kick, the current equity structure of BMW A lot has changed.

Mr. Qin holds 31.

% Shares, become the second shareholder of BMW in one fell swoop! Although the first shareholder is still the…Jiete family.

But Mr. Qin, the second shareholder, has a considerable right to speak in BMW, and he can directly influence: a series of major decisions of BMW! BMW is no longer the same… the boxer family is the only one! This is the shareholding structure of BMW. This change is of great significance to Zhang Yao! Because he and Mr. Qin are both from the Xia country! And some time ago, he had heard some bad news about him.

There is a gossip that the Boxer family intends to appoint a member of their family to Xia Guo to take over his position and become the president of BMW Xia Guo Co., Ltd.! The so-called empty holes do not come, many times, the gossip will often be verified in the end! So during this time, Zhang Yao was very anxious.

He spent half of his life in BMW Xia Guo, and finally took the position of president.It hasn’t been a year yet, and the headquarters will airborne a crooked nut to take his seat.

This makes Zhang Yao very unwilling.

But in the face of powerful capital, what can he do if he is not reconciled.

No matter how powerful his president is, he is also working for other people’s capital.If they want to replace him, they can replace him.

Just when Zhang Yao was about to admit his fate, BMW’s equity structure had undergone major changes.

A mysterious and low-key Xia Guoren was born and became the second largest shareholder of BMW, and his stake reached 31.

%! And the first shareholder of BMW, the entire box family now holds only 40 shares.

%! BMW is no longer the utterance of the box family! The future BMW company can finally make the voice of Xia Guoren! While Zhang Yao is proud, his desire to live has also been stimulated.

If Zhang Yao hugged Mr. Qin’s thigh, his position in BMW would not be as stable as an old dog! Zhang Yao had thought about hugging the thighs of other shareholders of BMW before.

To this end, he has also worked hard.

But Zhang Yao found that those crooked nuts were very bad, and he didn’t respect him at all.

So Zhang Yao gave up later.

Now the second shareholder of BMW is Xia Guoren. That kind of discrimination between races must no longer exist.

And I want to come to this… new shareholder BMW, I must also want to cultivate some of my own cronies. As Xia Guoren, he Zhang Yao has a unique advantage! And compared with the thighs of shareholders holding crooked nuts, Zhang Yao I am more willing to hug this…Mr. Qin’s thigh from my heart.

After all, they all have the same blood flowing in their bodies! For this reason, Zhang Yao temporarily decided the other day to change the venue of the annual BMW Xia Guo auto show from Kyoto to Jiangcheng!! “President Zhang!”

Ju Jingyi glanced inadvertently, and finally caught a glimpse of Zhang Yao who was striding towards here in a hurry.

This made Ju Jingyi’s heart overjoyed and flattered at the same time! Oh my god! The dignified president of BMW Xia Guo came to greet her personally! This is too much for her! “President Zhang, you are so polite, even personally. Come and pick me up.”

Ju Jingyi greeted her with a spring breeze, and proactively stretched out her catkins hand.

Before welcoming him, Ju Jingyi deliberately glanced at our Zhang Zifeng.

The little eyes seemed to say: “Sister Zifeng, have you seen it? The BMW president personally greeted me, Ju Jingyi has enough face!”

Ran goose!! Next second!! The smile on Ju Jingyi’s face completely froze.

Because Zhang Yao bypassed her directly, he rushed to Qin Fan’s face.

The corners of Ju Jingyi’s mouth twitched, and the scene was very embarrassing for a time! After Ju Jingyi turned around hard, his eyes suddenly stared at the boss.

Because Ju Jingyi saw Zhang Yaozheng bowing slightly towards Qin Fan.

“Hello, Mr. Qin, I am Zhang Yao, President of BMW Xia Guo, and I welcome Mr. Qin.”

Ju Jingyi was stunned, and his mind started to short-circuit.

What the hell is that… What kind of existence is Qin Fan even the president of BMW Xia Guo respects him so much.

This f*ck is a bit scary!!!! Zhang Daqian, Zhang Wu and his son are now in awe of Qin Fan.

This big Qin is even bigger than they thought.

It is hard to imagine that even the president of BMW Xiaguo bowed in front of Da Qin!! You know that BMW is one of the world’s major automotive giants! The market value is nearly 500 billion! This president is BMW Xiaguo Co., Ltd. The top management of the company, walking outside, directly represents the image of BMW.

Looking at the entire country of Xia, I am afraid that few people can afford this…President Zhang’s bow. Da Qin is so terrifying! Da Qin must have a powerful identity that is not known to their father and son! “President Zhang is polite! Now, let me introduce to you. This is Chairman Zhang Daqian Zhang of Jiangcheng Shenghuang Real Estate, and this is Chairman Zhang’s son Zhang Wu.”

“Hello, Mr. Zhang, we are my own family, haha.”

“Chairman Zhang, admiring your name for a long time.”

Looking at the scenes of several big guys talking and laughing.

Ju Jingyi is called an embarrassing F*ck! President Zhang hasn’t noticed her existence until now. I have such a low sense of existence as the spokesperson of the BMW image! “Mr. Qin, you are here to buy a car for your girlfriend.” what”

After knowing Qin Fan’s coming, Zhang Daqian immediately said earnestly: “If it weren’t for Mr. Qin’s help last time, my Shenghuang Real Estate would definitely be broken. What kind of car did Mr. Qin see this time? Buy it for Mr. Qin.”

“I know that Mr. Qin is not short of this little money, but this is my heart, and I hope that Mr. Qin will not refuse.”

For the weak, ask for a monthly pass, flowers, and evaluation tickets.

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