Chapter 499 BMW’s image spokesperson? [Please subscribe! 】

“Qin Fan, isn’t Wang Zhitian fired, why are you paying it back?”

Our teacher Lu asked Qin Fan after he finished the call.

In her impression, Qin Fan is not the kind of… “bullying people”


Qin Fan smiled: “I don’t know why Danqing, I am very disgusted with men wearing that kind of fitness vest, and I am very upset at the thought of that kind of person’s idea of ​​hitting you.”

“I asked the shadow to check him. If he has no problems, then naturally I won’t do anything, but if he has problems, then I have the right to do good deeds.”

After listening to Qin Fan’s words, our teacher Lu felt sweet in his heart.

Hee hee, I didn’t expect Qin Fan to be careful sometimes.Hanying is very efficient in doing things.On the next day, Qin Fan received a bunch of photos from Hanying.

Most of the photos were of Wang Zhitian and different girls cuddling and appearing in front of a certain hotel. After receiving these photos, Qin Fan was also unambiguous, and directly logged in to his Weibo account and edited these photos. Weibo.

In order to make Wang Zhitian completely popular on the Internet, Qin Fan also deliberately made a title of Shock Department.

[Shocked! “The most difficult” in history

The driving school coach was born in Jiangcheng!!] After posting Weibo, Qin Fan dialed Weibo President Cao Wei.

Instruct the other party to push the Weibo that he sent him and increase the exposure! Under the operation of Qin Fan, Wang Zhitian was on the hot search ranking overnight.

And the ranking is still: continue to climb.

Wang Zhitian is completely on fire.

In Jiangcheng, several families are jumping around.

Their wives and girlfriends turned out to be: when they were practicing driving, they went out to open a room with the driving school coach and gave them a cuckold! Break up!! Divorce!! Under the circumstances that the whole network knows, these men all angrily choose to break up or divorce.

Because those women have cheated in marriage and are well known throughout the Internet, they are basically going out of the house! A few ruthless people also demanded their wives to compensate for their mental losses! As for Wang Zhitian, it is even more miserable.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that everyone shouts and beats a rat crossing the street.

He is looking for a job, and no company wants him.

Just kidding! This forces other men to give other men green hats at every turn.

Ask which company dare to ask him Wang Zhitian is often approached by the husband and boyfriend of a woman he has played with before, and he is beaten like a storm.

As a result, Wang Zhitian often moved.

In short, it is just one word, miserable! How miserable it is, how miserable it is! A week later.

Lu Danqing successfully got our teacher Lu with a driver’s license, so Qin Fan will naturally take our teacher Lu to buy a car.

What car to buy? Thinking of being a major shareholder of BMW, Qin Fan decided to buy a BMW for Lu Danqing.

The fat water does not flow into the field of outsiders.

Two days ago, BMW Xia Guo Co., Ltd., hereinafter referred to as BMW Xia Guo President, once called Qin Fan, saying that BMW Xia Guo would hold a large-scale auto show in Jiangcheng and wanted to invite Qin Fan, a major shareholder…

With Qin Fan’s low-key personality, he naturally rejected the goodwill of BMW President Xia Guo.

BMW’s major auto show, let’s go shopping, no, just give it there

His teacher Lu mentions a BMW, so you don’t have to go to 4 stores

Riding on the beloved electric car, it was repaired and brought back. After coming to Jianghan University to pick up Danqing on the road, Qin Fan rushed directly to the location of the BMW Auto Show-the National Exhibition and Convention Center Jiangcheng! When I came to the exhibition center, I looked up and there were crowds of people. Lively! Just when Qin Fan stopped the car, a strange sound of Yin and Yang sounded from behind.

“Oh, come to the BMW Auto Show to buy a car, can you afford it? The BMWs on display here today are all imported BMWs, that kind of…junk BMW Brilliance doesn’t have it.”

Qin Fan turned around and looked over, really speechless.

It turned out that he met the pedestrian Ju Jingyi again.

The person who spoke just now was Ju Jingyi’s assistant Zhang Kui! The pomp of Ju Jingyi’s trip is still that big.

More than a dozen bodyguards in suits wearing big sunglasses are guarding them, all of them three-meter-eight, like a suit mob.

And beside Ju Jingyi, there were four 44 assistants who helped Ju Jingyi carry the bags, and the parasol parasols. All in all, the parasols are very ostentatious, and the awesome Grice is right! Seeing Qin Fan not talking, Zhang Kui Continue to sneer and sneer: “Yes, most people who come to the BMW Auto Show today can’t afford it, just like you. They just came to the car show and took a look at the auto show models.”

Seeing Lu Danqing’s fingers intertwined with Qin Fan, Zhang Kui couldn’t help but feel jealous.

This man riding a broken five, electric stove, can find such a good-looking girlfriend, it is also a dog! There is one more sentence hidden in Zhang Kui’s heart, and he dare not say it.

This sentence is that he thinks Qin Fan’s girlfriend is much more beautiful than Ju Jingyi, “Hey you are still here: Jiangcheng, it’s not easy.”

Qin Fan’s voice fell, and the faces of Ju Jingyi and Zhang Kui suddenly became ugly.

“Elevator rushing people” one after another

And “overbearing clearing the field”

Under the influence of the two storms, during this period of time, her wind direction on the Internet by Ju Jingyi has deteriorated a lot.

Many netizens accused her of playing big cards! What made Ju Jingyi even more uncomfortable was that she failed to play big cards and overturned. Many netizens in Jiangcheng shouted on the Internet to let her get out of Jiangcheng! Later they contacted other large When I was in the shopping mall, I was hit by a wall.

Qin Fan greeted Cheng Jun, President of Hanshang Group.

This made Ju Jingyi had to make a tragic decision to withdraw from Jiangcheng and change to another city for filming! She has never been so embarrassed since Ju Jingyi debuted, but! Soon she Ju Jingyi came to work! The company behind her won a super big endorsement for her! She Ju Jingyi became the image spokesperson of BMW Xia Guo! Today she came here to sign a formal contract with the president of BMW Xia Guo.

As soon as the contract is signed, Ju Jingyi will be the image spokesperson of BMW Xia Guo in the future! This will not only allow her to get a generous endorsement fee, but will also play a huge role in the continued improvement of her reputation. Because this is the first time for BMW Xia Guo to find an image spokesperson! Her Ju Jingyi’s ability to overwhelm many domestic first-line celebrities to become the image spokesperson of BMW Xia Guo, just ask you if you are awesome! Thank you book friend [倥絔】’S monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [倥絔] for your monthly pass support!! Thank you book friend [倥絔] for your monthly pass support!! To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download 99 Novel Network Novel!,

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