Chapter 498 Are you… looking for someone? [Please subscribe! 】

As for the fact that Lu Danqing has a boyfriend, isn’t it more exciting?

I, Wang Zhitian, likes to have a boyfriend or a beautiful girl with a family.

It is not only very exciting, but also very safe to make such a woman and secretly cuckold other men! I think he used to be a fitness trainer in a fitness center, although he can also soak a lot of sister paper, but in fact, the risk is still quite high.

Because many men are actually not so relieved of their girlfriends and wives going to the gym.

In this case, if he wants to soak these women, he has to take risks.

Once, when he opened a room with a woman, he was caught and raped by the other’s husband. For this reason, he not only suffered a severe beating, but also lost his job.

Later, he came to Donghu Driving School as a coach.

Suddenly, Wang Zhitian found that his spring was coming.

He suddenly discovered that the driving school is the real holy place for picking up girls.

Relying on his figure and the identity of the chief teacher, it would be unprofitable to soak up female students.

Moreover, these female students won’t be able to contact him after they get the driver’s license. What he likes most is this kind of dew love that is not responsible! The most important thing is that the risk is small.

In today’s society, many men have a strong sense of vigilance about fitness centers, but they often ignore the driving school. These men do not know that their daughter-in-law and women friends are driving the school while practicing, and they are likely to be driven as cars. For example, Wang Zhitian is not too cool!! Driving school, for those beautiful female students, Wang Zhitian wants to teach them two kinds of driving skills! I have a long way to go!!!!! And this Lu Danqing is There is no one of the most goddess women he has ever seen when he grows up! Such a superb woman, he has to take down whatever Wang Zhitian said! Zhang Qiuyan’s face suddenly looked a little ugly after hearing Wang Zhitian’s words.

What is meant by “If Coach Zhang teaches well, then I won’t take your name off.”

Co-authoring is not to say that Zhang Qiuyan’s teaching is not good enough! This Wang Zhitian directly in front of her students in order to soak sister paper, said that Zhang Qiuyan’s coaching level is not good! It is too much! But although Zhang Qiuyan is angry, but also I can only endure it forcibly.

No way, who made this Wang Zhitian the head coach of Donghu Driving School, and also a high school classmate of the vice principal.

And the vice-principal and the principal of the East Lake Driving School are in a father-son relationship. This background is really unattainable! “No, it’s enough for Zhang Jie to teach me.”

Lu Danqingdai’s eyebrows frowned slightly, and she felt the extreme for the person in front of her.

“Lu Danqing, you don’t cooperate with the teaching arrangements of the driving school. I think it is very difficult to get a driver’s license within half a month.”

“Although our East Lake Driving School guarantees that super students can successfully get a driver’s license within half a month, there is a prerequisite for you to cooperate with the teaching arrangements of the driving school.”

Wang Zhitian’s words contain a slight threat


At this moment, Qin Fan arrived.

“Qin Fan.”

Our teacher Lu suddenly smiled happily after seeing Qin Fan.

“I’ll go, that handsome guy is the boyfriend of Goddess Lu, he’s really a talented girl!”

“I used to think I was the most handsome, but now that I saw that brother, I realized that there are people in this world who are as handsome as me.”

“Please be a man

, Brother!”

“So handsome, so handsome.”

“This look is even more handsome than my family’s fighting.”

“What a handsome little brother, I’m in love.”

Hearing the surrounding students’ comments on Qin Fan, Wang Zhitian saw how Qin Fan was not pleasing to his eyes.

Ma Dan! For a long time, his Wang Zhitian is the most beautiful boy in the East Lake Driving School! Many female students will gather in private to discuss his abdominal muscles and greedy his body.

Now, this Qin Fan is here, and the limelight immediately crushed him Wang Zhitian into the soil to lift the table! “Danqing, I’m going to take the second 2 exam tomorrow, come on.”

Qin Fan laughed.

“I can’t go tomorrow.”

Lu Danqing pursed his mouth.

Looking at the face of our teacher Lu, Qin Fan immediately understood that there must be a problem in it.

“You are Coach Zhang.”

Qin Fan looked at Zhang Qiuyan, and after seeing the latter nodded, Qin Fan continued: “Coach Zhang, my girlfriend is your super student, isn’t it the priority to take the exam? This is what you promised me at the front desk!”

“This this”

Zhang Qiuyan stammered and didn’t know how to answer Qin Fan’s question.

“This sir, super students do have priority to take the test, but this requires the level of super students to meet the relevant requirements of our driving school.”

Wang Zhitian on the side took the conversation, his chest was sharp, and his chest muscles deliberately agitated, and said lightly.

“Teacher Wang, yesterday I met the requirements of our driving school for the assessment of Division 2 and Sister Zhang reported my name.”

Our teacher Lu retorted.

When Wang Zhitian heard the sound, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his speech was delayed for a while.

Their East Lake Driving School will conduct an internal exam before the students take the second 2 exam.

Only students who have passed the internal examination are eligible to take the official Division 2 exam.

Generally, ordinary students pass the internal test of the driving school.

And the super students only passed the internal assessment, and the East Lake Driving School will definitely arrange for the super members to enter the latest batch to take the official 2-2 exam.

“Lu Danqing, I have said that your performance is unstable. The reason why you passed the internal assessment of our driving school is just that you are lucky.”

Just when Wang Zhitian was forced to talk non-stop, our Qin Fan directly took out his mobile phone, found a number, dialed it, said a few words, and then hung up.

“Mr., you are looking for someone”

“I don’t know which big guy you are looking for”

Seeing Qin Fan not speaking, Wang Zhitian sneered: “I arrange the student exams. You people, don’t like to find people at every turn and go through the back door. This bad social atmosphere is the worst in my life. I’m not used to it.”

“Lu Danqing, if you want to take the 2nd subject exam sooner, just listen to my teaching arrangements. This is the right way.”

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