Chapter 497 Wang Zongjiao’s wishful thinking [please subscribe! 】

In the afternoon of the next day, Lu Danqing practiced subject 2 in the driving school.

The configuration of each super member class of East Lake Driving School is two senior coaches + a coach car! This configuration allows the students of the super member class to enjoy sufficient training time and coach follow-up instruction.

Of course, the super membership class of the East Lake Driving School is as high as: 288 yuan registration fee is also unwilling to be borne by ordinary families.

, It’s not that you can’t afford it, but most ordinary people are not willing to spend so much money to learn a driver’s license.

They would rather spend a little more time to test the driver’s license.

In other words, people who are willing to spend this money are generally well-off families, and at least they are middle-class people.

Donghu driving school, training ground! Our Lu teacher can be said to be famous. When she comes to practice, she always attracts the attention of many students and coaches.

No way, it is really our teacher Lu is too goddess.

“The latest news, Lu Danqing is still a teacher at Jianghan University.”

“I’ll go. I have a good face and a good temperament. I am still a college teacher. This is a real exquisite beauty. I will kill those female Internet celebrities and female stars in a flash.”

“It’s a pity that… the goddess already has a boyfriend.”

“What kind of man can be worthy of the goddess of the road?”

The single male students in several super member classes were a little depressed.

In the past few days, they all approached Danqing, but without exception, they all ended in failure.

“The boyfriend of this goddess doesn’t know who it is. It’s really bad luck to get the favor of the goddess. Envy.”

“If your girlfriend can practice driving in the super member class, if you think about his conditions, he must be an elite in the society.”

“Eh, yes, men who are not capable, facing Goddess Lu, most of them don’t have the courage to pursue it.”

“Zongjiao Wang seems to be interested in Goddess Lu. I often see Zongjiao Wang strolling around Goddess Lu when he is okay.”

“Don’t say, our… Master Wang has a really good figure, I see he has six pack abs.”

“Hehe, our… Professor Wang used to be a coach in a fitness center. Could this figure be bad?”

A group of students gossiping in the waiting area.

“It turned out to be a fitness coach, so I said, how could Mr. Wang’s figure be so good.”

“Dude, it has not been two days since you came here. You don’t know many things.”

An old student said mysteriously.

“Brother, chat with us.”

“Come on, brother, take root.”

The old student took a sip of Huazi and exhaled a smoke ring, then looked at the new students gathered around him, lowered his voice and said, “This… Mr. Wang is a romantic figure, and some women. Student, hey, you all understand.”

“I’ll go, real or fake”

“I can lie to you. There are only two people who were taken to open houses by our Chief Teacher Wang.”

“F*ck beast.”

“Hehe, get sour, who can make Wang Zhitian good in figure, handsome, and especially talkative, or the head coach of the East Lake Driving School, the average woman will soon fall into the face of his offensive.”

“F*ck, I was really prepared to wait until I got the driver’s license, and let my daughter-in-law come here to sign up for the driver’s license, oh!”

“Ms. Lu, this”

Lu Danqing

As soon as I got out of the car after training, I saw my coach looking at her with a hesitant expression, so he asked: “Sister Zhang, what’s wrong?”

“Hey, Mr. Lu is like this. You can’t go for the second exam tomorrow.”

Zhang Qiuyan pursed her mouth and sighed.

“Why Sister Zhang, didn’t the driving school give priority to the students in the super member class to take the test or that my level did not meet the requirements for taking the test”

Our Lu teacher asked.

Zhang Qiuyan shook her head: “Teacher Lu, your level is fully up to the requirements for taking the subject 2 2 exam. I also reported your name. I thought it was a good idea. Who knows that the last teacher Wang will give you your name. I will be removed from the list of taking the exam for Subject Two 2 tomorrow.”

“Wang Zongjiao”

Lu Danqing frowned, and his face became slightly ugly.

She faintly guessed why Wang Zhitian would pick her name from the list for taking the second 2 exam tomorrow.

“Sister Zhang, Master Wang is doing this, can I respond to the principal”

Lu Danqing asked.

Although our teacher Lu has a good temper, he is not bullied without knowing to resist.

Especially that… Wang Zhitian’s impression in our teacher Lu’s mind is still very poor.

When I think of that… Wang Zhitian, our teacher Lu feels sick.

I like to come to her to show my muscles, show my abs, and have that frivolous look in front of her when I am fine. Our teacher Lu is quite disgusted with it. “Teacher Lu, I am afraid this is a bit difficult. Mr. Wang is the vice principal of our East Lake Driving School. Your high school classmate, you”

As Zhang Qiuyan said, she suddenly shut up, because Wang Zhitian, wearing a fitness vest, walked over.

“Master Wang.”

Zhang Qiuyan shouted.


Wang Zhitian nodded, then looked at our teacher Lu, and said lightly: “Lu Danqing, logically speaking, you are a student in the super member class of our East Lake Driving School. I should give priority to you for the second 2 exam tomorrow. , But after two days of observation, I found that your level of Division 2 is not stable!!! If you go to take the exam tomorrow, it is very likely that you will not pass.”

“So, I picked your name off the list.”

“Well, starting tomorrow, I will teach you to practice driving. After all, you are a super student of our driving school. Our driving school will work hard to ensure that you can get your driver’s license in the shortest time.”

“No need for the Chief Teacher, Sister Zhang taught quite well.”

Lu Danqing said coldly.

“If Coach Zhang teaches well, then I won’t take your name off, Lu Danqing, I hope you can cooperate with our driving school’s tutorial arrangements. This is also responsible for you.”

Wang Zhitian said.

In the past two days, he used all his skills, but the woman in front of him turned a blind eye to him, which made him feel very hurt.

It’s unreasonable that there are still women in this world whom Wang Zhitian couldn’t overcome! I still don’t believe in this evil.

Until tomorrow, I will teach this Lu Danqing to practice the car with the car. At that time, there will be many opportunities for physical contact with the other party. Next, I completely lost herself. 99 reminds you: Three things to read: Collect, recommend, and share!,

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