Chapter 480 Domineering clearing the field provokes anger! [Please subscribe! 】

“I’m going, isn’t this so and so?”

Hanshang World Trade Plaza, as the top shopping mall in Jiangcheng, the flow of people is naturally huge.

The appearance of Ju Jingyi’s crew quickly attracted the attention of many people.

“Ju Jingyi, it’s Ju Jingyi, my goddess! God, I actually met the goddess.”

“Is this Ju Jingyi, who is hailed as the first beauty of my Xia country in four thousand years. Sorry, I really haven’t seen her beauty.”

“plus one!”

“The first beauty in four thousand years is just a packaging gimmick. In these years, the first beauty in thousands of years has been flying all over the sky. Let’s just listen to it and enjoy it.”

“Have you seen the news yesterday? At our Jinhui Building in Jiangcheng, Ju Jingyi directly let the people in the elevator get down and let her get on first.”

“I saw it, celebrities, all the big names are basic fuck.”

“F*ck, I said, can you stop black my goddess out of my head, yesterday it was obviously my goddess’ assistant who let people in the elevator get down, my goddess has never done this before.”

“And my goddess has already clarified yesterday’s incident. The people in the elevator yesterday were all filming and marketing accounts.”

A fan of Ju Jingyi spoke up to defend his idol.

“It is said that it was filmed on behalf of others, I want to say that if you don’t want to be filmed, let people take the elevator up first, so that people won’t be able to photograph you? Why do you have to let them down?”

“Brother, what do you call Jin with other fans? In their eyes, their idols fart and shit are fragrant.”

“Wocao, it’s disgusting, but the words are not rough.”

“But yesterday’s ending was very comfortable.”

“Yes, yes, the hardcore security guards of Jinhui Building don’t give people the face of superstars at all.”

“Boss Ju, I have a good vision here. Our first scene of the day can be filmed here.”

The director ran to Ju Jingyi and said flatly.

Ju Jingyi is not only the female number one in this show, but also the biggest investor in this show.Of course, he, a young director of the online drama, will of course want to flatter her.

Don’t ask why Ju Jingyi is such a big coffee, just asking an unknown young director to direct the filming of this drama is to save money!! Ju Jingyi invested in a web drama.

The purpose is active and simple, just to collect money.

In recent years, low-cost online dramas can be regarded as a money-making weapon.

After more and more first-line stars have tasted the sweetness, they are not tired of filming web dramas.

Because shooting low-cost web dramas does not require high acting skills, they save worry and effort.

The money is just like picking it up for nothing.

Don’t be too cool

“You are the director, you decide.”

Ju Jingyi said lightly.

After confirming that the filming would be on the second floor of the Hanshang World Trade Shopping Center, under Zhang Kui’s instruction, the security captain led the next big ticket security guard and began to clear the scene.

“Hey, hey, this is the property security office of Hanshang World Trade Plaza. From now on, the second floor will be temporarily requisitioned for one hour. Please all customers and friends to leave the second floor in an orderly manner.”

“All customers and friends, please leave the second floor in an orderly manner!”

The security captain put one hand on his hips, and shouted loudly with a loudspeaker prepared in advance in one hand.

Most people heard the sound of the horn, and after figuring out that there was a crew to film on the second floor, they were willing to cooperate.

Time left from the second floor.

However, this move also attracted many people’s dissatisfaction.

“Why let us leave? You are too domineering.”

“I have time to go out at noon one day to buy something, now I am halfway through the purchase, you let me go”

“Make a scene and clear the entire second floor. What kind of crew is this? The extravagance is too big.”

“Who is it? It turned out to be Ju Jingyi. Yesterday, he played big names in Jinhui Building, and now he went to Hanshang World Trade Shopping Center to play big names. It’s okay, it’s very strong.”

Qin Fan, who was accompanying Lu Danqing to purchase daily necessities on the second floor, suddenly wrinkled his eyebrows after learning the reason for the clearing.

Why is Ju Jingyi the overbearing behavior of this guy Ju Jingyi’s crew clearing the scene?In addition to attracting the dissatisfaction of many shoppers, it also attracted the dissatisfaction of many shops on the second floor.

This is one hour of clearing the market, which means that in the next hour, they will not be able to sell a product.

And 1:00 p.m.: During this time period, it is the peak traffic period.

The property security said that the market should be cleared when the site was cleared, so who would pay for the intangible losses brought to them by the site clearance. For this reason, many stores came out and fought hard with the security guards of Hanshang World Trade Center.

“You are clearing the field like this, didn’t you delay our business!”

“That’s right, just now, several customers in my store were interested in buying, but when you shouted through the loudspeaker, they put down their things and left!”

“I want to protest!”

“You clear the site for an hour, our loss, will your property pay the bill?”

Faced with the condemnation of a lot of shops, the security captain, who was eager to show himself in front of his idol Ju Jingyi, not only was not angry at all, but was secretly happy.

The same thing is done for people, if you do it easily, then people will naturally be grateful to you.

But if you have gone through many difficulties and twists and turns, and finally you can help people get things done, so that people’s gratitude to you will inevitably be a lot more! Thinking of this, the security captain chested and took a deep breath , Looked around a group of stores, and said loudly to the horn with a full voice: “You guys, take a long-term view, Ju Jingyi, that’s a popular star with tens of millions of fans. She chose 2 Filming, that’s your honor!!!.”

“You think, wait until this drama is released in the future. If your store appears on the camera, it will give your store a wave of free ads. You are making blood. Such a good thing, others ask. I can’t ask yet.”


“You treat us as fools”

Many stores cursed at the security captain.

When it appears on the camera, it is an advertisement. The advertisement is too worthless.

Only that kind of…close-up, given to the lens alone, can have an advertising effect.

Like this kind of natural photogenic, there is a fart advertising effect, at most it only serves as a background wall.

And some brands themselves have a great reputation in China.

There is no need to “show your face” on a low-cost online drama

To get the attention of others

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